Friday, July 11, 2008

wise andhappy choice

choose to be happy, true we are making choice....all the time, even till our next life


whenever we have confidence, we gain more

If there is a chance, we can assess ourself...may employ ourself...see


another factor to be happy

別跟自信過不去自信是什麼?這很難用一、兩句話說明,不過,有句話說得很好:「自信,就是不要跟自已過不去。」這句話形容得很貼切,沒自信的人常覺得別人看不起他。辜濂松曾說:「領導人不見得比別人聰明,可是他會用比他聰明的人。」這句話背後所展現的,就是自信。因為,領導人若能聽從旁人的建議,就不怕大權旁落或別人騎到頭上,當然會有很多人才願意幫他工作。.....true confidence

you are most attractive ....because...


smile ...and let us really enjoy


Try again happily, if it is really interesting for us


Be prepared


effective hazard management


Happy priority for you and me

A long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that ifhe could ride on his horse and cover as much land area as he likes,then the Emperor would give him the area of land he has covered.Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and rode asfast as possible to cover as much land area as he could.He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast aspossible. When he was hungry or tired, he did not stop because hewanted to cover as much area as possible.Came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he wasexhausted and was dying.Then he asked himself, "Why did I push myself so hard to cover so muchland area?Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."The above story is similar with. We push veryhard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition. We neglect our health , time with our family and to appreciate thesurrounding beauty and the hobbies we love.One day when we look back, we will realize that we don't really needthat much, but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition . Lifeis definitely not about work!Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty andpleasures of life.Life is a balance of Work and Play, Family and Personal time. You haveto decide how you want to balance your Life. Define your priorities,realize what you are able to compromise but always let some of yourdecisions be based on your instincts.So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature.Life is fragile, Life is short. Do not take Life for granted. Live abalanced lifestyle and enjoy Life!Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

True...can change our habit, thus character, thus aim for good future

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Healthy plan during recession Dr. Chong

Family dinners

Want to start a revolution? Try eating dinner together as a family.Recessions tend to foster family mealtimes as the pin money that drives fast-food meals and overscheduled lives dries up.

Shorter lines at the pump

It seems like only yesterday we witnessed the thrilling rush-hour road rage exchanges at every metropolitan gas station

Less junk mail

Thanks to the presumptive recession, many of us have recently glimpsed the back of our mailboxes for the first time in years.

More coupons

When the going gets tough, the tough clip coupons to help maintain their lifestyles.

A February survey by ICOM Information and Communications in Toronto found that 67% of Americans are likely to use coupons during a recession, regardless of their income.

Free fitness

What's the official vegetable of good times? The couch potato, of course.

But as gas prices skyrocket, alternative modes of transportation are once again gaining traction. When you ride a bike, walk to the bus stop or hoof it to the train station to commute to work, you get a free workout along with saving gas money.

You can extend your free workout in other ways. Throw in a little cardio (by skipping rope, jogging or rowing) and add some upper body (with push-ups, sit-ups and free weights) and you can save the $35 to $40 a month

Bargain SUVs

Not all prices go up in a recession. Case in point

Business startup opportunities

What do Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and Disney have in common? They all started during economic downturns, as did more than half of the 30 companies that comprise the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

In fact, entrepreneurial startups by laid-off and downsized employees, managers and executives often help get the economy growing again.

Recessions are a great time to open your own shop: Wages are down, rents are cheaper, competition is scarce and goods and services can be found at a discount.

Growth in gardening

A recession is the perfect time to get back to nature. Bid your lawn service adieu and put your mind and body to work tending your grounds yourself.

The benefits are numerous. Regular gardening provides cardio and strength training, improves flexibility and relieves stress. These health benefits help fight heart attack, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

The fruits and vegetables you grow also encourage a healthier diet. And the money you save by doing the mowing, raking, pruning and mulching yourself will more than pay for your equipment, fuel and next year's plantings.

Musical inspiration

Do economic downturns inspire great music? A case can be made that hard times help produce heartfelt anthems that cut through the anesthetic musical drone of the day.

New perspectives

Perhaps the greatest boon of a recession is the time to reflect and reassess the true meaning and goals of our lives.
history is any indication, we humans are inclined to resume our consumption full speed once the economic engine starts rolling again. But our progress toward a more sustainable future comes in increments during those times when we are forced to do without.We may not yet be ideal stewards of the planet, but we're making progress. Temporary setbacks like recessions prompt our new hope.

wishing you health....happiness...success ( greetings from Dr. J. Chong)

reasons to love a recession

The latest downturn is an opportunity to return to the family dinner table or the garden.
hear "recession" and think "disco!"
In 1975, inflation topped 14%, unemployment approached 6% (but doubled that in some locales), and fuel and food prices were headed skyward.
No one wants a recession, of course. It can cause serious economic pain for millions of people, and many good friends.
However, economists tell us there are some reasons to actually welcome and perhaps even embrace a recession. After all, a recession is the ebb part of the natural ebb and flow of world economy. Yes , why we talk about world and I are living in a global viallage now with our doors wide opened. Good or bad...
Any way think that we have gain some weight and now we are having sliming programme.
Plan a series of activities for this recession ( for how long a period ? you are wise...tell me)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Cheap energy make us happy and healthy

what is responsible for the record escalation on oil prices?

We have tried to stay in office during lunch time to save fuel.( How about those who need to see children and wife/husband?)
We have checked the pump metre before leaving the petrol station, for example, the pump stopped automatically indicating 49 $ even we paid 50, yet many people left without noticing Tabuan Jaya Petronas station is very very very good with manual work must be done by ourself...yes..take theinitiative to do some home work and actual work.ok...
back to the main topic...wishing for cheap oil and a happy healthy life...why ?why?

what is responsible for the record escalation on oil prices?
1. of course we have to pick the...
Speculators, to blame
the credit crisis and a weaker dollar. means weak US dollars. why? Sarawak people earn Ringgit dollar and we earn only 10 % of Average Singaporean earned. Sarawak got a lot of kind hearted people, and we spend average 30% of our income for our tansport...oil)
Financial markets are today playing an increasingly important role in price formation

responding to, accentuating, and exaggerating supply and demand, geopolitics and other trends
my friend, are we talking a topic too difficult for us to digest? oh...we have to be health , so we must do our home work...not only children do home work..we, you and me...have to home friend.
markets have helped fuel a "shortage psychology" that the world is "running out of oil."( yes..our servant politicians said some thing...are we people master of our land??? are we ok to learn and take responsibility to improve our own living, and save our children???yes...oil sure last for 100 years
yes...oil last for many years 100 years and many other form of energy..)

We are treated like kindergarten kids...heh heh..many are.....( use our imagination and tell your love one to ...improve ...)

As prices go up, this psychology becomes self-reinforcing - at least until the market turns ( some how we are cheated.. rich becomes richer)

2007 may well have been the top, the peak, in terms of U.S. gasoline demand ( NOW...YES 2008 )
Why say there is increase demand?? Cheat , the whole world is using more efficient cars etc.

8. quote the truth:
use of renewable energy sources and newly-discovered oil supplies - such as the discoveries in off-shore Brazil - as well as greater fuel efficiency
Alternatives and renewables have and should have an important role to play in our energy economy, and their role will grow ( glow)

10. **** USA angry people represent the whole world angry peole???

Lawmakers, who are facing voter anger over high gas prices, have introduced nine different bills on speculation. Several of those measures have bipartisan support. Several hearings have been held this week with more scheduled.

11. hedging fuel and therefore avoiding today's skyrocketing prices

is that true???? ok conservation means we use less oil from todays onwards. and the simple thing oil producing countries can do is produce 10 percent more crude oil daily and we sure see the oil price drop to 80 per barrel.
true. then everybody will be happy..

Will that means our honourable ministers( and the head with many titles given by the people...true??by the people? servant of our beloved peole? do you think we are a different type of slaves??)


Free at day you can say about your friend...and me?
$$$$$ 5 stars ***** smile, let us think

Friday, July 04, 2008

happy movie, happy story, happy mood=health

British comic Sacha Baron Cohen is to play detective Sherlock Holmes in a spoof movie based on Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary supersleuth, Daily Variety reported Wednesday.

Baron Cohen -- who shot to international stardom as a hapless Kazakh journalist in the hit mockumentary "Borat" -- will team up with Will Ferrell, who is to play Holmes' faithful sidekick, Doctor Watson.

"Just the idea of Sacha and Will as Sherlock Holmes and Watson makes us laugh," said Columbia Pictures co-president Matt Tolmach.

"Sacha and Will are two of the funniest and most talented guys on the planet, and having them take on these two iconic characters is frankly hilarious."

snail moves fast. joke

snail moves fast. not exactly a joke since most French people are good in snail goumet.

snail also affect the commodity price...up...raised
A tough protein source. That is my personal idea. I could be wrong. One day I will visit France and eat...happily

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Algae in China...odd..Olympic

Our world is sick...need treatment..hope to cure if we try hard.



Around him are many hundreds of small wooden fishing boats.

But they are not looking for fish - their holds are filled with piles of green algae. They take it ashore and from there it is taken to landfill.

The government is erecting booms and netting out at sea, to stop the algae coming ashore, but it has no answers yet for stopping the weed growing in the first place.

As the banners along the roads proclaim, the army has a two-week deadline to get rid of the slime.

The pressure is on: the Olympics begin in just over a month.

green algae that has overwhelmed ...can we eat and benefit?

Locals say the algae has never been so thick here - agricultural and industrial pollution are thought to be responsible.

But China, embarrassed by the most vivid proof yet of its environmental problems, says the algae is a natural occurrence, and blames the sea for being too salty, the sun for being too hot.

***** Japanese factories is pioneer in processing Algae for food. There are advertisement of modern cultivation of Algae...look

plenty of natural a pest ???!!! Can we believe it ? we are going to have new food way. Every body like food that our parents used to feed us. Sweet memory and happy present food source..means true happiness

my friend, plan our safe journey

Leptospirosis reported around Thailand and southeast Asia region where heavy rainfall is related.
All food must be cooked and drink 'boiled and clean water' ....even for washing face, hands and brushing teeth. Wishing you a nice trip...


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

be steady my friends, $ is only a tool for healthy, happy life

How bad is the inflation, then deflation, then recession ?
How to react...

We may compare this world is sick like a 30 years old mature person. Still got potential to recover and be in good health again.

Similar to natural hazard...Artificial hazard caused by 'a group of people' is not healthy to all of us.
We can focus positively to rearrange our priority. Our activities can include finding minor things and include major measure of major investment and long term health planning..for total health...which is all rounded good health physically, mentally, socially,'financially',emotionally....start with a smile..

ok, quoted financial information as .....
Speculation... is increasingly affecting the price," he said. "The price has this parabolic shape which is characteristic of bubbles," he said. ( refer to oil price)
  • 'We face the most serious recession of our lifetime'
  • The comments are significant, not only because Mr Soros is the world's most prominent hedge fund investor but........

    ( ok...think positively...we can read, think, prepare for careful buying useful items yet still protect our environment( appropriate use and no wastage)..

    Wishing you a good day....from Dr. Chong

    avoid danger=ensure health

    The scenery will be nice. choose the right time. for example, it is safer to travel around Sichuan China in 3 years time. How about 10 yeas later? yes...most likely safer.






    Tuesday, July 01, 2008

    Unsung heroes: A man who 'simply likes to help people'

    Positive thinking booster total health *****


    Every Saturday from nine till noon Morganan Morganan can be found at the end of a phone at Papatoetoe's Citizens Advice Bureau.

    Volunteering for the bureau offers him the opportunity to help those in need, which is something he finds a lot of time to do.

    Although he works a 40-hour week helping people with disabilities to find employment, Mr Morganan still managers to volunteer around 10 to 15 hours a week to several community organisations.

    As well as the Citizens Advice Bureau, he volunteers for Victim Support, South Auckland Esol Home Tutors, Lions Clubs New Zealand and Otara Budgeting Services. He is also active in the Hindu community and is a Justice of the Peace.

    Financial health promote total health 2nd July 08


