Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Good climate, good economy link with good health?

Look at the history of economy recession, there seems to be a correlation with several economy crisis like 1987, 1997, 2001, happened a a year after Eldino.
There were natural disasters.
Then many people got sick....quoted present situation of world economy crisis and human suffering..Is there a prevention to ensure good health?

For the very poor, there should be sufficient food stored for bad time. Many people cannot wait for the world economy to recover in a few years time.
Though most likely general health, and other condition will improve within a few years.( seequote)

This was true internationally, as central banks of developing countries parked their growing foreign exchange reserves in the US, so that the South provided net finance to the North, instead of using such resources for its own development.

It was also true within countries, as profits soared but wage shares of national income declined sharply and agrarian distress persisted.

India is seen as a big success story of globalisation, but only a minority of Indians benefitted materially from the high growth.

Formal sector employment stagnated, real wages for most workers actually fell, nearly 200,000 farmers committed suicide, and there was an increase in the millions of hungry people and malnourished children. ( Those who survive will be the fit and strong)


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