Sunday, June 22, 2008

Observation....strong eyes

My friends,

Dr. Chong is waiting at the side of 4 wheels drive before the fuel tank is full. We sure puzzle by the extra amount of money to ensure our car petrol tank is being refilled.
OK my good friend told me to fill up half tank to reduce the total weight of the vehicle thus save fuel.

Look at my first sentence...Dr. Chong waiting...actually...

the topic is observation during waiting. ( I have little spare time to visit petrol station anyway)

So, I observed that the cute little girl ( around 20 years old, if in doubt, ask her , not me)cleaned the panel of the office with liquid, and a piece of......
old , old news paper..

Why news could be lead is in the print and the ion form of lead filled up the gap in glass and ensure it looks more shinning.

ok....our mind may shift to Crystal glass wares....That really looks pretty. Can we enjoy drinking from a beautiful crystal goblet. The safest way may be drinking cold pure distilled water from a crystal glass.

***** 5 stars topic...
***** Is it safe to drink/eat/ store food or drink( wine, juice) from Crystal glass ware ?

Tell me your idea...


Do not feed an infant or child from a lead crystal baby bottle or cup
From the searches that have been made and the information that has been gathered the main point of the discussion about using lead crystal drinking items is to NOT STORE liquids in them for extended periods of time. From information that has been read it seems to state that using lead crystal containers for very short periods to hold liquids doesn’t have ill effects. Such as in giving a dinner party for one evening and then making sure the container is emptied and cleaned before storing.

There are many sources on the net for this information. From the Ho-Hum to the Radical. But from all that we have read and digested the main point is to use your decanters for an evening’s entertainment and then empty them. Do not store the liquid in them till your next party. The avenue of choice is yours.

I have only found a few of sites that sell lead crystal that have a warning on their site. The rest have no mention of it (lead warning not to store liquids in leaded crystal).
The Crystal Figurine Shoppe believes that if the information is out there that it is our duty to try to get it to you. Lead poisoning is a very serious matter. Especially when small children are involved.

The safety of our patrons is our first and foremost priority. If you are going to purchase lead crystal stemware, lead crystal glassware or ceramic dinner ware of any type from any manufacturer request information as to the quantity of lead in their product and instructions as to the usage and care of their product (cleaning, storage, frequency of use if for food or drink service). The majority of us do not think of the hazards of lead exposure in crystal stemware, crystal glassware when we use it. What usually comes to mind is paint. And here we are buying items because of their lead content. Amazing isn’t it. But if you are like me once I hear about something that could harm my family or myself I like to do my own research as to what is safe for my family and friends. I just never got in the habit of letting strangers do this for me. And especially the government. As we have seen with the FDA with prescription drugs.

We hope that this topic has been informative for you. For more information on this subject just put in the word lead or hazards of lead in any major search engine and it will take you to sights and forums on the subject.
If you wish for us to add more information to this page please feel free to contact us using the form on the left side of this page. Thank you and Be Safe!

: ) : ) : ) 3 smiling friend

40-A Jalan Mendu, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo


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