Sunday, June 29, 2008

Harvard School of Public Health

primary aim is to target the three biggest cause of mortality in surgery - preventable infections, preventable complication from bleeding, and safety in anesthesia.
It includes six basic steps in care, including verifying that it is the correct patient, ensuring equipment is not left inside the patient, and administering an antibiotic before making an incision - which cuts the risk of infection by half.
Preliminary results from patients at eight pilot sites - including London, Seattle and Toronto - indicate that the checklist has nearly doubled the likelihood that patients will receive proven standards of surgical care, leading to a significant cut in complications and deaths.
The study, published in the Lancet, found that before the checklist was used there was a 64% chance that at least one of the procedures was forgotten - with no difference between rich and developing countries.
There have been major improvements in surgical operations in recent years.
But Professor Atul Gawande, of Harvard, said: "The quality and safety of surgical care has been dismayingly variable in every part of the world.
"What we identified was that the idea of a checklist to make sure the basic steps are taken, could make a big difference not only in the poorest part of the world but even in the rich ones."

build up our bone


Mix arond then high risk of Bird flu in the future


Saturday, June 28, 2008

“生蛇” ?????

每1000个人口当中,约有3个人会患上带状疱疹。而大约有20%的患者,在带状疱疹痊愈后的6个月,疼痛仍然存在。我们称这为“带状疱疹后神经 痛”。治疗这种慢性神经痛非常棘手,因为这种病相当顽固,几乎对每一种疗法都有抗拒性。目前治疗带状疱疹包括服用抗病毒药和止痛药。至于治疗带状疱疹后神 经痛,普通的止痛药的疗效不大。治疗神经痛,就要对症下药,必须采用特别的镇痛剂,如抗抑郁药或者抗痉挛药。敷在皮疹上的止痛药膏也很有效用。   如果神经痛得不到舒缓,病患者应该尽早向疼痛治疗专科医生求医。如果疱疹是长在脸上,牵连眼球的巩膜,就会影响到视力,需要看眼科专家了

Magnesium is good for our health ?


Friday, June 27, 2008

$$$$$ is link to good health

Yes...five stars topic

money is link to good health.

We sure to have confidence if we have extra cash to arrange 'freedom' in study, activities and surely, good health care...and take care of each other...

We, as concern citizens of our mother earth must know the hedge fund group ( people who got rich...and only a small percentage of the world population got very very rich.)..thus most of us get relatively poorer day by day.

So....we also want good health, reasonable living standard, and most of all happiness.
For example, hedge funds in our world has accumulated almost 4 times in the last 10 years.
We notice that there is plenty of petrol in the station. Plenty of food...yet the price keep on rising within a short period of time..

yes raised too high within a short period of time...before the whole world can catch up with the pace.

We can act and see good me know your idea, my friends...I have to go...for a short while

Sunday, June 22, 2008

young heart

We need to rejuvenat our vision

Be happy, creative and then....think plus action
In chinese primary school, we used to read alot of stories by Anderson...


Observation....strong eyes

My friends,

Dr. Chong is waiting at the side of 4 wheels drive before the fuel tank is full. We sure puzzle by the extra amount of money to ensure our car petrol tank is being refilled.
OK my good friend told me to fill up half tank to reduce the total weight of the vehicle thus save fuel.

Look at my first sentence...Dr. Chong waiting...actually...

the topic is observation during waiting. ( I have little spare time to visit petrol station anyway)

So, I observed that the cute little girl ( around 20 years old, if in doubt, ask her , not me)cleaned the panel of the office with liquid, and a piece of......
old , old news paper..

Why news could be lead is in the print and the ion form of lead filled up the gap in glass and ensure it looks more shinning.

ok....our mind may shift to Crystal glass wares....That really looks pretty. Can we enjoy drinking from a beautiful crystal goblet. The safest way may be drinking cold pure distilled water from a crystal glass.

***** 5 stars topic...
***** Is it safe to drink/eat/ store food or drink( wine, juice) from Crystal glass ware ?

Tell me your idea...


Do not feed an infant or child from a lead crystal baby bottle or cup
From the searches that have been made and the information that has been gathered the main point of the discussion about using lead crystal drinking items is to NOT STORE liquids in them for extended periods of time. From information that has been read it seems to state that using lead crystal containers for very short periods to hold liquids doesn’t have ill effects. Such as in giving a dinner party for one evening and then making sure the container is emptied and cleaned before storing.

There are many sources on the net for this information. From the Ho-Hum to the Radical. But from all that we have read and digested the main point is to use your decanters for an evening’s entertainment and then empty them. Do not store the liquid in them till your next party. The avenue of choice is yours.

I have only found a few of sites that sell lead crystal that have a warning on their site. The rest have no mention of it (lead warning not to store liquids in leaded crystal).
The Crystal Figurine Shoppe believes that if the information is out there that it is our duty to try to get it to you. Lead poisoning is a very serious matter. Especially when small children are involved.

The safety of our patrons is our first and foremost priority. If you are going to purchase lead crystal stemware, lead crystal glassware or ceramic dinner ware of any type from any manufacturer request information as to the quantity of lead in their product and instructions as to the usage and care of their product (cleaning, storage, frequency of use if for food or drink service). The majority of us do not think of the hazards of lead exposure in crystal stemware, crystal glassware when we use it. What usually comes to mind is paint. And here we are buying items because of their lead content. Amazing isn’t it. But if you are like me once I hear about something that could harm my family or myself I like to do my own research as to what is safe for my family and friends. I just never got in the habit of letting strangers do this for me. And especially the government. As we have seen with the FDA with prescription drugs.

We hope that this topic has been informative for you. For more information on this subject just put in the word lead or hazards of lead in any major search engine and it will take you to sights and forums on the subject.
If you wish for us to add more information to this page please feel free to contact us using the form on the left side of this page. Thank you and Be Safe!

: ) : ) : ) 3 smiling friend

40-A Jalan Mendu, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo

Yes ! my friend, My gardener confirmed petrol power

To day I rashed to 50 kilometres away with my friend/gardener Mr. Tanuk to a house call.
We travelled towards country side. Then the question arised...

If the Oxygen content is purer in country side, can it be true that engine combustion is more complete thus our vehicle is more powerful. That means we can travel longer distance with a litre of petrol when the air quality is good.
Are we on the right track?
High humidity in Borneo means there are lots of water vapour in the air. The petrol emmision issomehow constant for a fix period of time.
Can we assume we need quality air so our car also benefit with good air quality.
Sound sensible ?

Anyway , we did very good speed for our mission ( really feel faster and smoother driving)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Protect our lung, my friend

Air pollution in major cities of Industrial countries and cities with lots of vehicles caused our lung damage. Prevention is our first choice.

Monday, June 16, 2008

性爱 和冠心病

5 stars common sense...blood vessels in our body affected. Heart disease kill within a very short time. So the related features should be useful for leading to early treatment of heart and thus save life.



Good fish for our happy life ? where ??

Coral reefs' vulnerability to global warming has already been established by researchers, but the fish living in the reefs are also at risk, James Cook University's Centre for Excellence in Coral Reef Studies found.
"We have already seen episodes of mass die-off of corals as a result of warmer waters associated with global warming, the problem for specialist coral fish is that when the corals die, the fish have nowhere else to go," the centre's Philip Munday said.
Munday said there were some 4,000 fish species living in or around coral reefs, providing livelihoods and a major source of sustenance to an estimated 200 million people worldwide.

Join force, you and me, to plant more trees. yes I planted Durian trees. My friend Tanuk helps me to plant 300 durian trees. Plan to plant coffee trees underneath the tall Durian trees. It sound like a good combination. We will have enjoyable time through out the whole year...with durian and coffee all the time. cheers

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sleep ?? sleep ??????

How Much Sleep Do we Really Need?
Studies show that people who sleep between 6.5 hours and 7.5 hours a night, as they report, live the longest
people who sleep 8 hours or more, or less than 6.5 hours, they don't live quite as long. There is just as much risk associated with sleeping too long as with sleeping too short. The big surprise is that long sleep seems to start at 8 hours. Sleeping 8.5 hours might really be a little worse than sleeping five.
With modern standard of living, scientific and health facilities which protect us against many odd situation in life. The natural phenomenon of sleep is just like food amount that we take. If we arrange nicely, a well balanced quality dose is just ideal for the optimum health.
Dr. Chong learned from a friend who travelled in Africa for many years and observed there is serious dry season in Africa every 6 years. Thus the food amount taken would be less periodically. That is the ideal for their health. A possible explaination for the high incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in the Aborigin group of Australian also showed recent increased of food consumption upset the original balance practice by Aborigin Australian for 80,000 thousand years or more.
Ok, to make a precise and concise summary....Try to wake up naturally after 2 weeks trainning. Follow the sunrise. Try to sleep before midnight. Let the winter and rainning season help us to catch up with natural extra enjoyable sleep. sound like cute white bear sleeping longer hours during winter. Yes...sure to wake up feeling refreshed, 'warm' and happy.
Some thing not related to sleep and longivity...Happy bear open their mouth big and wide as in yawning...that sure is a sign of friendly gesture and there is no fight( no war), only happy gathering, peaceful meal together.
My dear friend, Let us design an ideal sleep for, and wishing you a happy day.
From Dr. Chong, Sarawak, Borneo

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

a short story by James Chong

Sound of Silence and lizard

I woke up at 4 am this morning then walked peacefully to the computer room.
a 6 centimetres lizard suddenly dashed toward the back of the door.
Lizards do cry at night,sharp at high pitch,''Keat.....keat....keat...keat..''
This particular lizard, a snake like creature, remind me the incidence of waking up 3 am early in the morning
20 years ago at the old house, 24 Jalan Sungai Maong Hilir. That time my first child Richard( Ric) didnot sleep well due to the sudden out burst of lizards crying.
at 3 am, I comforted Ric and told him,''That is lizard.....lizard''. ''It is ok, not to worry''
anticipating something new or great, the 3 years old boy sat up and grasped my right hand and tightened grip over the last 3 fingers.We walked quietly like pink panther pacing towards the kitchen.We already determined to find the noisy lizard that disturb sweet dreams.
He tagged on ten centimetres right behind my right hand side and leaned toward me. 'Those lizards not going to bite ?!' I thought but didnot say that.
There at the wooden structure of 20 times 20 feet and 12 feet high old kitchen, 3 lizards scattered on the wall and stared at Ric and me.One was over the north east corner, another at south and the third over the north west position.
I took 15 size 4 natural latex rubber bands, then demonstrated the procedure of interlooping 2 sets of 6 rubber bands then twisted the linked rubber till it was forming a natural power to recoil into a firm corrugated rubber ball. both ends then approximated and formed a little loop to enable 3 new rubber bands to enter then tied within the 3 rubber band loop. The weapon was ready, a rubber ball with super latex spring as leading force.
I could not tell how left handed Ric comprehened my action of usng right index finger to steady the loop and pointed the out stretched rubber band towards the lizard with my right index finger, coordinated with steady left thumb holding the rubber ball firmly on my left index finger which is almost touching my left eye.
In split second. My left hand released the hard rubber ball weapon, and it flew towards the lizard.
''Pang'' synchronizing that piercing sound, the ten centimetres lizard dropped from the ceiling.It was similar to watching the speed of coconut dropped from a 100 feet tree but the acceleration was different with that living creature.
''Pak...'', as soon as the lizard landed at the grey cement floor, we dashed toward the lizard and executed it.(Hope no need to describe the execution).
By the time we hit the second lizard, the third snake like creature disappeared without making a noise.
Ric happily stumbled with slow steady pace towards the bed room 50 feet away from the 'lizard' room.
His soft, tender, elastic youthful 3 years old shoulder felt warm and secure cupped by my right palm. He went to sleep alright and might have sweet dreams.
(note: I wonder whether there could be other snake like lizard that one may be scared to encounter.
as one grow and glow, is there any fancy living creature that is adorable yet may reduce quality of life such as stealing away precious time!? minimising potential of one's success. Ok, Just now another real lizard, right in frnt of me, at this quiet morning. It is completely dark outside the house at this moment.
Immediately the music of the tune' sound of silence' of Bee Gees covered my whole body and soul. It hovered in my mind and I feel like it is 6 cm deep in my brain. The music seems to dance in 2 areas 6 centimetres from my both ears. It is feeling smooth as silk. or death

Residents near Wisconsin's Lake Delton are looking for a new place to sleep after a burst dam turned into a deadly torrent.

Hazard due to rain storm may cause deathly damage to man made structure.
apart from the destructive force that could harm alot of people. water pollution, hygiene problem, shortage of clean drinking water, and other situations soon arise and usually more sickness attack.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Father's love

as a single parent, it is tough. ( sure there is resonance for those who experience it)

For example, as a father, I have to think more since no mum in the family. then it could be the environement pollution that caused every body in this world getting artificial female hormone from femal chicken meat, pork from female ( since all agree that female pig smell better and thus the pork in this world...for example australasia or nonspecific southern hemisphere of this world)

Have you seen the hungry pigs keeping in cage in cold countries...ok...sure you can arrange to experience that...seeing is believing

Back to the topic of father(s) that include every fathers in this world...beware of detergent that is used in the kitchen, the chemical can pollute our world and the water discharged indirectly absorbed by fruits, vegetables and back to our body...the ingredients is sufficient to casue the next generation develponing more feminine...
You may think it is ok for father to adapt faster to be able to cook in the kitchen, do more house choir, wash clothes, wash the dishes, change diapers ( no chance for single parent, sorry).

Ok, for my case, for few days the nanny was not in good mood and thus no cooking nor proper food from the house maid/ daughter's nanny source.

So I went into 'my kitchen' is mine took me 10 minutes to cook 2 dishes with microwaves. In addition, I made myself 4 pieces of bread, hot one, with best timing in small amount butter application, followed by Y Borneo Kaya bread spread.

It is interesting to find out what is Kaya ( food) from Borneo. It is alwasy true thatit goes well with 90 % boiled egg.( my eldest son, who is a medical student) loves that combination...I made 5 stars dishes of that sort.

The main topic, there is environment factor that caused father to be ok in doing good job in cooking, I am sure to be able to stay alive in my new tower( castle) alone with reasonable kitchen, fresh air, quiet space...yes...wonderful creative space for a suitable period of time, say for wonderful refreshing healthy recharging-like sleep.

Wishing you refresh like recarged battery. Cheers

Health ? and link with modern technology

Human evolution at this stage could be ideal for a happy living. It is ideal to be able to shout every morning

'I am healthy, I am happy, I am sucessful'

and those who find another approach useful can reassure oneself by repeat every monring, haha, talking to oneself by saying,

Health, Happiness, success

that implies one wish to have at least the main portion of useful life form on earth( me in Borneo island), in this cosmos ..........( some like to visualize milky way with vivid memory of bright silvery belt like school of stars that hold us warmly in cosmos breasts like staying comfortable in mum's embrace. ( also sure to be ok in father's embrace and hag...true...same unconditioned love)

Human right and basic education

This is serious if one view at it objectively. It could have happened to quite a lot of family and many educated friends may find it damaging:

The situation of alleged family member, such as one of the 4 children opened letter box( email) and read private letter without permission.

Not only it is illegal in the eyes of lawyer. It is a basic habit and education that must be enforced. It is essential to have basic self respect and abstain from the compulsive urge to open other people's mail without permission.

In this web/blog focusing on the topic of health..........the above mentioned practice is more than just ...unhealthy


rate this topic 5 stars important and there is an urgency to make it straight.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Cosmos harmony

Like ideal health( never can be perfect), we wish( hope) our world could be in harmony and led to happiness. It is wise to allow creative thinking and set a good mind suitable to our environment. This time let us think about lbert Eistein.

Another approach Einstein tried involved extending general relativity to include the equations of electromagnetism by generalizing the metric tensor while keeping the 4-dimensional geometry.
Einstein worked on these two basic approaches persistently for the last thirty years of his life, but neither method ever produced the complete unified theory he was looking for.
He pursued and then soon rejected idea after idea. “Most of my intellectual offspring end up very young in the graveyard of disappointed hopes,” Einstein wrote in a letter in 1938.
But he never gave up on his quest for a unified theory. Even while lying on his deathbed, he continued his work. The day before he died, he asked to have his latest notes brought to him.
One reason for Einstein’s failure to discover a unified theory may be his rejection of quantum mechanics, which caused him to ignore new developments in physics and distance himself from the rest of the physics community. Einstein was aware of his position, and commented in 1954 that "I must seem like an ostrich who forever buries its head in the relativistic sand in order not to face the evil quanta." But the more he worked on unification, the farther away Einstein drifted from the rest of the physics community.
He also became more and more absorbed in formal mathematical arguments, rather than following the physical intuition that had guided him in his youth to his great discoveries.
Many people say that Einstein failed because he was simply ahead of his time. The knowledge and tools needed to complete a unified theory simply hadn’t been developed before Einstein died in 1955.
Today, many physicists are taking up his quest. The most promising approach appears to be string theory, which requires 10 or more dimensions and describes all elementary particles as vibrating strings, with different modes of vibration producing different particles.
String theory has not yet made any testable predictions, and some scientists worry that string theorists have, like Einstein in his later years, strayed too far from physical reality in their obsession with beautiful mathematics. But many others believe string theory does indeed hold the key to completing Einstein’s quest, and researchers are hoping to find ways to test some of the predictions of string theory.
Though his own work never produced a useful physical theory, Einstein established unification as an important goal of physics. Indeed a theory of everything is commonly called the “holy grail” of modern physics. Einstein would probably be pleased that so many physicists are enthusiastically devoting their careers to pursuing his dream.
Ed. Note: As the World Year of Physics draws to a close, we are ending our series of history columns concentrating on Einstein. We are also changing authors. For five years, "This Month in Physics History".

We are happy to see happy out come of wise research( search). Reinvention( base on invention mood) for refreshed power which is a continuation of force we need to carry on happily.
It is useful to think that''perfect practice make perfect''. If you want to elaborate this, try to ask my second son William the example of sport sceince, for example, best result may be seen in correct selection and training method for athelete. Those who start with a wrong grip, just for an example, have a heal lot of trouble trying to change to an effective grip and sport action( such as Badminton).........Try to do it, please my friend.

Monday, June 02, 2008

weather forecast, how to use it for Health matter

Many friends think Dr. J Chong is joking. How can we benefit from knowledge of climate, weather.

O.K. It is simple. If the rainfall is expected to be 60 % higher than normal for the next 3 months, then the winter zone is going to get heavy snow or even worst--snow storm. Those hot summer like area is going to have flood with heavy rain if the probablty of rainfall exceed the normal situation. How serious could it be...let us try our home work together...

For example, using

the left hand column is is listed with LATEST, some links ....etc and screen through the climate "Forecast area, we can see Queensland, australia, World. Click on the word world.

a map showing the diferent colour chart appeared. O.K.

are we ready to go to west coast of south america ? then we may encouter serious flood. Danger ? sure we can think about that...

How about Mongolia..yes..61 killed in a day 3 days ago due to serious snow storm. True, read BBC news and get confirmation of Mongolia hazzard.
There are nice place to visit ...lets us try Bali island, Sabah, Kuching of Borneo, pretty safe for 2008.
How about BeiJing olympic...

Sure we can think...sit back and relax may be the best choice. another story is the Marathon gold medalist of 2004, Mr. so and so, he said he is not going to compete in 2008 Beijing Olympic due to serious air pollution. O.K. this is partly related to our main topic.

My friend, we can use our talent, happy reading then think. Keep in touch. ( 40- Jalan Mendu, Kuching)