Thursday, February 23, 2006

Marine Mammals Suffer Human Diseases

When one of these species gets sick or dies from something in the water, it is often a warning to humans of disease to come.

Toxoplasma gondii, which causes the disease toxoplasmosis in humans, has been found in 52 percent of dead otters and 37 percent of the living.
combination of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and herpes virus similar to the one that infects humans has led to an increase in cancer.

Over the past 15 years, 17 percent of dead and stranded sea lions have been diagnosed with urogenital cancer, striking females in the cervix and males in the penis and prostate.

The cancer spreads to other organ systems in sea lions the same as in humans.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006




Monday, February 20, 2006


牙龈出血。早期牙龈炎症不及时治疗,牙周韧带受到侵袭,支持牙齿的牙槽骨被破坏和吸收,还会出现口臭、牙龈溢脓,等到出现疼痛、肿胀等症状时多属于晚期,治疗不彻底会导致牙齿的松动和脱落。   因此,刷牙时发现牙龈出血,应先检查自己的牙刷刷毛是否过硬,并更换软毛的保健牙刷,牙周病引起的出血使用软毛的牙刷一般能自行停止。采取去除局部刺激因素和消炎等治疗后,牙龈仍然出血不止者切莫大意,应及早去医院就诊,做进一步的检查

solar power to be commonplace by 2015

a buffet of technological recipes. Some are beginning to show up in the marketplace, such as hybrid cars running on gasoline and electric. Some are basic but still rare, such as solar and wind power

Ozone Hole

The 2005 ozone hole was approximately 386,000 square miles larger

approximately one-half as thick as the layer before 1980

不节食吃不胖 法国女人的苗条秘诀

说穿了,她们进餐也不忘用脑袋;她们吃完饭后不会撑得半死,也不会饿肚子。法国女人每天一定吃三餐;法国女人宁 愿吃一片上好的黑巧克力,也不要一打廉价的花生夹心巧克力;法国女人不吃“无脂肪”、“无糖”或是任何经过人工方法剥夺自然风味的食物;法国女人并不常称 体重,宁可用双手、双眼、服装记录自己的身材。





Bird flu vaccine not effective in trial

bird flu vaccine trial in Australia has proven protective for only a small minority of the 400 volunteers in the clinical trial.

Sunday, February 19, 2006




Growing Number of Diseases Jump to Humans

Humans risk being overrun by diseases from the animal world, according to researchers who have documented 38 illnesses that have made that jump over the past 25 years.

That's not good news for the spread of bird flu, which experts fear could mutate and be transmitted easily among people.

There are 1,407 pathogens - viruses, bacteria, parasites, protozoa and fungi - that can infect humans. Of those, 58 percent come from animals. Scientists consider 177 of the pathogens to be "emerging" or "re-emerging."

Experts fear bird flu could prove an exception. Recent advances in the worldwide march of the H5N1 strain have rekindled fears of a pandemic. The virus has spread across Asia into Europe and Africa.

Well cooked meat source such as cooked frozen chicken is relatively safe.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


additional photos from william and Henry's camera.( twilight, 30 minutes after the last photo) Posted by Picasa


additional photos from william and Henry's file Posted by Picasa

photo by Henry

surfer's paradise Posted by Picasa


William, Henry, su Ling and me left Brisbane on the 12th Feb 2006. a wonderful trip Posted by Picasa


Su Ling's uncle brought us to the summit of this mountain. Lovely sight with city view over the horizon Posted by Picasa


It is really hot ( relatively) around thee flea market near south bank. Every body seems happy to look around and do shopping. I like the trees in the city Posted by Picasa


southbank, a wonderful place for cycling and walking. flea market at the Posted by Picasa


a special vegetable farm Posted by Picasa


Chung Tian Chinese School of Queensland Posted by Picasa

gold coast

Mount Tamborine, little swiss cottage ( fresh natural cool air ensured) Posted by Picasa

gold coast

mount Tamborine Posted by Picasa

gold coast

mount Tamborine 1,800 feet, a great place for tourists and sport group Posted by Picasa

gold coast

treasure yourself like 'gold' Posted by Picasa

gold coast

treasure your need explaination....just good food, balance diet, and heavy meal once in a blue moon ( also be happy) Posted by Picasa

gold coast

pool side for sunbath, next to Nerang river. ( please take a deep breath, the air is really fresh) Posted by Picasa

gold coast

peaceful Nerang river as background Posted by Picasa

movie world

brave people in action. high speed turning upside down Posted by Picasa

movie world

head down inverted roller coaster spinning? even pigeon suffer dizziness Posted by Picasa

movie world

dare to try the roller coaster with inverted head down position? Posted by Picasa

movie world

this pigeon likes me. close up Posted by Picasa

movie world

movie world, not the real bank Posted by Picasa

gold coast

there is a golden tinct at the shore, in contrast with the blue sky and blue lagoon Posted by Picasa

gold coast

happy with the cruise. it is time to relax Posted by Picasa

gold coast cruise

bed room below the deck Posted by Picasa

gold coast

all on board ! high speed cruising. cool Posted by Picasa