Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Risk of CJD

To prevent contact with prion protein.
A material, manufactured from human cadavers, was used as a "patch" for the thick outer layer of the brain, the dura, in neurosurgery. However, Lyodura was withdrawn from the market nine years ago following links with CJD.
The current scare was raised following the inquest into the death of a 34-year-old man, Simon Stratford, in England who contracted the virus from a contaminated Lyodura graft.





Sunday, May 29, 2005



Saturday, May 28, 2005

climate changes

In the year the Kyoto Protocol has come into force, climate change is the natural choice of theme for Green Week, the largest annual international forum for discussing EU environmental policies. “Climate change is one of our biggest environmental challenges and a major threat to our economies. Our aim in bringing together key players and stakeholders during Green Week is not only to listen but also to try to move towards workable and cost-effective solutions, particularly in view of the further efforts that will be needed to achieve global reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases,” said Commissioner Dimas.




Violence may be a 'socially infectious disease'

New Scientist. “Our study clarifies doubt that exposure to community violence is indeed part of the contagion process.”
Walking away
“It suggests that the classic public health approaches to the control of infectious disease - such as vaccination - might have useful analogues in violence prevention,” adds Jeffrey Bingenheimer, also on the team.
“For every specific act of violence [that violence prevention] programmes prevent, they may also prevent a chain reaction of violence among those who would have been exposed to that violent act,” he told New Scientist

Friday, May 27, 2005





Thursday, May 26, 2005

Continued decline in chemical releases

Toxics Release Inventory shows that toxic chemicals released into the environment by over 23,000 facilities declined by 42 percent since 1998, with a six percent decrease from 2002 to 2003.



Wednesday, May 25, 2005

use good method

Hi my friend,
My classmate said he read alot of new informations from internet and other media especially news paper. It is important to point out that he has spent alot of time picking up un-proven ideas and most of them are not practical.
it is important to use a good method. find precise and concise source of information. Make use of good tools such as computer and good books.
One of the best book is Reader's digest.
For example, the concise and precise description of Earth Quake at Aceh on the 26th Dec 2004 contains truth that has been examed by scientists.
Many medical science published in Reader's digest found to be true after many years...facts
Find a good source. Use good reading method. My teacher told me it is important to pick up right information and knowledge, instead of wasting time in non relevant publications. He got the point.

Jules Henri Poincare, b. Apr. 29, 1854, d. July 17, 1912, was one of France's greatest theoretical scientists.

His work:( worth reading)
Science and Method (1908; Eng. trans., 1914),

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

strong guard with arms to protect us. The reason to put up this photo is the idea of self protection in Kuching. Five west Malaysian doctors rented a double storeys house at BDC Kuching. 2 doctors tied up by 3 robbers. 3 robbers armed with parang knifes. Besides money and valuable robbed. Healthy environement and mind also robbed. The trauma to the ladies would leave life long imprint. At knife point, they faced death threat by the robbers. First prevention method is to encourage all our friends to keep zero cash at home. put up alarm with obvious alram loudspeaker. Put up video camera survelance. Have a pet guard dog. Put on light. Can you sleep well if you got the experience of facing robbers with dangerous weapons? Posted by Hello





crowded places in big city such as Kuala Lumpur. Possible to have more infection due to contact Posted by Hello

prevention, try to avoid farm in the affected area

Also avoid visitiing the market place where poultry market is situated.

The H5N1 strain has killed 37 Vietnamese, 12 Thais and four Cambodians since it swept across large parts of Asia in late 2003.
The World Health Organisation said last week the spate of human bird flu cases in Vietnam this year suggests the deadly virus may be mutating in ways that are making it more capable of being passed between humans.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

nice view of Kuala Lumpur. Blue sky and white cloud is the sign of relative clean air  Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Yunnan, China

Quoted (Description of Yunnan scenery as author travelled from north bus route to Yunnan):

Alpine views
We cut through several sprawling towns before the road starts to wind its way upwards into the hills. for the first time in China we are beginning to see scenic beauty away from the seething urban holes we have found ourselves in to date. Through the terraced landscape, with paddy fields in the valley and maize growing in the terraces. Up and up and the agricultural landscape changes to an alpine one. Hills washed in dark green hues from the thick dense pine forests. Here and there a patch of brown ochre from a recently cultivated field. Blue skies, deep Wedgwood blue with cotton wool clouds, hanging about, casting mellow shadows on selected areas of the forest. Up and up and then stop. A traffic jam. How long will we be here? Maybe ten minutes, maybe two hours. They are still building the road ahead. We are stopped for an hour and then we are on our way again. we pass the road works and begin to descend. Twisting, winding we go, a luscious green valley is below us. Then climbing again and the landscape has changed and we are surrounded by a rugged mountainous terrain The mountains see the back of the blue sky, a curtain of gray clouds has been draped in front of the sun. And it is getting colder.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Weather for Kunming, Yunnan, China

Expected to have about 12 days with rainfall in June. That means there will be cloud with possible patterns of cloud and blue sky for photographers and tourists.
It is useful to bring umbrella, waterproof jacket for tourists to Yunnan, China


Manufactured products are made from atoms. The properties of those products depend on how those atoms are arranged. If we rearrange the atoms in coal we can make diamond. If we rearrange the atoms in sand (and add a few other trace elements) we can make computer chips. If we rearrange the atoms in dirt, water and air we can make potatoes.

***** I am going to give you a simple example of the application of Nanotechnology...When we use very smooth and flat mirror, the rain drop will not stick to the glass. The same thing will happen to our car if the surface is of 'nanotechnology level of fine molecule and very veyr smooth, the no waxing, no washing is necessary. the dirt and any thing come in contact just drip and never soil our car.
That is a great step in science and can be use for preventive medicine.
Virus are very small. For example, Corona virus is89 to 125 Nanometer in diameter. We can understand and control them if we have the knowledge up to ' the molecular' or Atom level.






use spoon and proper tools. Good habit ensure good health. If the spoon and other tools is having smooth surface, then it is very easy to clean. It is much easier to clean high quality cutlery than cleaning hands. Posted by Hello





Thursday, May 19, 2005

Tourists should have vaccination against Meningitis

New Delhi, May 18 : A meningitis outbreak in the capital claimed two more lives Wednesday, taking the death toll to 28, while 10 new cases were reported.

( Reports from other countries such as Australasia, east Asia, China alarm everybody to take action for advance prevention. It is wise to have vaccination now)

Why U S air pollution improved ? good lesson?

Cool and wet weather in 2001 to 2003, improved vehicle emission standards, and government controls on Eastern coal-fired power plants were the reasons for the drop in cases of unhealthy air, the report said.


“不急不恼百年不老,不懒不馋益寿延年”,这句谚语听起来虽然简单,却说明了精神养生、运动养生和饮食养生有利于健康长寿的大道理。    “不急不恼百年不老”,说明了精神养生的重要性,指平时性情平和,情绪乐观,遇事不急躁不恼怒可以使人健康长寿,保持青春活力。

silk clothing fashion show in China. How to take care of silk and prevent 'organisms' or 'naughty little living thing like fungus'? Silk is mainly protein. Mould or fungus usually can be prevented if the environment is kept cool, dry and relatively less dust or less particle including fungus spores. Posted by Hello


  每天至少饮用2000cc的水分,补充身体所需。( space out in 12 hours, example 300 cc each)

Northwest Yunnan

Almost every traveller to Yunnan visits Dali, and not without reason - the ancient capital of Dali lies nestled between the soaring Cang mountains and picturesque Ear Lake. The region is famous throughout China for it's marble, in fact right across China marble is called "Dali Stone"! Unfortunately, the quantity of travellers to the area has dramatically changed its character, and tourism is the overwhelmingly dominant industry in the area. Many travellers seeking to smoke locally grown marijuana (大嘛 / Da Ma) have promoted a significant and overt market in the plant. Despite the severe change of character in the city, Dali prefecture remains one of the most picturesque regions of Yunnan, and it's easy to strike off alone.


China’s most picturesque province, Yunnan. ... Historically, the town was a trading center between Tibet, Burma, and India. Mule caravans once made journeys
Peoples of YunnanYunnan is the most ethnically varied province in China. The following is an outdated yet interesting excerpt from Yün-nan, the Link between India and the Yangtze, by Major H.R. Davies, 1909, pp. 332-333. For up to date information regarding specific ethnicities, see the List of Chinese Ethnic Groups at English Wikipedia. An enthnic distribution map in Chinese can be found here (2MB).
The numerous non-Chinese tribes that the traveler encounters in western China, form perhaps one of the most interesting features of travel in that country. It is safe to assert that in hardly any other part of the world is there such a large variety of languages and dialects, as are to be heard in the country which lies between Assam and the eastern border of Yün-nan and in the Indo-Chinese countries to the south of this region.The reason of this is not hard to find. It lies in the physical characteristics of the country. It is the high mountain ranges and the deep swift-flowing rivers that have brought about the differences in customs and language, and the innumerable tribal distinctions, which are so perplexing to the enquirer into Indo-Chinese ethnology.A tribe has entered Yün-nan from their original Himalayan or Tibetan home, and after increasing in numbers have found the land they have settled on not equal to their wants. The natural result has been the emigration of part of the colony. The emigrants, having surmounted pathless mountains and crossed unbridged rivers on extemporized rafts, have found a new place to settle in, and have felt no inclination to undertake such a journey again to revisit their old home.Being without a written character in which to preserve their traditions, cut off from all civilizing influence of the outside world, and occupied merely in growing crops enough to support themselves, the recollection of their connection with their original ancestors has died out. It is not then surprising that they should now consider themselves a totally distinct race from the parent stock. Inter-tribal wars, and the practice of slave raiding so common among the wilder members of the Indo-Chinese family, have helped to still further widen the breach. In fact it may be considered remarkable that after being separated for hundreds, and perhaps in some case for thousands, of years, the languages of two distant tribes of the same family should bear to each other the marked general resemblance which is still to be found.The hilly nature of the country and the consequent lack of good means of communication have also naturally militated against the formation of any large kingdoms with effective control over the mountainous districts. Directly we get to a flat country with good roads and navigable rivers, we find the tribal distinctions disappear, and the whole of the inhabitants are welded into a homogeneous people under a settled government, speaking one language.Burmese as heard throughout the Irrawaddy valley is the same everywhere. A traveler from Rangoon to Bhamo (The Burmese capital to the Yunnan border) will find one language spoken throughout his journey, but an expedition of the same length in the hilly country to the east or to the west of the Irrawaddy valley would bring him into contact with twenty mutually unintelligible tongues.The same state of things applies to Siam (Thailand) and Tong-king (North Vietnam) - one nation speaking one language in the flat country and a Tower of Babel in the hills.

A brief history of Ancient China

Ancient China
The Dynasties Early Legend and History "Ancient" China Epilogue
INTRODUCTIONPresent-day China covers a vast area and is protected on the south by the jungles of Indo-China, on the east by the ocean, and on the west by the mountains of Tibet. Only on the north was ancient China vulnerable to invaders, such as the Mongols, or to visitors and traders who, like Marco Polo followed the Silk Road from Europe. However, until the eighteenth century, to most Europeans it was an unknown and enigmatic country,.
The setting of the opera Turandot are given simply as "Ancient China", but that covers an enormous time-span. Traces of humans dating back almost 600,000 BC have been found, possible ancestors of the 400,000-year-old "Peking Man". Some scholars think that man originated separately in China, others that he migrated there from an ultimate source in Africa. Remains of Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) humans, dating from 50,000-35,000 BC, have been found which would have been contemporary with the Cro-Magnon of Europe.
THE DYNASTIESThose in red are described in more detail below. Each of these can be accessed directly by clicking on its name. Many are also referred to in other articles which have links to the pertinent information here. Just as Peking is now Beijing, the transliteration of most of the names has changed. Variations are indicated in parentheses. The list is somewhat simplified; China was not always unified and some of the dynasties overlapped. Dates are approximate.
Age of the Five Rulers c. 2700-2200 BCXia (Hsia) Kingdom (legendary) c.2200-1520 BCShang (Yin) Kingdom c.1520-1066 BCZhou (Ch'ou) Dynasty c.1066-221 BCQin (Ch'in) Dynasty 221-207Han Dynasty 207 BC - AD 220Three Kingdoms Period 221-265Shu 221-264Wei 220-265Wu 222-280Jin (Chin) Dynasty 265-420 Liu (Sung) Dynasty (2nd Partition) 420-581Sui Dynasty 581-618T'ang Dynasty 618-906Five Dynasties (3rd Partition) 907-960Liao (Khitan, Ch'itan) Dynasty 907-1124: Capital established at PekingWest Liao Dynasty 1124-1211Northern Sung Dynasty 960-1126Southern Sung Dynasty 1127-1279Jin (Chin, Jurchen) Dynasty 1115-1234: First imperial palaces Peking, Genghis Khan captured city.Yüan (Mongol) Dynasty 1260-1368: Kublai Khan rebuilt capital at Peking and the Imperial City which later became the Forbidden city.Ming Dynasty 1368-1644: Forbidden City built.Qing (Ch'ing, Manchu) Dynasty 1644-1911Republic 1912-
People's Republic 1949-
EARLY LEGEND AND HISTORYThe civilization we know as Chinese began on the Northern Great Plain in the valley of the Yellow River. Like all peoples, the Chinese have their own creation story. In the beginning was an egg, from which hatched a man named Pangu (P'an Ku). The half of the shell above him became the sky, the one below, the earth. For 18,000 years he grew until the two were as far apart as they are today. Then he collapsed and broke into pieces which became mountains, rivers, etc. His two eyes became the sun and the moon. The lice on his body became men who lived as wild beasts. This happened about 2,229,000 BC. He was followed by three (or twelve) emperors, each of whom also lived 18,000 years; the Celestial Emperors of Heaven, of Earth, and of Mankind. Then came sixteen sovereigns of whom nothing is known but their names. They were followed by the Five Emperors, the first who were human: Huang Di (Ti), Chuan Hsiu, H'u, Yao and Shun. (Other than Huang Di the names vary in different accounts.) They introduced many things of benefit to mankind: agriculture, law, rules of morality and proper religious rituals, music, medicine, weights and measures, silk, etc. The most revered of all, was Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor, regarded as the founder of Chinese civilization. All subsequent kings and princes claimed descent from him.
XIAThe last of the Five Emperors was followed by Yü, the founder of the legendary Xia (Hsia) Dynasty He built ravines through mountains so the rivers could run to the sea. During his reign, rice wine was discovered, and when he prohibited its use, the Chinese made it the national beverage. While the man and his exploits are legends, archaeology has found urban sites from the period which had bronze implements.
SHANGThe Xia Dynasty is said to have ended when a degenerate descendant of Yü amused himself by forcing 3,000 Chinese to jump to their death in a lake of wine. He was followed by another descendant of Huang Di who founded the Shang (Yin) Dynasty (ca. 1520-1030 BC). For many years this was also thought to be legendary, but in the 1920s, a discovery was made of inscribed bones, which not only verified the existence of the Shang Dynasty but also gave archaeologists information about it. The characters on the bones were the ancestors of modern Chinese script and form the missing link between the early representational characters and the modern abstractions. They also wrote on tortoise shells. At that time, only the nobility had family names so only they could trace their ancestors. Without ancestors, a family could not have a shrine to worship them. In their cosmology, the Shang capital was the center of the universe. They called their land "Chung-kuo — The Middle Kingdom". There was a well-developed social system with king, nobles, commoners, slaves and an army with horse-drawn chariots. Their jade and bronze work was of a very high level.
Apparently the Shang culture employed human sacrifice, not only to accompany a king in death but in the foundation of a new building where they could serve as its spirit guardians. One structure had several hundred people, with war-chariots and weapons, buried in front of it. As with the Aztecs, most of those sacrificed may have been prisoners of war, with expeditions sent to capture people from more primitive peoples for this purpose.
"ANCIENT CHINA"ZHOUAbout 1000 BC, the Shang were overthrown by a revolt, aided by the neighboring Zhou (Ch'ou) under the leadership of Wu. Their capital, Chi, was the first one associated with the site of the present-day Beijing. The Zhou leaders called themselves "Sons of Heaven" a title used by all subsequent Chinese rulers. (In prehistoric times the idea arose that all power in sky was conferred on one superman and his successors, giving them the right to rule all men. These were the 'sons of heaven'. In Turandot the Prince addresses the emperor as Figlio del cielo or Son of Heaven). The Zhou Dynasty lasted until 221 BC, about 800 years. The exact date of its establishment is disputed, for the Chinese had no absolute chronological reference such as dates BC and AD. Events were dated from the start of each reign, and started again with each new ruler. It was during the Zhou Dynasty that Chinese philosophy, based on Confucius and others, was born.
At one time there were over 1,700 small principalities, very like the Greek city-states. The small units were particularly vulnerable to attacks from the North and they built walls to protect themselves. Under the Zhou, many of these were amalgamated, and the central government assumed more and more control. However, the kingdom later fell apart and the years from 480-221 BC are known as the "Warring States" period. During this period the theories of yin-yang and the theory of the five elements developed.
QINThe first real unification of the empire occurred under the Qin (Ch'in). These people learned the art of fighting on horseback from the nomads of the north, and from the third century BC on, they fought and defeated the Zhou in a series of battles. The Qin Dynasty gave the country its name and its "First Emperor", Qin Shih Huangdi. This is the first time that the title "emperor" (di or ti) was used. The emperor ordered the building of a wall of "ten thousand li" by connecting earlier walls. (2.8 li = 1 mile). This was the first version of what is now the Great Wall, although it really only stretches about 1,500 miles or about 4350 li. Shih Huangdi went about reorganizing China, replacing the feudal societies with a centralized government. The most powerful families were forced to move to his capital, where they were encouraged to build exact replicas of their other palaces. All weapons were collected and melted down. Standardized systems of weights and measures and of writing were introduced. (The emperor introduced a standard width for the axles of all carts. It has been claimed that this was so all would fit the existing ruts in the road, but this is not likely. If all followed the same ruts, these would soon be so deep the axles would touch the ground.) All peasants were made to work on public projects for a month at a time, and the records which had to be kept to enforce this requirement led to the proletariat finally gaining surnames.
On the negative side, Shih Huangdi is notorious for burning the books of all the Confucian scholars. (Exceptions were made for those on medicine, agriculture and divination.) Those who did not destroy their own books were subject to branding and forced labor, often on the Great Wall. (Because thousands and thousands died, crushed beneath the stones, the wall has been called "the longest cemetery in the world".) Many books escaped confiscation, some because scholars memorized the complete works of Confucian teachers and passed them on orally, but some scholars were rounded up and sentenced to death or exile. In his last years, the emperor feared attacks on his life. He constructed a vast complex of palaces joined by covered passageways, so no one would know where he was, and he tried to find an elixir which would give him eternal life. When he heard of three fairy islands where, because its inhabitants had discovered such an elixir old age and death were unknown, he sent an expedition bearing precious gifts to find these islands. The leader of the expedition returned empty handed. He had found the islands, but the inhabitants didn't want costly gifts, they requested young men and women. The ships sailed again with 3,000 of China's finest young people and was never heard from again. Legend says it was they who colonized Japan.
Like the Egyptian pharaohs, Shih Huangdi started to build his tomb the moment he became king and some 700,000 conscripts worked for 36 years to complete it. It was said that several hundred maidens were buried alive to keep him company, and the workmen who brought the coffin into his tomb were also buried alive to prevent them from revealing its location within the tomb complex. After his death, the empire crumbled, and the dynasty lasted only fourteen more years.
His tomb did not stay hidden for long. A century after his death, the Han Dynasty historian Sima-Quan (Ssu-ma-Chi'en) described its desecration in 206 BC and wrote descriptions of the burial complex. They had dug through three subterranean streams and poured molten copper for the outer coffin, and the tomb was filled with models of palaces, pavilions, and offices, as well as fine vessels, precious stones, and rarities. Artisans were ordered to fix up crossbows so that any thief breaking in would be shot. The Yellow River and the Yangtze were reproduced in quicksilver and by some mechanical means made to flow into a miniature ocean.
The location of the tomb has long been known as a mound called Mount Li on the outskirts of the city of Xian. In 1974 a remarkable discovery was made. Workers in the fields to the east of the mound found interesting artifacts, and when archaeologists dug they found an army! An army of over 8,000 clay soldiers and horses as well as the cemetery for the laborers who had built the tomb. So far there has been no report of the several hundred maidens. The soldiers were arrayed, four abreast, in battalion order, and over 1,000 have been restored and can be seen by visitors. Each is about six feet tall and has a different face. It is thought they were copied from live models.
HANThe Han Dynasty which lasted from 207 BC to AD 265, with a short intermission was one of the most productive in the history of China. The Chinese are so proud of it they still call themselves "Han people". The ban on philosophical and historical writings was lifted and men of talent were called upon to restore the lost works and to serve in the government. The Chinese Empire was governed by officials selected on merit, an unusual practice at any time. Their capital, Ch'ang-an, has been called the first great city in Chinese history. The Imperial Library had over 11,000 books on classics, philosophy, poetry, mathematics, and medicine.
Note: Starting with the Han, the reigning emperor was always referred to by a term meaning Emperor. When he attained the crown, his personal name became taboo. When he died he was given a posthumous name and it is by that he is known today. This name ended in ti (di), like Wu-ti. Since Ti means Emperor, it is redundant to refer to the Emperor Wu-ti. From the T'ang on, with the exception of the Mongols, the suffix used is tsu or tsung.
China was often subject to invasions by the Hsiung-nu (probably the Huns). THey waged and won repeated wars against them, thus expanding the Empire to include parts of what are now Korea, Manchuria, Turkestan and Indo-China. The Great Wall was extended to the west.
One of the most important men of the Han period was not an emperor but a historian, Sima-Qian, the author of the "Historical Records". Taking him ten years to complete, it is his account of the history of the known world. It includes not only the history of the dynasties, but treatises on topics such as the calendar and economics, and biographies of influential people. His granddaughter wrote a work on the education of women, "Lessons for Women", which emphasized the virtues of women and the proper restriction of their activities. After he died, the Records were continued until 1911. It was during the Han period that the lunar calendar was developed which lasted until 1912. Paper and porcelain also date from this time.
With the expansion to the west, caravans could now travel in relative safety from the Middle East to China. This route became known as the Silk Road. Stations along this Silk Road, were fortified, and trade with the West intensified. Oases on the western end were cultivated by people who were not Chinese but related to the Iranians (Persians). (The original Turandot story was from Persia, not China!) The Silk Road started in Antioch and ended at Ch'ang-an. By the first century AD, Chinese silk could be bought in the markets of Rome. Arabian horses were imported from the Near East and their stock soon proved superior to that of the Mongols. For more on the Silk Road and the cities along it see: http://depts.washington.edu/uwch/silkroad/index.shtml. There was also a sea route by which an emissary of the Roman Emperor reached China in AD 166 AD, and it was during the Han Dynasty that the Chinese first made contact with India.
Men were appointed to oversee markets, and prices were fixed. Official bankers lent money at a rate of interest of three per cent per month. Income was taxed. Like our returns to the IRS, everyone had to turn in a report on his earning and pay the required tax of about ten percent.
Like Egypt, China has its "Valley of the Kings", north of Xian and near the ruins of Ch'ang-an. In it are buried 12 Han rulers. Only the one of Jing Di, the fifth emperor, has been excavated. He was also buried with an army to protect him, but it was less impressive than that of Shih Huang, There are fewer men and they are only two feet tall.
Toward the end of the Han period, there were destructive power struggles between the eunuchs, who had gained considerable importance, and the court officials. Floods alternated with droughts, and peasant rebellions led to the rise of generals who massacred over 2,000 eunuchs and destroyed the capital. The Great Wall could not keep out hordes of "Tatars", or Mongols, who conquered large areas of the north. Soon the Empire was divided into The Three Kingdoms.
T'ANGAfter four hundred years of disunion and weak ruler after weak ruler, a new Dynasty, the T'ang, emerged in AD 618 and formed a government in which the emperor was supreme and officials were once more chosen on the basis of merit. A census, needed to implement a system in which people were drafted to do labor, was taken every three years. Society was organized into a strict hierarchy. At the top of the social scale were nobles; the othere were divided into nine ranks each of which was supported by the taxes of those below it. The highest received the taxes of 10,000 families, the lowest of only 300.
The first T'ang emperor started the Grand Canal to join the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. Now barges from the south could bring rice to the north, which had previously existed on wheat and millet. The T'ang capital of Ch'ang-an became one of the largest cities of the world. It covered 30 square miles in a grid layout typical of the Chinese. It had two main markets and several parks. A broad avenue, the Street of Heaven, led from the main gate in the south to the Imperial City. This avenue was almost five times as wide as New York's Fifth Avenue. Each of the blocks created by the grid was surrounded by a wall forming a ward. Even the highest officials were expected to dismount at a gateway into a ward. The Emperor's home, the Great Luminous Palace, was set among the hill on the northeast. There was an Imperial College for the training of civil servants, and there were over 10,000 scholars attached to it, all of whom were exempt from taxes. Tourists from India and Europe came to admire it. Buddhist monks came from India to teach, and Chinese Buddhists travelled to India to study their religion at its source.
LIAOThe T'ang Dynasty lasted almost three hundred years, but the unfairly burdened common people rose in rebellion after rebellion. By the tenth century China was again divided, with five dynasties in the north and ten kingdoms in the south. The Peking region came under the control of a Mongol people called the Khitan. They set themselves up as a dynasty with the name Liao and called one of their five capitals Yenching, still the literary name for Beijing. Jurchen chieftains from outside united to overthrow the Liao and set up the Jin (Chin) Dynasty. Yenching became their capital
SUNGThe kingdoms coalesced once more into the Northern (960-1126) and Southern Sung (1126-1279) Dynasties. When the Northern Empire was overrun by people from Manchuria, one son of the emperor escaped and set up the Southern Dynasty. It was during this period that women lost status and, treated as playthings, had their feet bound to make them smaller. This cruel practice was not banned until the twentieth century.
YÜAN (References in Gozzi's Turandot make this the most likely time in which it is set.)Giving themselves up to art and luxurious living, the Sung became easy prey to the powerful Mongols of the northern steppes, led by the formidable Genghis Khan. His grandson, Kublai Khan, moved the Mongol capital to the site of Peking and declared himself emperor of the new Yüan Dynasty. The Mongols replaced the Chinese nobles in the government with their own men and with foreigners such as Marco Polo.
After Kublai Khan died, he was succeeded by his grandson Timur, whom Marco Polo described as "a valiant man full of kindness, wise, and prudent". (The name Timur is Middle Eastern.) With Timur's death, the Mongol Empire broke apart. The name of the deposed emperor in Turandot is Timur. One of the most famous of all Timurs was Timur-i-leng or Tamerlane.
EPILOGUEMING AND MANCHUOnce more the unhappy Chinese revolted. Under the leadership of Chu Yüan-chang, a peasant army reconquered China from the Mongols. In 1368 Peking fell, Chu Yüan-chang became the first Ming emperor, and China went back to being Chinese. The government was modelled on that of the T'ang, the Forbidden City took its present form, and the Great Wall was strengthened.
The Mings were despots, keeping all the power in their own hands. The mandarins had little influence and became cautious and conforming. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, contact with the West had increased. Jesuit missionaries arrived who served the emperors as map makers, calendar reformers and astronomers. Contacts were peaceful and in 200 years the Jesuits attracted 300,000 converts to Christianity. On June 3, 1644 Ch'ing, or Manchu, forces entered Peking and the final Chinese Dynasty began its almost 300 year reign. This dynasty lasted until the 1911 revolution when the last emperor, the boy P'u-yi, was deposed . Although he continued to occupy the Forbidden City for thirteen years, the era of Chinese Dynasties had come to an end. The movie, The Last Emperor, tells his story.

Fungus affects all: health and wealth

In Tang dynasty, documents recorded stopping in tropical ports to wait season wind for some months. It should be often that mould disaster happened to silk at that time.

Why did the desert route survive after the indirect sea route began to transfer parcels to the West?

Doctor of Science: Torao Ohtsuki talked "When exporting silk thread to Europe, we struggled mould disaster. Now, we carefully prevent it. To shut off from humidity, we seal silk threads in metal boxes and ship. Without sealing, mould eat silk in the Indian Ocean. ". I think this should be the reason to support the desert route. In desert, mould can't grow. In Astana and Tunghuan, many beautiful silk fragments were unearthed with incredible condition. I show a pair of silk brocade shoes unearthed in Astana

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

plant more trees. Right in the centre of Kuala Lumpur city, there are trees that is good to filter dust, reduce car exhaust pollutant and other pollution. Try to check your house and office. Is it dusty? Do you clean your living area, working area with wet cloth daily? Posted by Hello

Silk Export in B.C. 5th century.from China/Yunnan

Yunnan/ China *****

The southern silk road is one of the 3 major silk route for merchant to transport precious silk from China to Europe and other places. It was highly priced. Silk was more valuable than gold of compared by weight/mass.

Sickness is with human for thousand of years. So, the story of silk route, the rich income of silk merchant created wonders. Did they find Yunnan southern silk route more dangerous? Did they have more sickness? How about the silk? fungus, mould can destroy silk protein. Hot and humid climate is ideal for fungus to grow. Southern Yunnan is situated at subtropical region, which is hot and humid.



Tuesday, May 17, 2005

new treatment for colon/rectal cancer

panitumumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody directed against the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr). The results demonstrate that panitumumab has antitumor activity when administered as a single-agent treatment to patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) who have failed standard chemotherapy.

Zen, the leader of 'nature harmony group' is very good in the topic of living in harmony with nature. a wonderful culture. He is at 87, Ewe Hai Street, 93000 Kuching Posted by Hello

Environment protection group or society in Kuching: see website: http://www.sow.com.my and email sow_sarawak@yahoo.com Posted by Hello




Monday, May 16, 2005

small amount of coffee is useful for preventing sleepiness, and may help headache. try not to take alot Posted by Hello

coffee in Kuching, sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia

Coffee Plant
The original home of the coffee plant is Africa. To be exact, there are three different coffee plants, all related:
Coffea Arabica from Ethiopia, known from prehistoric times. Coffea Robusta from Congo, discovered in 1898. Coffea Liberica (Coffea Canephora) from Western Africa The first coffee plant of economic importance was Coffea Arabica. It grows to the height of 7-8 meters but the cultivated plants are cut to the height of 2-4 meters to get more width. The leaves of the coffee are 10-15 cm long ellipsoids, lustrous dark green with lighter underside. The flowers emerge from the branches together with the leaves. The white coffee flower has five petals and a scent resembling that of jasmine. The flowers last only 2-3 days. The coffee berries are cherry-sized and green at first, turning dark red later on. The ripening takes eight months. The coffee tree starts flowering at 2-4 years old and it can simultaneously have flowers and berries in all stages of development.
The coffee tree requires a mean temperature of 66-77 degrees farenheit (19-25 degrees celsius). Thus, the coffee tree is a tropical plant. It is not a coincidence that coffee and humans thrive in the same temperatures. Our original home is the same - Africa. It is quite possible that Eve and her contemporaries (about 2.8 million years ago) munched coffee beans for pleasure The coffee plant cannot stand frost but does not die from an occasional cold night. It needs lots of water requiring annual rainfall of 59 inches (1500 millimeters). Coffee plantations are normally situated in the altitude range of 984-6562 feet (300-2000 meters) around the Equator.
A coffee tree can be harvested from the 5th year and harvesting can occur many times throughout the year. At 25 the tree becomes old but it may live to be a wiry centenarian The coffee 'tree' is actually a variety of tropical evergreen shrub. The coffee tree does not begin to produce its full yield until its sixth year and will continue prime production for about ten years, however Coffee plants may live on for 60 years. The tree, if left alone will grow to a height of between 16 and 40 feet. In most coffee plantations the trees are kept at a manageable six feet to get the best yield and to make it easier to harvest.The best growing conditions are in a temperature range of 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Rainfall should be plentiful and the weather should switch between heavy rainfall and sunshine to bring the berries to full maturity. The type of soil is not too important but good drainage is a must. It is possible to roast your own beans in the oven. This method will tend to smoke up the house a bit, and the smell of the burned off chaff will tend to linger in the house for quite some time. The amount and size of beans, as well as your altitude will make a difference in the roasting process, so this is a 'live and learn process.The beans should be placed in some form of perforated container, such as a steel strainer or vegetable steamer. Place them in a pre-heated, 250 degree F(110 degrees C). oven for about seven minutes. Then increase the oven temperature to 450 degrees F( 220 degrees C. ). In about ten minutes the beans should begin to crackle. (This timing will depend on the temperature, heat capacity of the oven, and the beans; so keep an eye on them.) When the beans start crackling, mix them up, to promote an even roast. Check their color every two minutes until they have achieved a color slightly lighter than the end color which you desire. (As the beans cool, they will continue roasting). When they have completely cooled, store them in an air tight container in the refrigerator...... or grind the coffee, brew it and drink it up!


coffee *****
One of the best coffee I have tried is offered by Black Coffee Bean cafe, at 87, Ewe Hai Street, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia.
The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Zen are very knowledgeable in coffee. They explained clearly how natural coffee is roasted and prepared.
A visitor from London, after enjoying few cups of coffee, asking for regular shipping of coffee powder to be sent to London.
In the near future, more nice coffee could be produced from sarawak coaster area such as Asa Jaya, Lundu, Samatan, Bario, Baram, Kapit, Bau and other suitable coffee farms.
Their phone is +6082-420290

'eggs' of worm discharged by monkey can infect children and any body. Contact Vet to get expert opinion and prevention. Posted by Hello

This a cat from country side farm. It is important to suspect such cat carry worm. Please get rid of worm Posted by Hello

to get rid of warm in pet, thus protect us. see next photo of cat. thousands of warm found in one cat. Posted by Hello




Sunday, May 15, 2005

Blue sky. tall building around the area Posted by Hello

Clean and nice envoronment around the Taiwanse cuisine outlet. Plenty of parking sites. Free parking Posted by Hello

The interior decoration of the Taiwanese cuisine outlet Posted by Hello

It is quite easy to find the place with the help of a little map. Jalan Petanak, Kuching Posted by Hello

Well cooked food is usually good for health. In Kuching, we found a place ofering Taiwanese style cuisine. Back ground is the Petanak flat along Jalan Petanak. Posted by Hello



Friday, May 13, 2005

nice plant found in Kuching, Sarawak Posted by Hello

scenery of Kuching, sarawak Posted by Hello

Hibiscus, national flower of Malaysia. There are many types with different colour. Full spectrum...really colourful Posted by Hello





Thursday, May 12, 2005

Can you see the bee. close up please. Bee also suffer from mite attack. For hundred of years, bee farmer use olive oil to brush the plateform infront of the bee hive to ensure that flying bees land on that area and the mites 'glue or stick' to the olive oil, thus protect the honey bee. Clever method, isn't it. Besides Olive oil is relatively harmless to the bee. It is also useful for all of us. Posted by Hello

Hello. no monkey business. this photo is taken by my daughter Kim. The last topic about mite. There are mites living on the body of monkey Posted by Hello

clolourful view of sky and cloud...any rainbow colour ? There are more rainning days this May as compare to last year. Some sickness is related to climate changes. For example, little house dust mite multiply faster with hot and humid weather. If cold and dry air with good ventilation is ensured in a room, the mite population decreased and there should be less related allergic or similar sickness. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

scenario of global warming

SWITZERLAND is trying to save its melting ski slopes by wrapping Alpine glaciers in plastic foil more commonly used to keep vegetables fresh and wine cool.
A layer of foil three quarters the size of a football pitch was stretched this week over part of the Gurschen glacier near Andermatt to protect the top of ski runs from global warming.
It will stay in place throughout the summer and, if it works, will avert the need to cart thousands of tonnes of snow to the top of the 2,963m (9,720ft) glacier when the ski season begins.
The tip of the glacier has slipped 20m.

Short term plan adn action:*****
Yet the short-term problem of the ski resorts is pressing. The nearby Trift glacier at the resort of Gadmen shrank as much as 133.7m last year. The melted ice flowed into the lake at the foot of the mountain, which is now close to breaking its banks. Water is being siphoned from the brimming lake to fuel snow cannons producing fresh artificial snow to compensate for the lost ice.

long term prevention: ( note: climate change affect everybody...even health)


World News
May 12, 2005 Wrapping up the glacier to keep it coldBy Roger Boyes
SWITZERLAND is trying to save its melting ski slopes by wrapping Alpine glaciers in plastic foil more commonly used to keep vegetables fresh and wine cool.
A layer of foil three quarters the size of a football pitch was stretched this week over part of the Gurschen glacier near Andermatt to protect the top of ski runs from global warming.
It will stay in place throughout the summer and, if it works, will avert the need to cart thousands of tonnes of snow to the top of the 2,963m (9,720ft) glacier when the ski season begins.
The tip of the glacier has slipped 20m since the 1990s and is expected to drop at least another 20 metres in the next 15 years.
The permafrost supporting the ski station at the crest of the glacier is also beginning to thaw as summer temperatures in the Alps soar. The mountain is shrinking.
“If the foil experiment works, we will wrap up other glaciers above the 2,600m mark,” Carlo Danioth, head of piste and rescue services in Andermatt, said.
The higher reaches of the Alps could thus end up under a blanket for much of the summer. Foil is much cheaper (at a cost of £44,000) and uses much less energy than transporting snow to the peak and packing it with wooden struts, straw and iron rods, to create a ramp.
According to one Alpine engineer yesterday, that process amounts to little more than “stuffing a finger in the dyke”.
Swiss glaciers have lost about a fifth of their surface area over the past 15 years and Zurich University scholars say that
70 per cent will have melted over the next 30 years.
The foil is double-layered, with polypropyl on the surface and polyester beneath. It reflects the heat and ultraviolet light radiation from the Sun more efficiently than snow and ice. Less energy is absorbed by the snow and it melts more slowly. The foil also guards the snow from dust.
The Swiss scheme, successfully tested on four Austrian mountain slopes, has been sponsored by ski-lift companies who fear global warming will put an end to their business.
The blanket will cover only the ramp where skiers begin their descent of the mountain. “Without this ramp, the ski business would collapse and 105 jobs would be at stake,” Peter Heinzer, a ski supervisor, said.
“It’s absolutely absurd,” Alexander Hauri, of Greenpeace, said. “You cannot combat climate change by applying these oversized sticking plasters.”
The covered area of the Gurschen glacier amounts to
3,000 sq m — about 0.0003 per cent of the total surface of Switzerland’s glaciers. To blanket the whole of the Swiss Alps in this way would cost billions of euros — money that could be spent tackling the causes rather than the symptoms of climate change.

environmentalists, who insist that a glacier cannot simply be recycled and that what is needed is a change of attitude to the way that the atmosphere is treated.

for healthy life style

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well cooked food served with banana leave as part of the container. Food preparation is an art and also a science. Posted by Hello




To know, treat and prevent



the water in this pool is cool as jade. Of course green like jade Posted by Hello