Thursday, August 28, 2008

internal compasses

Using satellite images on Google Earth, German scientists were able to see that all over the planet, cows stand with their bodies pointing to magnetic north.

Studying photographs of 8,510 cattle in 308 herds from around the world, zoologists Sabine Begall and Hynek Burda of the University of Duisburg-Essen and their colleagues found that two out of every three animals in the pictures were oriented in a direction roughly pointing to magnetic north.
The resolution of the images was not sufficient to tell which ends of the cows were pointing north, however.

You have probably seen how cows will tend to face together in the same direction in a field, usually to face head on into a wind (reduces heat loss) or sideways to the sun (maximize heat gain), but because the photos on Google Earth are so widespread and taken in generally good weather, it appears that cows have a "default setting" of north-south orientation when local conditions don't override it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

good news of world health

The World Health Report 2007 - A safer future: global public health security in the 21st century marks a turning point in the history of public health, and signals what could be one of the biggest advances in health security in half a century. It shows how the world is at increasing risk of disease outbreaks, epidemics, industrial accidents, natural disasters and other health emergencies which can rapidly become threats to global public health security. The report explains how the revised International Health Regulations (2005), which came into force this year, helps countries to work together to identify risks and act to contain and control them

Monday, August 25, 2008

sufficient vitamin D ( especially D3), useful









Flu figures have hit a three-year high as wet weather extends the virus season.

Schoolchildren have been particularly hard hit as rain forces them to stay indoors.
kids are spending more time inside, so there's more chance of transmission between them, and just some seasonal change in the types of viruses that seem to be going around

Friday, August 22, 2008

Big rise in sunbed salons raises cancer fears

Big rise in sunbed salons raises cancer fears and calls for regulation

Sunbed use is linked to an increased risk of the skin cancer melanoma, a disease

The researchers say the increased melanoma risk may be because some tanning gear can emit sunburning ultraviolet radiation at up to five times the intensity of the midday summer sun. The greatest risk, they say, is probably from unsupervised commercial settings and when using the equipment at home.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

organic food ???

  专家指出,目前一些种植有机食品的生产基地,通过有关机构认证后,往往并没严格遵守有机农业生产标准和规范;凡是使用有机肥生产的食品就是有机食品的说法,是认识上的误区。   美国农业部规定:任何标有“纯有机”标识的产品现在必须包含100%的有机材料。自称“有机”的产品须至少含有95%的有机材料,而宣称“有机构成”的物品则须包含70%的有机材料。   

误区一: 有机食品是绿色食品,不会对环境造成污染?



  实际上,有机食品生产者使用的所谓“天然杀虫剂”比合成杀虫剂功效低得多,而且说到底也并非完全安全无害,有些天然杀虫剂(如除虫剂杀 虫剂)已被证实可导致帕金森病及癌症。当然,天然杀虫剂要达到致病程度,必须是大量使用,而这种情况一般不会发生。   另一方面,农作者采用的有机肥,也存在质量和安全问题。不合理使用有机肥也会污染土壤和环境。尤其是使用畜禽粪肥更须注意,因为部分畜禽粪便中,其农 药和兽药残留超标,如盲目过量使用畜禽粪肥,土壤中硝酸盐和速效磷的积累将比使用化肥还严重。大量施用畜禽粪肥,会造成土壤中亚硝胺类物质的积累,蔬菜可 直接吸收土壤中的亚硝基化合物,从而威胁人体健康。

误区二: 有机食品更有营养?

  研究发现,有机番茄比一般农业产出的番茄含有更多的维生素C,在有机玉蜀黍和草莓中,抗癌的物质类黄酮更多。但是也有研究却发现,有机 食品并没有绝对的营养价值优势。引起营养价值差异的最大原因是农作物放置的时间长久,例如,菠菜如果放上一周的话,将会失去一半的营养价值,即使有机又如 何?


误区三: 有机食品味道更好?

  专家认为,至今没人能尝出有机食品跟一般农作物的味道有多大的区别。一般来说,味道最好的草莓是在草莓时令的时候,买到最新鲜的成熟的 草莓。进口水果一定好吃吗?经过飞机运送的过程,加上在超市架子摆放多时,这样的水果不仅营养价值丧失不少,味道也比不上当地生产的水果新鲜。


误区四: 有机食品较干净?

  有些人买了有机食品,认为它比一般果菜更干净,在清洗时较随便,不用像一般农作物那样仔细。其实所有的农产品,不管你是从当地的商店买 的还是从有机农庄买来的,它们都一样被细菌污染包围着,最常见的是大肠杆菌。土壤和地下水都很有可能已经被大肠杆菌污染了,大肠杆菌通过动物的排泄物到土 壤到农作物,特别是各种瓜类、生菜、芽菜、番茄、菠菜和洋葱等跟土壤接触是最亲密的,所以受到的污染也更严重。因此,吃的时候,还是得彻底洗净。

smoking & stroke

