Wednesday, May 31, 2006

扁权力下放 马英九:完全不符宪法精神

马英九说:「陈总统他愿意自清,愿意革新,当然不是坏事,但是权力下放就非常的奇怪,因为总统的权力,在宪法上都是正面表列,规定的很清楚,他没有的权 力,他无从下放,他应该有的权力,他也不能下放,所以这样的说法,我觉得是完全不符合宪法的精神。

help ourselves to help our children

12 steps you can take to curb global warming

1. Replace regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs. One CFLB would save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
2. Walk, bike, carpool or use public transportation.
3. Recycle household waste. You can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
4. Keep the tires on your car properly inflated to conserve gas consumption.
5. Use less hot water by installing a low-flow showerhead.
6. Adjust thermostats two degrees lower in winter and two higher in summer. This can save 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
7. Unplug TVs, DVDs, stereos, cell phone chargers and computers when you're not using them. These appliances draw energy even when they are not in use.
8. Regularly clean or replace filters in air conditioners and furnaces.
9. Turn on dishwashers only when they are full.
10. Use a clothesline instead of a dryer whenever possible.
11. Buy organic foods as much as possible and support local farm markets.
12. Keep your car properly tuned.

all work no play make jack a dull boy




























  胡嘉玲说:“其实最好的玩耍环境是在家中。家长可以帮助孩子放轻松,不要担心孩子会 把地方弄脏或弄乱。玩具的玩法可以多变化,家长可以让孩子发挥创意来玩,不必拘谨于指定玩法。玩具不用多,日常的一些杂物,如布料、木棍、盒子、罐子等, 只要确保干净和安全,都可以是很好的玩具。”






















多喝咖啡 少患乳癌






  领导研究小组的多伦多大学研究员纳罗德和他的组员解释道:“植物雌激素之所以能起保护作用可能是因为它的组成与人体本身的雌激素接近,因此能同雌激素受体结合。 June 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Qantas worker has legionnaires'

31st may 2006

A QANTAS worker at Sydney airport has contracted legionnaires' disease and her workmates have been warned by the airline to be alert for symptoms of the deadly disease.

"A fleet presentation employee (aircraft cleaner) has been diagnosed with legionnaire's disease," Qantas staff were told yesterday in a one-page memo.

"Qantas medical has contacted New South Wales Public Health who have confirmed the case


Just China alone

millions died of Cigarettes related sickness

Shorter, 'kinder' radiotherapy for breast cancer patients

Cancer Research UK trial found patients got the same protection from 13 larger doses of radiation as the standard treatment of 25 smaller doses

Mental fitness: This is your brain in training

An active prefrontal cortex is a happy prefrontal cortex

Saturday, May 20, 2006

aadvantages ooof bbbreast fffeeding for baby

哺乳使母亲体内催产素分泌增加,雌激素分泌水平降低,因而减少了雌激素对子宫的刺激,有利于预防妇科疾病,尤其是妇科肿瘤,如子宫癌、子宫内膜癌、乳腺癌 及子宫肌瘤的发病率。民间有这样一句话形容子宫:不长孩子就长瘤子。妇女不妊娠哺乳使得子宫长期受雌激素的刺激,没有“休整”时间,因而易长肿瘤

An Anti-Cancer Vaccine

vaccine is also 99% effective against the two strains of HPV responsible for 90% of genital warts. HPV is a little known but very common sexually transmitted infection that is the primary cause of cervical cancer in the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that some 20 million Americans are currently carriers of HPV, although the vast majority of these infections are with strains that cause no significant problems. Two strains, however, are responsible for most of the cervical cancer in the U.S., affecting over 10,000 women each year and killing more than 3,700 of them.

The approval of the advisory committee is to be commended, but more work remains to be done. The vaccine will now have to be approved by the FDA, which usually follows the recommendations of its advisory committees. After that, the vaccine will also be examined by the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which issues recommendations and schedules for the administering of vaccines. Given the prohibitive cost of the vaccine, expected to be several hundred dollars for a three shot series, and the logistical difficulties involved in bringing 10 to 12-year-olds in for multiple doctor visits, it is important that ACIP make recommendations that ensure the vaccine will receive public funding and be readily available. It is not enough to approve this vaccine for the public's use; we must also ensure that those who need it most are able to obtain and afford it.



  专家分析:人的睡眠大致分为“非快速眼动睡眠”和“快速眼动睡眠”两个阶段,在前一个阶段中,又可以分为“浅睡眠”和“深睡眠”两个过程,这两 个过程在睡眠中循环多次。人们只有在睡眠中经历了几个“深睡眠”过程后,才能使疲劳得到充分的消除。但是,在汽车上睡觉、打盹、补觉,容易受到各种因素的 干扰,汽车的晃动、光线的刺激、声音的影响、空间的狭窄……都不容易使人进入“深睡眠”状态,而在“浅睡眠”状态下休息,只能使人得到不充分的恢复。我们 经常听到有同事抱怨,车里睡了一觉后,反而觉得腰酸腿疼,疲乏无力。

  另外,在车上睡觉,还容易导致生病。比如车上小睡后,最容易落枕和感冒。脖子歪向一边睡觉,容易使一侧的脖子肌肉疲劳,所以很容易落枕。还有, 在车上睡觉,车门开关,风扇吹动,一不小心就容易着凉。个别的还能导致面瘫,有些人面瘫短时间内可自然恢复,有些就再也不可逆转了。




  实际上,各种人群对睡眠的要求是不同的。一般而言10-18岁的人群,每天需要8小时的睡眠时间,18-50岁的人群,每天需要7小时的睡眠时 间,50-70岁的人群,每天需要5-6小时。特别对于上了年纪的人,睡眠质量比不上年轻人是自然规律,只要不影响生活,少睡点也无妨。

Avoid sleeping tablets:

  专家分析:90%以上的成年人都有过失眠的情况,但这并不意味着就得了失眠症,也不一定非要上医院或进行药物治疗。比如说工作负担过大、疾病原 因、环境原因或情绪因素等,也可能是时差没有倒过来,或受某一事件的影响,除了自己找原因外,还可以上医院让医生帮忙找。很多失眠都可以通过自我调节来解 决。

  如果在一定要吃药的情况下,也应先去医院做一个简单的心理测定,找到失眠的原因,在医生的指导下用药。像焦虑、抑郁等,如果不解决好这些“心 病”,失眠是肯定看不好的,吃多少安眠药都无济于事。而且要提倡间断服用,也就是一次服药不超过7天,否则很容易对药物产生依赖性。




Friday, May 19, 2006



  自由基是导致皮肤过早老化和皮肤癌的主要因素。抗氧化剂可以防止自由基对皮肤的破坏,但人体自身产生的抗氧化剂不足以阻止自由基对皮肤的破坏, 需要靠维生素A、C、D、E及胡萝卜素等来补充。而西红柿中含有丰富的抗氧化剂。德国柏林沙里泰医院的研究发现,体内富含抗氧化剂的人看起来更年轻,因为 他们的皱纹比较少。此外,素食者体内的抗氧化剂要比非素食者体内的抗氧化剂多。


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

tap water 'dangers'

Cancer-causing trace metals in plumbing fittings -- including lead, cadmium, copper and nickel -- have the potential to leach into drinking water and cause long-term health problems, the Ministry of Health has warned.
Every local council nationwide is now required under the Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand 2005 to alert consumers to the potential danger and advise them how to avoid it.
In a public health notice issued by Porirua City Council today, New Zealand's Director-General of Health Karen Poutasi said some plumbing fittings had "the potential to allow minute traces of metals to accumulate in water standing in the fittings for several hours".
"Although the health risk is small, the Ministry of Health recommends that you flush a mugful of water from your drinking-water tap each morning before use to remove any metals that may have dissolved from the plumbing fittings," Dr Poutasi said.
"We are recommending this simple precaution for all households, including those on public and private water supplies."
Earlier this year, Wellington Regional Council, as the reticulated water supplier for the region, took out a public notice in daily newspapers to advise consumers of the issue, and local bodies have also included notices in rates newsletters.
Drinking water assessor Scott Rostron, from the Wellington Regional Public Health Service, said the potential long-term harmful effects from trace metals in plumbing fittings had been known for a number of years.
The new warnings had not arisen from any changes made by councils to the way water was supplied, he said.
Actual exposure would depend on the age and type of the plumbing fittings in individual houses.

US states hit by worst floods in 70 years


Weather is related to sickness


16 th May 2006

BOSTON - The worst flooding in 70 years in Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire forced thousands of people from their homes today after the heaviest rainfall in a decade.
Residents waded through waist-high water on washed out roads, some paddling to swamped homes in canoes, and meteorologists predicted more rain tomorrow in all three New England states, which have declared states of emergency.
"I've never seen flooding like this before," said Faustino Melo, 40, a resident in the hard-hit Massachusetts city of Peabody, a suburb north of Boston whose downtown streets were submerged with floodwaters that rose as high as door handles.
Emergency crews steered boats along streets to help evacuate people, while National Guard soldiers set up checkpoints to block off roads. About 200,000 sand bags were used to hold back overflowing rivers across Massachusetts.
About 30 to 38 cm of rain has fallen since Friday, swelling the Merrimack River that runs through southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts more than 2.4 metres above flood stage -- its highest since 1936.

volcanic gases, poisonous ??!!!

Eruption Columns and Clouds

An explosive eruption blasts solid and molten rock fragments (tephra) and volcanic gases into the air with tremendous force. The largest rock fragments (bombs) usually fall back to the ground within 2 miles of the vent. Small fragments (less than about 0.1 inch across) of volcanic glass, minerals, and rock (ash) rise high into the air, forming a huge, billowing eruption column.

Eruption columns can grow rapidly and reach more than 12 miles above a volcano in less than 30 minutes, forming an eruption cloud. The volcanic ash in the cloud can pose a serious hazard to aviation. During the past 15 years, about 80 commercial jets have been damaged by inadvertently flying into ash clouds, and several have nearly crashed because of engine failure. Large eruption clouds can extend hundreds of miles downwind, resulting in ash fall over enormous areas; the wind carries the smallest ash particles the farthest. Ash from the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington, fell over an area of 22,000 square miles in the Western United States. Heavy ash fall can collapse buildings, and even minor ash fall can damage crops, electronics, and machinery.

Volcanic Gases

Volcanoes emit gases during eruptions. Even when a volcano is not erupting, cracks in the ground allow gases to reach the surface through small openings called fumaroles. More than ninety percent of all gas emitted by volcanoes is water vapor (steam), most of which is heated ground water (underground water from rain fall and streams). Other common volcanic gases are carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, and fluorine. Sulfur dioxide gas can react with water droplets in the atmosphere to create acid rain, which causes corrosion and harms vegetation. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air and can be trapped in low areas in concentrations that are deadly to people and animals. Fluorine, which in high concentrations is toxic, can be adsorbed onto volcanic ash particles that later fall to the ground. The fluorine on the particles can poison livestock grazing on ash-coated grass and also contaminate domestic water supplies.

Cataclysmic eruptions, such as the June 15, 1991, eruption of Mount Pinatubo (Philippines), inject huge amounts of sulfur dioxide gas into the stratosphere, where it combines with water to form an aerosol (mist) of sulfuric acid. By reflecting solar radiation, such aerosols can lower the Earth's average surface temperature for extended periods of time by several degrees Fahrenheit (°F). These sulfuric acid aerosols also contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer by altering chlorine and nitrogen compounds in the upper atmosphere.

volcano eruption !??

Indonesian Volcano Eruption

Okay, so Mount Merapi volcano hasn't erupted quite yet, not severely, but it is sprewing ash and debris, and boy is it pretty looking! I'm a sucker for fiery things... the people living in the areas surrounding it have been ordered to evacuate. There has been steady lava flow from the giant, which scientists have been carefully observing.

So many people could die if they don't heed the warnings to get out of the area, it's really very sad and almost frightening. Fortunately I live near no volcanos... so there are no worries for me. Scary thing is, the beast has been inactive for years. Just like normal though it has come back to life with the volcanic tremors to go along with it. Fun stuff, ain't it?

It last erupted twelve years ago killing only sixty people, unlike the over 1000 when it erupted in 1930. I'm glad I don't live there... Mount Merapi is also one of the volcanos in the Ring of Fire, and is one of almost one hundred thirty active volcanos in Indonesia alone. Over a hundred volcanos. Scaryness... I'm glad there are ways we can prevent as many fatalities. Science is definately a big help... :) Yay for volcanologists! I used to want to be one...

Monday, May 15, 2006

cheap petrol...a future problem for health if abused

12.05.06 1.00pm
CARACAS, Venezuela - Taxi driver Jaime Tinoco works the streets of Caracas in a 1976 Chevy Nova that guzzles 72 litres of gas a day. But he doesn't worry about fuel efficiency - filling his tank costs just US$2.30 (NZ$3.65).

While US consumers struggle with soaring energy prices, Venezuela's gas is now the world's cheapest at 12 cents a gallon (3.7 litres) and Washington's regional foe, President Hugo Chavez, vows to maintain subsidies that keep fuel dirt-cheap.

"Those gringos have everything - so why does their gas cost so much?" asked Tinoco between chuckles as he navigated a midday traffic jam. "Don't they have oil reserves?"

Chavez, a self-proclaimed socialist and critic of President Bush, has even begun subsidising fuel for poor US neighbourhoods.

In Venezuela, the world's No. 5 oil exporter, drivers fill their tanks for less than the price of a cheap breakfast, and love to point out that petrol costs less than mineral water.

The nation's petrol is now the world's cheapest, according to an International Monetary Fund report released in April that shows Venezuelan gas prices as about a third of those in oil-producing giant Saudi Arabia.

Shiny SUVs and rusty 1970s-era sedans share the streets of Venezuelan cities as drivers shrug off fuel costs.

Low-priced fuel is considered a birthright in Venezuela, which sells 1.2 million barrels per day of oil to the United States - the world's biggest gas-guzzler.

"Petrol should stay cheap the way it is, that's why we have oil in Venezuela," said Maria Rosa Pinero, 55, a housewife, filling up a Volkswagen Golf at a gas station in eastern Caracas.

Chavez has extended Venezuela's fuel subsidy to poor Americans through a well-publicised jab at the US government that offers 40 per cent discounts on heating oil distributed by Venezuelan-owned refiner Citgo.

Kiwi conquers Everest on artificial legs

New Zealand climber Mark Inglis last night stood at the highest point on the planet as he became the first double amputee to conquer Mt Everest.

His wife, Anne, confirmed her husband's achievement as she spoke to him briefly after he stood atop the 8850m mountain.

"He's incredible," Mrs Inglis said. "He's dreamed of this all his life, probably. He's over the moon.

"They didn't expect to be this early, they thought maybe mid to late May, so Mark will be stoked. I imagine they'll be having a few whiskies."

Inglis conquered Everest on two carbon-fibre artificial legs especially adapted for climbing.

modern home



world peace ?

伊朗已经提出,一旦面对强硬制裁就退出“核不扩散条约”,以此作为威胁。俄罗斯和中国则都担心,即便是有针对性的小规模制裁也可能升级,最终让美国 找到使用武力的借口,而这正是它们想避免的。中国想保住伊朗的石油来源,俄罗斯想保住一个有价值的商业市场。不过两国都明白,如果问题不能在联合国(两国 都是举足轻重的安理会常任理事国)内解决,那么可能会严重危害到联合国的未来。


   如果美国愿意加强积极鼓励,外交整体方案的吸引力可能会提高。美国可以通过一个可资信赖的中间人提出,如果伊朗同意放弃在国内发展铀浓缩技术,并接受俄 罗斯的提议(可以采取国际联盟的形式,由国际原子能机构管辖,允许伊朗参加),美国愿意考虑提供安全保障和取消现有的制裁。这便意味着,克制强行改变伊朗 政体的冲动,毕竟这种做法在布什的第一任任期内,曾使美国的外交政策受挫。


·Joseph S. Nye是克林顿总统时期的美国国防部长助理,现任哈佛大学教授,为《软实力,世界政治中的成功之道》一书的作者。

Sunday, May 14, 2006




Cooks beware. If you use non-stick pots and pans

Cooks beware. If you use non-stick pots and pans improperly, you could catch "Teflon flu" - or wipe out your pet budgie.

Non-stick coatings made of Teflon employ a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which can become toxic at high temperatures.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

luck ! got a really high quality laptop in Singapore

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I always admire and respect teacher Jian

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teacher Jian helped to take this photograph

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relax in peace

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of course also best woshes from Taiwan

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graduation..good will to Taiwan too

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graduation day...ah..I forgot to take ice cream..melted

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Friday, May 12, 2006

graduation day...finally..can sit down

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graduation..lots of flowers, just colourful

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graduation, flowers. more, more flowers

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nutrition..not nut

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Thank you Chou ma, thanks for the food and nut...

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who got he most bouquet and support ?

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strong support from the back...graduation day

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I borrowed richard's graduation...

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Richard's classmate and mum

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Richard and classmate

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richard, Monica, and Paul's parents

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graduation day 27 april 2006

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thank you auntie, Richard's graduation

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

warming had caused malaria to spread

WHO report in 2000 found that warming had caused malaria to spread from three districts in western Kenya to 13 and led to epidemics of the disease in Rwanda and Tanzania. In Sweden, cases of tick-borne encephalitis have risen in direct correlation to warmer winters. Asian tiger mosquitoes, the type that carry dengue fever, have been reported recently as far north as the Netherlands.

Culex pipiens is a favored carrier of a disease first identified in a feverish woman in the West Nile district of Uganda in 1937.

The disease was found again in Israel in the 1950s and in Romania in 1996. Each outbreak followed an unusual dry, hot spell, typical of adverse weather becoming more frequent as a result of climate change, researchers at the University of Haifa in Israel concluded.

In 1999, the virus landed in New York, probably at LaGuardia Airport. Disease sleuths speculate it was lurking in a mosquito stowaway or in the bloodstream of someone already infected. That summer also brought unusually hot, arid weather to New York.

Before the year had ended, 62 people had been infected and seven had died. The next two years were more temperate, but the disease exploded across the United States and into Canada when another hot, dry summer hit in 2002.

Susan Harrison, then 45, prepared a Labor Day barbecue that year with her husband and two daughters on the deck of their Toronto home. She was bitten by a mosquito, but shrugged it off.

In a few days, she felt a shooting pain in her legs. Within two weeks, she could not get out of bed. She was put on a respirator and spent three months in intensive care. She now uses a wheelchair, her legs and right arm paralyzed by West Nile virus.

Climate change tied to spread of diseases

As seas warm, other breeders thrive. Cholera, a waterborne disease, emerged in South America in 1991 for the first time in the 20th century. Abetted by poverty and poor public health, the disease swept from Peru across the continent and into Mexico, killing more than 10,000 people.

Diseases also are expanding in a surprisingly complex dance with their environment, taking advantage of the swings from deluge to drought made more frequent by global warming

Climate change tied to spread of diseases

Positive results seen in bird flu vaccine trial

Researchers tested various formulations of the vaccine with and without an adjuvant, an additive that can increase effectiveness. They found two 30 microgram doses with an adjuvant induced the highest antibody response after 42 days

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Civil Defence hit with tidal wave of criticism

The shakeup follows criticisms about the lack of information from Civil Defence after an international tsunami warning yesterday morning.

The alert was issued at 3.42am by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii after an earthquake in Tonga that measured 7.8 on the Richter scale.

The warning said it was large enough to cause a destructive tsunami. It then listed times that the wave would hit parts of New Zealand if it eventuated, the first impact being at Gisborne at 6.21am.

Within half an hour of the warning, international media were running the story. That prompted calls from expat New Zealanders all over the world.

Hundreds of residents fled their homes after receiving calls from loved ones. Many were dressed in their pyjamas and had no idea what was going on.

Local councils and emergency service workers were unable to provide much information as they had not been given any official word of the tsunami warning from Civil Defence.

Mr Barker said international media misreported the situation after it had been downscaled and caused unnecessary alarm.

******* prevention is always better than cure....information and knowledge is power. We can have many ways to eimprove communication in this modern era.

扁:吴淑珍身心煎熬 几度说生不如死

扁:吴淑珍身心煎熬 几度说生不如死






note: very seldom, you find, public statement of personal affairs ( very 'special' )

伊朗总统称伊有能力自卫 重申有权发展核项目

核不扩散条约是全球制止核武扩散努力的基础。伊朗称,它进行铀浓缩活动只是为了发展核能,但是这一活动也可以用于制造核武,西方国家因此要求伊朗暂停铀浓缩活动。   这是内贾德总统在致信布什总统后首次发表讲话。美国国务卿赖斯称,内贾德的信中没有提出任何新的建议。伊朗称,它正在等待布什的回信。布什没有排除对伊朗动武的可能性

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

mum, first front right

Dad toured with us in 2004 ( special sunny,warm, winter as forecast by computer). dad took this photograph. Special record on the graduation day. Thank you mum Posted by Picasa

Richard, 21 years ago, with happy papa

also remember the great love and care provided by mum for Richard Posted by Picasa

remember the last photo? yes, young william

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william and violin supervisor, and mentor

sport and music in harmony, yes, complimentary Posted by Picasa

29th April 2006 Happy Birthday William

20 years old. look like twins .my friend's comment. pa always try to be there with any important clebration...reason...Pa like good food..haha Posted by Picasa