Monday, August 28, 2006

quality health












































防更年期综合征的发生 (file c7 James)

Arteries 40 Years Older Than Their Real Age

Scientists from Cambridge University, UK, have found that people with advanced heart disease have arteries with the DNA damage of people 40 years older. In other words, the arteries of a patient with advanced heart disease are biologically 40 years older than the patient. The scientists found evidence of telomere damage in the smooth muscle cells of diseased blood vessels.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Fatherhood May Alter the Brain

Researchers say the structure of the brain is different in marmoset dads vs. non-dads. They also found that the brains of fathers were more receptive to a hormone linked to learning

link paternal parenting to physical and chemical changes in the brain of any primate

Marmoset fathers, unlike many other male mammals, are very involved in offspring care

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Ahmedabad - A health warning has been issued in Gujarat’s flood-ravaged Surat city following two deaths due to suspected Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.

Hantavirus spreads through rat urine, droppings or saliva and affects the kidneys, lungs, pulmonary system or the heart.

The warning was issued late Wednesday and people have been asked to take precautions and avoid large gatherings since the possibility of contracting the virus is high.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Blood vessels problem ?







Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Typhoid is caused by a bacterium that can enter our bodies when we consume food and water contaminated by faeces or urine of patients and those carrying the bacteria. Flies may also transmit the bacteria on to foods which we then consume

Monday, August 21, 2006

mumps warning for students

Mumps is a viral infection of the salivary glands. It's spread through coughing, sneezing and saliva.

Symptoms include the swelling of the glands closest to the jaw -- hence the name "mumps." In addition, most patients with mumps have a fever with a headache and muscle aches. In severe cases, mumps can case deafness, a miscarriage in women or sterility in men.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Rise of Renewable Energy

Solar cells, wind turbines and biofuels are poised to become major energy sources.

economic growth continues to boost the demand for energy--more coal for powering new factories, more oil for fueling new cars, more natural gas for heating new homes--carbon emissions will keep climbing despite the introduction of more energy-efficient vehicles, buildings and appliances. To counter the alarming trend of global warming, the U.S. and other countries must make a major commitment to developing renewable energy sources that generate little or no carbon. Renewable energy technologies were suddenly and briefly fashionable three decades ago in response to the oil embargoes of the 1970s, but the interest and support were not sustained. In recent years, however, dramatic improvements in the performance and affordability of solar cells, wind turbines and biofuels--ethanol and other fuels derived from plants--have paved the way for mass commercialization. In addition to their environmental benefits, renewable sources promise to enhance America's energy security by reducing the country's reliance on fossil fuels from other nations. What is more, high and wildly fluctuating prices for oil and natural gas have made renewable alternatives more appealing.

Climate Repair

Arctic shipping lanes would count as one of the more benign effects of accelerated climate change. The repercussions of melting glaciers, disruptions in the Gulf Stream and record heat waves edge toward the apocalyptic: floods, pestilence, hurricanes, droughts--even itchier cases of poison ivy. Month after month, reports mount of the deleterious effects of rising carbon levels. One recent study chronicled threats to coral and other marine organisms, another a big upswing in major wildfires in the western U.S. that have resulted because of warming.

Thursday, August 17, 2006





Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gene test ? for family member with breast cancer

( those found before age 45 try to help family member to have genetic test for mutation..BRCA1 and 2)

Mutations in BRCA2 were slightly more common in black women (2.6 percent) than in white women (2.1 percent).

This is one of the first studies to look at the prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations in black women. "The lack of research has led to the impression that it's more of a problem for Caucasian women," said lead investigator Kathleen E. Malone, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, in Seattle. "Our study shows that the overall frequency of mutations is generally similar across these two races, and so, at the very least, clinicians and women who are African-American should be thinking about this to the same extent as Caucasian women."

The researchers also looked at factors which predicted whether a woman carried one of the mutations. The strongest predictors of carrying a BRCA1 mutation were being diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 45 or having a relative diagnosed before the age of 45, or ovarian cancer in a relative as well as having Jewish ancestry.

Early age at diagnosis in the patient or in relatives was a predictor of BRCA2 mutation status.

This information is critical for identifying which women might benefit from genetic testing.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Herceptin Effective in Breast Cancer Cells With Low HER-2 Levels

monoclonal antibody Herceptin (trastuzumab) used in combination with certain cancer chemotherapies effectively treats breast cancer tumors that produce low or undetectable amounts of the HER-2 oncogene

Friday, August 11, 2006

new treatment for Breast cancer

Breast cancer drugs get approval

Aug 11 2006

Breast cancer drugs hailed as a breakthrough in treatment

have been given final draft approval by the Government's

health watchdog.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

(Nice) issued a final draft appraisal on the use of three

types of aromatase inhibitors in postmenopausal women with

early breast cancer.

The drugs reduce the risk of tumours spreading following

surgery and could benefit thousands of women with hormone

receptor positive early breast cancer.

They are Arimidex (anastrozole), Femara (letrozole) and

Aromasin (exemestane) and will be available on the NHS

alongside the "gold standard" drug tamoxifen.

The inhibitors stop the natural production of oestrogen -

the hormone that is responsible for the growth and

recurrence of many breast cancers.

A 2004 study, co-ordinated by Cancer Research UK, found

that patients who switched from tamoxifen to Aromasin

halfway through treatment reduced the risk of the disease

returning by a third.

In June, the landmark Intergroup Exemestane Study also

found that switching to Aromasin cut the risk of death by

17% compared with remaining on tamoxifen. The results were

for those women who had already completed two to three

years of tamoxifen therapy.

A trial with Arimidex immediately after surgery showed an

extra 26% cut in cancer recurrence on top of the 50%

reduction provided by tamoxifen. Femara has also been shown

to be more effective than tamoxifen in a number of studies.

The Government has made clear that doctors should not wait

for Nice guidance to complete all its stages before

prescribing such drugs to women.

file c2

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Global heat

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Statistics show that more than 160 individuals have died due to the heat wave that occurred in California. The study’s main aim is to track the rising temperature to these illness and deaths which would aid in the establishing of new policy and treatment modalities to combat global warming and its associated deaths in the future. There is a sudden increase in the number of heat caused illness such as asthma

Sunday, August 06, 2006

新法培育出 人体胚胎干细胞株


  ES Cell国际的突破在于这些人体胚胎干细胞株是以非动物细胞培植,而且也遵照药品生产质量管理规范。这个消息也刊登在《自然》科学期刊上。


Friday, August 04, 2006

when to screen and how frequent

A recent analysis of HINTS 2005 data found that 57 percent of American women are unaware that they should receive mammograms to screen for breast cancer beginning at age 40. The survey also revealed more positive results: three-quarters of women reported that their health care providers had recommended mammograms, and 74 percent reported having received a mammogram within the recommended timeframe.

A larger majority of women are unaware that they did not need a Pap test every year to screen for cervical cancer; current general guidelines advise women to get Pap tests at least once every three years. A large proportion of women -- 87 percent of those who had ever received a Pap test -- said they did so as part of an annual exam. Another finding was that 61 percent of women surveyed had never heard of human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes most cases of cervical cancer.

While there are several different tests available to screen for colorectal cancer, including fecal occult blood tests (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy, 40 percent of HINTS respondents could not name one when asked. Additionally, 54 percent did know that screening for colorectal cancer is recommended for men and women age 50 or older, according to general recommendations. Knowledge of different screening options is important; research shows that being offered a choice may improve the chance that people get screened and that they continue to get screened as recommended.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


由于年龄的增长,颈椎骨间的椎间盘会失去水分,逐渐失去弹性,不但使得颈关节不稳定,也会导致椎骨边缘产生骨质化及关节韧带的增生,形成骨刺。这些增生的 骨头、韧带及不稳定的颈椎关节,都可能压迫到颈椎腔内的脊髓或颈椎骨间的脊神经根出口,造成病症。



  1. 平日少提重物。

  2. 避免颈部过度运动,如:仰头、低头、转头。

  3. 同一姿势不可维持过久,如长久低头工作。

  4. 多做转肩、耸肩运动,可促进颈部血液循环。

good result to treatment

Estrogen receptor status really refers to whether or not a cancer cell has the estrogen receptor on it.

Estrogen is just a protein that's found in the female body. The way they interact is that estrogen would be circulating in the bloodstream, and when it encounters its own receptor, it will bind to it. In breast cancer cells that have the estrogen receptor, otherwise known as estrogen receptor-positive, that leads to the growth of the breast cancer cells. So in a sense, the estrogen binds to the estrogen receptor and acts, in a sense, like food for the breast cancer cell. It stimulates it to grow.

Estrogen receptor-negative tumors do not possess the estrogen receptor, which is simply a protein on their surface, and thus, we believe, do not depend on the female hormone estrogen for their growth.