Friday, June 27, 2008

$$$$$ is link to good health

Yes...five stars topic

money is link to good health.

We sure to have confidence if we have extra cash to arrange 'freedom' in study, activities and surely, good health care...and take care of each other...

We, as concern citizens of our mother earth must know the hedge fund group ( people who got rich...and only a small percentage of the world population got very very rich.)..thus most of us get relatively poorer day by day.

So....we also want good health, reasonable living standard, and most of all happiness.
For example, hedge funds in our world has accumulated almost 4 times in the last 10 years.
We notice that there is plenty of petrol in the station. Plenty of food...yet the price keep on rising within a short period of time..

yes raised too high within a short period of time...before the whole world can catch up with the pace.

We can act and see good me know your idea, my friends...I have to go...for a short while


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