Friday, October 31, 2008

Environmental protection






Tuesday, October 28, 2008

good news for spinal cord recovery

There are some 100 billion neurons in the human brain, and the study suggests an unsuspected degree of flexibility in the kinds of tasks they can perform.

'Nearly every neuron we tested could be used to control this type of stimulation,' Dr Chet Moritz, lead author and a researcher at the University of Washington, told journalists in a conference call.

If a monkey can do it, a human should be able to do it even better, he said.

Clinical trials, however, are at least several years away, perhaps longer, Dr Moritz added.

Spinal cord injuries cripple hundreds of thousands of people worldwide every year, rendering the simplest of actions - opening a door, scratching an itch, drinking a glass of water - frustratingly difficult, or simply impossible.

Those afflicted with the most severe form of paralysis, known as lock-in syndrome, are fully conscious prisoners inside a body that no longer responds to commands.

While the brain activity that would normally result in a voluntary movement is still present, the instructions simply don't reach the muscles.

Dr Moritz and two colleagues at the University of Washington found a way to bypass the kind of nerve damage that can result in such paralysis.

They first connected electrodes to individual neurons inside the motor cortex of monkey's brain and recorded the electrical activity.

These signals were then routed in real-time to a computer, and from there through a stimulator to another set of electrodes attached directly to wrist muscles that had been artificially blocked further up the arm along the normal neural pathway.

Because little processing power is needed, the computer is the size of a cell phone, and can be attached to the animal's body.

Future versions will be wireless and small enough to implant directly in the body, the researchers said.

The monkey had already mastered a simple video game, grasping targets shown on a video screen with a control device manipulated by a single hand.

'But once he was paralysed, the only way to move his wrist was to change the activity of individual neurons in his brain,' Dr Moritz explained.

On average it took about 10 minutes for the monkeys to 'train' the neuron well enough to play the video game again.

'The brain can very rapidly learn to control new cells and use them to generate movements,' said co-author Eberhard Fetz.

Earlier experiments enabling monkeys to manipulate prosthetic devices or computer cursors using only electrical impulses coming from the brain were based on a fundamentally different premise, according to the new study.

'They tried to read the mind of the money and figure out what he was planning to do,' a technique that required massive computing power, said Dr Moritz.

'Our approach is to recreate the raw connectivity between single neurons in the brain and muscles, and let the monkey's nervous system learn how to use that connectivity.'

This is also the first study to show that a one neuron can control a muscle - and possibly a whole group of muscles.


万里之外的北极,在2008年几乎迎来有史以来第一个无冰之夏。科学数据显示:去年夏天9月中,北极冰层融化23%,是有卫星纪录以来最少的年份。 今年的数据还没有出台,但无疑更加糟糕。无冰之夏正告世人:气候变暖事实昭昭,生态崩溃就在眼前!一位参会的欧洲科学家在人民大会堂告诉我说,如果北极的 水温再上升6度,人类将面临灭顶之灾。

  我丝毫不怀疑金融海啸于人类社会之严重,但毫不客气地讲,相对于气候变暖引发的生态崩溃,华尔街 的那点事可就不算什么了。去年11月17日,联合国环境规划署和世界气象组织共同组建的联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会,在西班牙巴伦西亚发布关于气候变 暖的综合报告,大量数据分析显示:全球气温本世纪可能上升1.1至6.4摄氏度,海平面上升18至59厘米;如果气温上升幅度超过1.5摄氏度,全球 20%到30%的动植物物种面临灭绝;如果气温上升3.5摄氏度以上,40%到70%的物种将面临灭绝。




Friday, October 24, 2008

There will be light at the end of the tunnel

Good example of wonderful citizen of our lovely world. Take care of old friends and old staffs.
One example is a gentleman working in Auckland, New Zealand. ( quoted)

Mr Noble knows things are as tight as ever at the moment, with the 10-staff business "just barely covering costs".
The company, which makes air-conditioning vents for the construction industry, normally spends about $48,000 a month on steel. Last month it spent $6000.
While he realises he "could be doing with dropping a couple" of staff, Mr Noble will be hanging on to his workers for now - and keeping the sign in the window.
If someone has the gumption to see the sign and come in looking for work, then that person deserves a try-out, he says.
Mr Noble's attitude is typical of many businesses operating along the 4.2km stretch of Dominion Rd that runs between Eden Terrace and Mt Roskill. The road's collection of restaurants, second-hand stores and light industry is about as far from Wall St as you can get.

Most likely the workers will be loyal to the company and employer and work like a team or a family. During good time or economy recession/ or economy depression period. Our salute


For young people, it is good to enjoy training.
Nice to talk to uncle Nelson Goh. It is a good sign to have muscle which is heavier in mass as compare to fat. so losing a little weitght yet gain more muslce strength is the correct effect after 3 to 6 moths training such as running.
In the future, when people observed Japanese morning Banana diet, which is limited to 120 grams per 60 Kg body weight, first thing in the morning, it help to keep a balance body weight, Serotonin, and early morning carbohydrate( optimum amount) booster body metabolism.
That is good news. Relatively less total body weight( Ideal weight) do help to reduce pressure over back, knee etc. Anyway, Appropriate training for young people is beneficial.
Just enjoy the exercise, feel the fitness, put on sunglasses, then run, brisk walk or just walk. Wsihing you a good day.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Good climate, good economy link with good health?

Look at the history of economy recession, there seems to be a correlation with several economy crisis like 1987, 1997, 2001, happened a a year after Eldino.
There were natural disasters.
Then many people got sick....quoted present situation of world economy crisis and human suffering..Is there a prevention to ensure good health?

For the very poor, there should be sufficient food stored for bad time. Many people cannot wait for the world economy to recover in a few years time.
Though most likely general health, and other condition will improve within a few years.( seequote)

This was true internationally, as central banks of developing countries parked their growing foreign exchange reserves in the US, so that the South provided net finance to the North, instead of using such resources for its own development.

It was also true within countries, as profits soared but wage shares of national income declined sharply and agrarian distress persisted.

India is seen as a big success story of globalisation, but only a minority of Indians benefitted materially from the high growth.

Formal sector employment stagnated, real wages for most workers actually fell, nearly 200,000 farmers committed suicide, and there was an increase in the millions of hungry people and malnourished children. ( Those who survive will be the fit and strong)

Good health, nice climate link with good economy?

one of the method to be happy and successful

GRATITUDE is POWER, and here's why....

When you are thankful for what you have - for the friends you have, and for the things you've got, you attract more good people and good things!

People who always complain about what they DON'T HAVE, stay stuck. Complainers attract more things to complain about!

It is a law of life.

It's hard to explain, but you can observe it around you.
We get more of what we dwell upon.

That's why all the spiritual masters have taught the same lesson .....
'Start by being thankful. Be happy with what you have now, and more will come your way.'

It's practical advice.

Every time you say a silent 'thank you' you become more peaceful – and more power.

The secret to happiness is being grateful for everything

Treatment for Diabetes

potential new treatment for people with type 1 diabetes.
cell transplant clinical trial to test a potential new treatment for people with type 1 diabetes. The start of the trial at Middlemore Hospital in Auckland , New Zealand

Monday, October 20, 2008

bird flu virus in crow

house crow found dead in a crowded district in Hong Kong last week has tested positive for the highly pathogenic H5N1 bird flu virus, a government spokeswoman said on Monday.

The appearance of the virus in Hong Kong, more active in the cooler months between October and March, is closely watched as it may indicate the level of activity of the virus in mainland China, which has a poultry population of 13 billion.

The virus is endemic in poultry in parts of Asia but experts fear it will mutate into a form that is easily passed from human to human, sparking a pandemic which could kill millions of people.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Heart foundation and good supporter...keep fit

Interesting to see
Nice to know sport science. To keep fit

Friday, October 17, 2008

Metabolism rate increased ?

Divers around southern Korea found to have higher metabolism rate during working in winter.
That is related to their slim and fit condition in spite of taken a lot more food.
Another observation of people taking one Banana( about 100 grams) in the morning helps to keep fit and slim.
( Take Banana in the morning, with optimum amount)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

12th Oct 08 for reference

If we are relatively fit for a period of time. We will be better of than 'US'( correct answer US)

如果投资银行真的一个一个垮台,不仅会导致金融市场出现恶性抛售,更麻烦的是,还将引起美国中小金融机构倒闭概率的上升,从而引发美国企业破产潮的爆发。而具有储蓄功能的金融机构的倒闭风险,无疑又将带来存款者的恐慌,甚至挤兑。进入2008年,美国已经破产了8家商业银行。但这似乎只是开始。联邦存款保险公司已经将90家银行列入了"问题银行 "名单。而经济学家谢国忠则认为,最终破产的商业银行数量将可能超过100家。




Friday, October 10, 2008

A stich in one save nine

Today's Washington meeting will bring together finance ministers and central bankers from the United States, Germany, Japan, France, Britain, Italy and Canada for some collective thinking on the credit crunch and crashing stocks.

They are to be joined by counterparts from other nations, including Australia, Brazil, Russia, India and China, for a gathering of the expanded G20 group.

Also this weekend, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will be holding annual meetings.

Sources say Japan will propose an IMF loan scheme to give countries in financial crisis access to the trillions of dollars in reserves held by Asian and Middle Eastern governments.

Japan and China between them have US$2.8 trillion in reserves, and although Japan's market has been hit by selling, both countries have been relative oases of calm in a world financial crisis that has destroyed banks from Wall Street to Iceland, frozen money markets and drained capital from emerging markets. ( most likely, just it good for our environment?)


Nobel Peace prize 2008






The Morning Banana Diet

It has been claimed that people around north east Asia take Banana in the morning and keep slim.
Those who gain weight instead of sliming probably has taken too much Banana. About 2 gram per kilogram body weight should be enough for each person, that is about one large Banana each morning.
It is best to take in the morning. Banana contain Serotonin. Those who take too much or take Banana at night might get too much energy and stored up in the body and gain more weight.
So, it is nice to take it in the morning. Watch out for the amount too, and enjoy the good timing.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

precious healthy life

Shock to see the news from USA, as quoted
' AN unemployed California man shot and killed his wife, three children and mother-in-law before taking his own life over his family's financial difficulties.'.
Potential recovery is a matter of time for healthy soul and body.
I called many medical staffs, doctors for optimum arrangement to ensure a safer action for my niece's Appendicitis operation. Then followed with called to relatives of extended family to check with my sister who has been very close to me as long as I could remember since my very young childhood. Even her grand children are very closed to me. Brave young children of 12 and 8 did their routine home work. Prepared their own breakfast while their mother is in hospital.
They showed the kind of mood looking forward to doing thing for a better future.

Monday, October 06, 2008

continued ...last topic...good news at the last sentence

Russia's RTS stock market closed down 19.10 percent in its worst fall in history. Indonesian shares fell more than 10 percent and trading in Brazil's stock market was suspended after massive declines of 15 percent, before the index pared its loss to 5.43 percent.

The London FTSE 100 index of leading shares fell 7.86 while in Paris the CAC 40 index shed 9.04 percent, its heaviest one-day loss since its creation in 1988.

The Frankfurt DAX lost 7.07 percent. In Dublin the Irish stock exchange's main ISEQ index ended with a loss of 9.59 percent, with banks taking the hardest hit.

European governments appeared divided on whether guaranteeing all deposits was the best way to safeguard confidence, and the EU commission called on member states for better coordination.

Denmark, Portugal and Iceland guaranteed deposits, emulating Germany on Sunday and Ireland and Greece last week, adding pressure on other European governments to follow suit.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown called a meeting of his "economic war cabinet." Finance minister Alistair Darling said the government would consider extending insurance guarantees.

Amid the turbulence, the euro fell to a 14-month low of 1.3441 dollars. Oil prices slipped below 90 dollars a barrel( note: it was 147 in July)

Good news ? for car transport

The world wide financial crisis has caused nervous panic activities all over the world.
It is important to take regular deep breathing exercise. Focus on some good news.
Yes, petrol price is going to be cheaper, very soon.
The whole world will recover again.
Time to do more optimum exercise. Take up serious physical health training program.
Best time to look for good books. Those who are having spare cash, may be invest in steady company supported by every body...such as post Malaysia Holding.( Please do not quote me if you won eventually, just celebrate quietly)
I am going to see good scenery now. Bye my friends


一般老人都较易发生骨折。人到30岁,就会达到所谓的“骨峰值”,你的骨峰值越高,你“储存库”里的骨量也就越多,日后患骨质疏松症的几率就会相对地减少。 年轻时候经常运动,能够让人体骨量增长得更多。这样的话,就算30岁以后出现骨质流失的情况,还是能长久确保骨骼健康。

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Petrol Bonus--special

Have you heard of Bonus for car petrol. It is a kind of rebate for car owner in Malaysia. After road Tax and yearly renewal, just bring the registration document to the nearest post Office. fill a form and cue up for the cash rebate of around 625. That is for one year. My friend Charles told me that his colleague Samsudin got 5 cars at home and got 5 X 625 in cash.
Oh yes, the officer will get the car owner's left thumb print, full broad thumb print.
This type of bonus , according to reliable source, is for one year period only. It may not happen again in the future.
I got a number for the Q, 2234. There are many people who could not wait and didnot show up when the number is announced through loud speaker. One of the client, 60+ years old gentleman, said he since 3 hours ago. It is not an easy task to wait for many hours with repeating blast of loud loud speaker.
It is a special experience. Personally, I think, post office also make money from this programme. At least, from the interest when people waited later date to collect the allocated sum. Relax and look for more interesting stories.

graduation day

It is nice to know my son's graduation ceremony is on 30th April 2009. There will be happy gathering an lots of things to share. It is also a bonus to note that graduation ceremony is about 6 months after completing his course and most of his classmates are already working.
There is a sense of stability, security when he is happy with his job. Cheers

Friday, October 03, 2008

world financial health link to total health

' to help avert a global economic meltdown.'

Few friends worried about US 'bailout'. that may disturb sleep in some friends, but most of them are steady.
As they said, prevention is better than cure. Eventually, it is going to be good again. Just a matter of time. Cheers

cyanuric acid

Friends concern Melamine found in Chocolate, milk, and almost all food and drink.
Ok...what food and drink is safe for us, for children.
Cyanuric acid, used mainly for fertilizer was found in 'Poison milk' around September 08 in various part of China, then in samples in many part of the world.
Cyanuric acid added to Melamine is much more toxic. Soon there will be simple milk and food with minimal contaminants. Just take simple food, drink such natural Soya bean product with little additive. That is safe

Thursday, October 02, 2008


My friends
You may wonder why the topic about socks. For long distance runner, it is known that thick socks get heavier when it is wet. There fore it is not a surprise to see recomendation of thin silk or cotton socks.
There are various light weight running shoes to go with socks. There is also T shirt that ensure good ventilation, thus not heavy nor loaded with sweat. There is clothing that also reduce air/wind resistance. What a wonderful world.