Thursday, October 27, 2005


信息通讯部将普及推广的机器人有,通过语音识别可以念英语童话的教育机器人“Jupiter”、通过远程控制可 进行清扫的“奈特罗”(音音)、可以阅读新闻和电子邮件的通信功能型“超级机器人”(意译)等3种机器人。外形和影片《星球大战》中出现的“R2D2”相 似。机器人制造由Yujinrobotics、Hanool robotics、iotech等专业机器人企业负责。

   信息通讯部开发的平民机器人的核心技术是,将机器人连接到KT、SK通信等企业构建的宽带聚合网络(BcN)中进行控制。网络机器人并不是将昂贵的计算 机系统安装在机器人体内,而是在中央超级计算机上通过高速网络控制机器人,所以价格相对低廉。另外,可以在室外的其他地方进行远程控制,命令其做家务。

note: Robot has no biological component. less infectious risk ( Robot bird has minimal Avian flu risk)

Air pollution tied to increased risk of strokes

reports have shown a link between air pollution and overall risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular events

pushes for bird flu vaccine by '06

Anti-virals are used to fight influenza after infection, while vaccines are used to prevent infection. Governments around the world are scrambling to stockpile vaccines and anti-virals that treat or prevent bird flu, which has killed more than 60 people in Asia, with a mortality rate of about 50 percent. Bird flu has also been detected in Russia, Croatia, Romania and a bird from South America.

note: Similar viral infectious disease such as EV 71 of 1997, Nipah Virus infection, SARS all had serious infection situation. With good management, isolation, treatment and control, all of them eventually controlled.

Prevention: avoid contact with birds, chicken, ducks and any secretions, droppings, or raw blood of such living things. to improve living environment by avoiding staying in densely populated area. improve ariflow and ventilation.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005



  据梁有福介绍,胆固醇主要存在于动物性食物中,尤其是动物的内脏和脑中最高,而鱼类 和奶类中的含量较低。人体内胆固醇的来源主要有两个:一是内源性的,即由肝脏合成的,这部分约占总胆固醇的70%;另一部分是外源性的,即来自于食物中的 胆固醇,大约占30%。如果食物中胆固醇长期摄入不足,体内便会加紧合成,以满足人体的需求。

  固醇类除胆固醇外,还有植物固醇,最常见的是谷固醇和麦角固醇,后者就是人们通常 所说的维生素D中的一类。胆固醇又分为高密度胆固醇和低密度胆固醇两种,前者对心血管有保护作用,通常称之为“好胆固醇”,后者偏高,冠心病的危险性就会 增加,通常称之为“坏胆固醇”。血液中胆固醇含量每单位在140—199毫克之间,是比较正常的胆固醇水平

Monday, October 10, 2005







A stroke is kind of a strange word for a health problem. You probably think of a stroke as something good. You might stroke your dog's fur. Or maybe someone has told you: "That's a stroke of good luck." But if someone has a stroke it means something has stopped the normal blood flow to the brain. Strokes usually happen to older people, like grandparents. Kids don't typically get them.
Blood is circulating through your body all the time in tubes called arteries and veins. Usually, these blood vessels work fine and there's no problem. That's important because blood carries oxygen to all the cells in your body. And without oxygen, the cells would die.
A stroke can happen if something keeps the blood from flowing as it should. A person might have a clogged blood vessel, so the blood can't get through. Or a blood vessel may burst and a part of the brain is suddenly flooded with blood. Either way, with a stroke, brain cells die because they don't get the oxygen they need.
There are two main types of strokes:
Ischemic (say: iss-kee-mik) strokes happen when a blood vessel going to the brain becomes blocked, and the blood can't get where it's supposed to be. This type of stroke is the most common. A blood clot - a clump of blood that sticks together - is usually to blame for ischemic strokes. They can also happen when arteries become narrow and clogged with plaque. Plaque is a mix of cholestero and other fatty stuff that sticks to the walls of blood vessels.
Hemorrhagic (say: heh-muh-rah-jik) strokes happen when a weak or thin blood vessel bursts and the blood spills out, killing brain cells and affecting how the brain works. High blood pressure can weaken the walls of vessels and make a hemorrhagic stroke much more likely.
There are also "mini strokes" called transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). These are not full-blown stokes because the blood flow is only cut off for a short amount of time and they don't cause the same kind of damage right away, however, they are a warning sign that something is wrong and that a real stroke may be on its way. Strokes are serious. People who have strokes can get really sick, have brain damage, or die. But many people recover from strokes, especially if they know the warning signs and can get help quickly.

fit kids

Some steps only parents can take - such as serving healthy meals or deciding to take the family on a nature hike. But kids can take charge, too, when it comes to health.

Eat a variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. If you eat different foods, you're more likely to get the nutrients your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven't tried for a while. Some foods, such as green veggies, are more pleasing the older you get. Shoot for five servings of fruits and vegetables a day - two fruits and three vegetables. Here's one combination that might work for you

Friday, October 07, 2005





舌癌占口腔癌的45.9%,同时发现舌体边缘区的烂牙齿(残冠、残根)、老年性牙磨耗造成锐 利的非功能牙尖或咬合面边缘嵴对舌粘膜的长期机械刺激和慢性损伤。是舌癌发生的主要因素。嗜酒,吸烟的不良嗜好,对舌粘膜的长期刺激,与舌癌的发病也有密 切的关系。另外,舌癌患者多数口腔卫生差,常患有牙周炎等疾病,使口腔粘膜长期处于病菌侵袭之中,使舌根部边缘的慢性损伤不断受到感染,糜烂创面长期不 愈,也是促使舌癌发生的重要因素。







cervical cancer drug trial successful

Oct 2005 news

An experimental vaccine against the most common cause of cervical cancer was found to be 100% effective in trials, the American drugmaker Merck said yesterday. The company said the drug, Gardasil, blocks infection from strains of the human papilloma virus that cause 70% of cervical cancers.

More than 12,000 women took part in the trials. Half were given Gardasil and half a placebo. None who received the vaccine developed cervical cancer or pre-cancerous lesions in the following two years. Merck said the drug could be on the market next year. Its shares rose 6%.

prevention is always better than 'other methods'

Presses Vaccine Makers on Bird Flu

Oct 6, 2005 — President Bush summoned vaccine manufacturers to a White House meeting Friday, hoping to personally boost the rickety industry amid increasing fears of a worldwide outbreak of bird flu. It's the latest in a flurry of preparations for a possible pandemic after criticism of the government's response to Hurricane Katrina.

This month, vaccine maker Sanofi-Pasteur begins the first mass production of a new vaccine that promises to protect against bird flu

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Avian flu virus

Avian flu virus emerging in Asia shared some of the same genetic characteristics as the flu virus that killed more than 50 million people worldwide in 1918, shortly after the First World War, researchers have said.
The 1918 virus too had jumped directly from birds to humans, said scientists who reconstituted the 1918 virus over course of a decade using lung tissues from two soldiers and an Alaskan woman who died in the pandemic.

According to the 'New York Times', the soldiers tissues had been saved in an army pathology library and the woman had been buried in permanent frozen ground.

The United Nations has repeatedly warned the countries to be prepared for the outbreak of the pandemic as the virus causing bird flu now could mutate to make human-to-human infection possible and if that happens, tens of thousands of people could die as humans would not have immunity against it.

The new findings reinforced the world body's repeated warnings and some countries now have started taking the threat seriously. The scientists who have just finished sequencing the genetic make up of 1918 flu virus, said that the Southeast Asian H5N1 virus had several of the same mutations, suggesting it might not need to combine with a flu strain already adapted to humans to cause serious infection.

Monday, October 03, 2005


澳洲科学家巴里·马歇尔(BarryJ.Marshall)和罗宾·沃伦(Robin Warren),因为最先揭示了细菌导致胃溃疡的致病机理,星期一获得了2005年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。他们将共同分享约130万美元(约220万5840新元)的奖金。

  他们在1982年发现幽门螺旋杆菌(helicobacter pylori)是引起胃炎和胃溃疡的祸首,之前人们一直认为压力和生活方式是造成胃溃疡的主因。




Australians win Nobel medicine prize

Barry Marshall and Robin Warren won the 2005 Nobel medicine prize Monday for their 1982 discovery that stomach inflammation and ulcers were mainly caused by bacteria, overturning the prevailing notion at the time that lifestyle and stress were the causes.

The Nobel Assembly of Stockholm's Karolinska Institute described the pair's discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease