Monday, April 30, 2007

Can food urges be irresistible?

body has a physiological predisposition to balance its energy needs with its desire for food. The hormones and brain communicate to determine when an individual is full, with the brain issuing the signal that says "Stop eating" with the help of information it receives from hormones. But prolonged food shortages, chronic stress, prenatal nutrition, early exercise patterns and other factors can affect how the brain orchestrates this balance. In places where food is scarce, the brain may encourage higher consumption, especially of high fat and sugary foods, even when the food supply becomes more abundant. That's an adaptive response that helps the body weather periods of food shortages

brain may also respond to stress in the same way, encouraging the intake of high fat and sugary foods - comfort foods - that can result in obesity that is nearly impossible to reverse.

Friday, April 27, 2007

green power

Canada could access 163,173 MW of hydro power and 175,000 MW of wind power






Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nanoparticle Treatment Being Tested

cancer-suppressing gene has been successfully delivered into the tumors of stage 4 lung cancer patients via an intravenously administered lipid nanoparticle in a phase I clinical trial

Tuesday, April 24, 2007




Wednesday, April 18, 2007

1 Dose Of New Drug Cures Malaria

Hopkins University researchers have cured infected mice with single shots of a new series of potent, long lasting synthetic drugs modeled on an ancient Chinese herbal folk remedy.

These peroxide compounds, containing a crucial oxygen-oxygen unit

The oxygen-oxygen unit in the peroxides causes malaria parasites essentially to self-destruct. The parasites digest hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells, and, in the process, release a substance called heme, a deep-red iron-containing blood pigment. When the heme encounters peroxides, a powerful chemical reaction occurs, releasing carbon-free radicals and oxidizing agents that eventually kill the parasites.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Palm oil killing rainforest

Palm-oil consumption has more than doubled to more than 30 million tonnes each year in the past decade. But the environmentally conscious people around the globe who have driven the demand 'haven't realized that they're destroying Indonesia's nature in the process,' said

Thursday, April 05, 2007




螺旋电脑断层( SCT)得以侦测出可治愈的初期肺癌


human Rh proteins

Thousands of people with liver and kidney disease die every year from too much ammonia in their blood.......
a possible solution....
By targeting human Rh proteins, new treatments will help people with damaged livers and kidneys remove toxic ammonia from their bloodstream.
For people with kidney and liver damage, the need to remove naturally occurring ammonia from the bloodstream is critical. Brain cells are particularly susceptible to ammonia, and at low levels, ammonia toxicity can cause mild to severe confusion, drowsiness, or tremors. At high levels, ammonia toxicity leads to coma and eventually death. Rh blood proteins are most commonly recognized as being used to help define blood type. For instance, people who are type A, B, AB, or O positive have Rh blood proteins on the surface of their red blood cells. People who are type A, B, AB, or O negative do not have Rh proteins on the surface of their red blood cells.