Tuesday, February 03, 2009


恪守一天三餐的准则,下午茶别喝,夜宵也别碰。”专家研究证明,饮食过量,好吃零食,喜欢甜食,常吃夜宵,以及不吃早餐的饮食习惯会捣乱代谢功能。晚餐吃 进高热量、高蛋白、高脂肪,饭后又多坐少动的人,积聚久了以后,就会形成脂肪肝;而那些不吃早餐的人,因白天工作量大又存在营养不足的问题,也会引发脂肪 肝。


Heavy rain around northern part of Borneo caused serious increased of moisture.
It is just wet, wet, wet
For indoor care. It is simple to put cool air condition to 19 degrees C for one hour then the humidity will be 60 %. The advantage is less fungus growth. It is easier to keep the room clean with dry condition.
Special dehumidifier machine is also useful to remove moisture in our living environment. Just remove the water collected a few hours after the machine has been used. Wishing you happy Spring Festival. WElcome Spring in the northern Hemisphere.