上海迪斯尼2012年开幕 面积较港大3倍
30.07.2005 - 09:53
澳洲最大的投资银行麦格理银行(Macquarie Bank)投资9300万美元(1亿5438万新元)购买中国9家购物中心。
SYDNEY - A group of countries including the United States, Australia, China, India and South Korea have agreed to a secret pact on greenhouse gas emissions to replace the Kyoto climate protocol
The World Health Organization is recommending that people in a part of China hit by a deadly swine bacteria avoid pigs and raw pork meat, a WHO spokesman said Wednesday.
As of Wednesday, 24 villagers had died from the bacteria, known as streptococcus suis
痔疮是人类所特有的疾病,实际上也是人类为在进化过程中选择直立体位所付出的代价。因为当人行走、站立或坐着的时候,腹腔内部脏器的重量会压向盆 腔,使直肠周围血液回流受到影响,久而久之,就会形成痔疮。长时间保持直立体位进行体力劳动,更容易引发痔疮。从比较医学的角度上看,四条腿行走的动物就 不会受到像痔疮这样的疾病烦扰。
痔疮在医学上称痔。痔在西方医学中起源于古希腊语,意指动不动就出血的静脉。现代医学沿用了古老的词汇,肯定了静脉的参与,认为静脉血回流受阻 是痔形成的主要原因。可见从很早的时候,痔疮就间断性地堵住了人类寻求舒适、自由的通道。甚至有历史学家认为,决定19世纪欧洲战场局面的滑铁卢战役,法 军统帅拿破仑的失败就与其当时痔疮发作有很大关系。痔疮给人带来刺痒、锐痛,使人焦躁不安、坐卧不宁。
马英九自己认定的概念是,台湾人无论在文化上还是在种族上都是中国人;“新台湾人”的定义就是愿意为台湾这块土地奉献的人。无论是数千年前,还是400 年前,或50多年前到台湾的,文化和历史上都是中国人,但更是台湾人。马英九强调指出,“新台湾人”的定义就是爱这块土地,愿意为这块土地奉献的人,这是 个具有包容的观念。
除了个别的台独基本教义派之外,台湾社会的绝大多数民众,甚至民进党主流派系,对“新台湾人”的接受程度都很高。在 台湾主体认同意识逐渐提升,台湾朝野主流势力在所谓“国家认同”问题上逐渐趋同的背景下,“新台湾人”的政治概念将被纳入主流价值体系之下。这是一种必趋 之势。
如果不是无时无刻受到极端台独基本教义派的羁绊和牵制,陈水扁对文化、历史中国的认同,相信和马英别无二致。如果不是为了争夺选举胜利,族群和省籍矛盾 不可能在每次的选战中被无限度放大,造成社会的割裂;人们应该注意到,在对中华民国政治符号的认同上,陈水扁和马英九本质上并没有明显的区别。区别之处仅 仅在于马英九坚决反对台独,而陈水扁则充分利用形形色色的台独诉求,谋取政治利益。
这次国民党主席选举结果,显示绝大多数党员对国民党 脱胎换骨、洗心革面的殷切期待。同时,还应该注意到,100多万党员中,70%以上是台湾本省籍,六成以上的党员支持被视为是外省籍的马英九,而不是本土 地方大老王金平。因此,马英九顺利当选,意味着对“新台湾人”的接受和认同。
马英九对两岸关系的立场是:双方应该去发展各自的经济,让自己的体制更好,让这个社会更公平,到成熟的时候再来谈别的。两岸分隔这么久,制度又不一样, 要想短期内统一不太实际,也不符合两岸人民的利益。这和“渐进式台独”以及中华民国之下的永久性分离,究竟有何本质的区别,人们自可认真思考。
bird flu outbreaks discovered in Ibaraki since late June have been confirmed as the weak H5N2 strain.
This is a less virulent type than the H5N1 strain found in previous avian flu outbreaks in Japan early last year.
The H5N1 strain first surfaced in poultry in Hong Kong and China eight years ago and is known to have killed more than 50 people in countries including Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia.
The location of the latest outbreak in Japan is about 6 km (4 miles) from where the initial case was found in late June.
Since June, authorities have killed chickens at seven farms, all located near the initial case, after they tested positive in antibody tests.
The farm in the latest case has about 35,000 birds.
Following the new case, authorities limited the movement of eggs and chickens in a 5 km radius around the farm to prevent the virus from spreading.
Bird flu returned to Japan last year for the first time in 79 years.
A man has a 17% lifetime risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, for example, but a 3% risk of dying from it.
Yet about one in three prostate cancer patients who have surgery eventually show signs of a relapse, according to a study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Doctors have few reliable ways, however, to determine which of these relapses — detected by PSA tests — will be deadly and which will prove relatively harmless.
The article suggests that doctors might be able to combine three measurements to select those who need strong therapy.
•Time to recurrence: the time it takes after surgery to detect levels of PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, in the blood.
This protein, which is made by the prostate, should be undetectable after surgery if a patient is cancer-free.
The presence of PSA in the blood after surgery indicates that some tumor cells remain hidden in the body.
•PSA doubling time: the time it takes for the PSA level to double after surgery. This measures how quickly the cancer is growing.
•The Gleason score: a measure of aggressiveness assigned after examining prostate cancer cells under a microscope. Scores above 8 are considered the most dangerous.
In the study, men whose PSA doubled in less than three months survived an average of six years. Among these men, however, those whose cancer recurred in less than three years and who had Gleason scores of 8 to 10 survived about three years. After 15 years, no pros
tate-cancer-related deaths were found in men whose disease took more than three years to return and whose PSA took more than 15 months to double.
Men who are at high risk could benefit from aggressive treatments, such as hormone suppression and chemotherapy, Freedland says.
A study in the same journal reported another potential way to predict which prostate cancers are most worrisome.
Among patients treated with radiation, men had the greatest risk of death if their PSA increased by more than 2 nanograms per milliliter in the year before they were diagnosed.
Some experts say that doctors need to verify these results before changing the way they treat patients.
Mitchell Anscher, a professor at Duke University who wrote an editorial accompanying the articles, notes that hormone suppression and chemotherapy cause serious side effects.
Chemo can make patients very sick. Suppressing testosterone, sometimes called "chemical castration," can cause impotence, hot flashes and bone loss.
四川省资阳市相继发生了以急性起病、高热、伴有头痛等全身中毒症状,重者出现中毒性休克、脑膜炎为主要临床表现的病例。根据现场流行病学调查和实验室检测 结果,有关专家初步认定,疫情系由猪链球菌感染引起的人-猪链球菌感染。截至7月24日中午12时,累计发病80例,其中临床诊断67例,疑似13例;已 经死亡19例,治愈出院4例,现住院病例中病危17例。病例分布在资阳市、内江市的4个区(县),发病患者共涉及40个乡镇(街道)、75个村
Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne is stretched to breaking point as up to 50 flu-struck children a day flood the emergency department.
Some children have been stranded for hours waiting admission while the influx has forced the cancellation of seven elective operations.
The intensive care unit has been the busiest it has been for more than 18 months, the Herald Sun reported.
Most patients admitted to the hospital were suffering the common RSV virus or other winter bugs, but influenza A cases have surged in the past two weeks.
PROFESSOR Sir Richard Doll, the scientist whose research first established a link between smoking and lung cancer, died yesterday at the age of 92.
骑车的最佳姿势———身体前倾20~30度free availability and unrestricted use_--to all articles published in the journal is central to the mission of PLoS Pathogens and the Public Library of Science. "Our open-access license means [the research published] is immediately available to scientists all over the world
GENEVA (Reuters) - Indonesia's first human bird flu case, coupled with more birds dying elsewhere including Russia, are signs a long-dreaded global influenza pandemic may be approaching, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Friday.
Health officials fear the virus will mutate and mix with human influenza, creating a deadly pandemic strain that becomes easily transmissible and could kill millions of people.
Margaret Chan, WHO's new director for pandemic influenza preparedness, said there had been no known sustained human to human transmission of the deadly virus, but called for stepping up disease surveillance among poultry and humans worldwide.
Indonesia this week confirmed its first death from the virus, which has so far killed more than 50 people since late 2003 in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia, roughly half of the known cases.
An Indonesian government official was confirmed as having died of the H5N1 bird flu virus, but results of laboratory tests on his two young daughters who also died are still awaited.
"This is more evidence for us to be concerned about developments in the region," Chan told a news briefing.
"This is perhaps the only time since 1968, which was the last pandemic, that we are getting signs, symptoms and warnings from nature ... More and more birds are dying in different parts of the world -- this is the kind of signals, and early warnings that we are referring to."
Nuclear weapons in various European countries, particularly Russia, pose a serious threat to health, argues a letter in this week's BMJ.
Proteins called amyloid-B peptides that accumulate in plaques around brain cells are known to contribute to Alzheimer's disease, which affects an estimated 4.5 million Americans. Now, new research suggests that similar peptides accumulating in the blood vessels of the brain contribute to the disease
(简称涉水产品)生产经营单位,近来在生产销售涉水产品时,擅自以“离子水机”名义宣称其可制备离子水或碱性水,并大肆宣传具有各种保健功能,有的甚至擅 自标识有卫生部门许可批件,欺骗、坑害消费者。卫生部就此指出,卫生部从未批准过任何“离子水机”,涉水产品不得宣称任何保健功能。
Finding biological markers that flag aneurysm, a bulging of the aorta that leads to dissection, a lengthwise separation of tissues in the artery wall, is critically important for early diagnosis.
Aneurysms can be managed initially with medication and then successfully repaired to prevent catastrophic dissection and rupture, Milewicz said. Many patients never have a chance at treatment because they go undiagnosed, even when they go to emergency rooms with severe chest pain because diagnostic tests for heart attack do not uncover aortic defects. Actor John Ritter, for example, died in September 2003 from an undiagnosed dissection that ruptured.
Aortic aneurysms and dissections kill some 18,000 Americans every year. Research shows that 20 percent of those victims have close relatives who've had the disease.
mutations in the Transforming Growth Factor Beta Receptor Type II (TGFBR2) caused aortic aneurysms and dissections
findings of a team led by University of Texas Medical School at Houston researchers shed new light on the molecular causes of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. They also provide a new route for early warning of the condition, which builds slowly, usually with no symptoms, then often kills swiftly
genetic variation to a portion of chromosome 3. In the present paper, researchers pinpointed the culprit gene as TGFBR2 by analyzing 80 families with a history of aneurysm and dissection.
WASHINGTON — Global warming is caused primarily by humans and "nearly all climate scientists today" agree with that viewpoint, the new head of the National Academy of Sciences -- a climate scientist himself -- said Wednesday.
肝硬化是一种影响全身的慢性疾病,以中、青年为多见,临床多见于男性。其致病因素很多,如病毒性肝炎、慢性肠道感染、血吸虫病、慢性酒精中毒、营养 不良、毒物作用等一种或多种致病因素长期或反复损害肝脏组织等均可引起肝硬化。早期一般无特殊不适,肝功能大多正常或轻度异常,但部分病人也会出现食欲不 振、乏力、恶心、厌油、肝区不适,上腹饱胀,面色萎黄、蜘蛛痣、手掌发红、肝轻度肿大等临床症状。晚期主要表现为腹水,静脉曲张,脾脏肿大,肝脏缩小坚硬 等。此外,尚可有蜘蛛痣、肝掌、贫血、出血倾向、营养缺乏、内分泌系统失调等症状表现。
患了肝硬化后,一般宜进低盐、低脂肪,高蛋白、高糖、高维生素等少渣、清淡易消化饮食。水肿严重者应进无盐饮食。早期病人应多吃豆制品、水果、 新鲜蔬菜,适当吃一些糖类、瘦肉、河鱼、蛋类等。若有肝昏迷先兆者,应对肉类、鱼类、蛋类等蛋白质进行控制。若伴有消化道出血者,应禁食补液。此外,还应 注意:
4、禁止饮酒和一切辛辣及刺激性食物,注意禁食油炸及干硬食品,以免划破形成食道静脉出血Indonesia recorded its first human deaths from bird flu Wednesday after tests confirmed that a man and his two daughters who died earlier this month were infected by the deadly virus.
Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari told reporters that the test results for the three family members were positive for avian influenza.
Indonesia said last week it suspected the deadly H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus for the deaths of Iwan Siswara, 39, and his two daughters - Thalita Nurul Azizah, 1, and Sabrina Nurul AisyahThe British government plans to stockpile 2 million doses of vaccine to fight the H5N1 strain of bird flu which has hit Asia. The vaccine will be used to protect key healthcare and emergency workers against a possible global flu pandemic
The world faces a massive increase in carbon dioxide emissions, which fuel global warming, due to population growth, poor countries getting richer and the failure of wealthy countries to reduce greenhouse gases, a world population conference heard.
"We're on a toboggan and we've gone over the edge," Tim Dyson, professor of population studies at the London School of Economics, told the gathering. "It (global warming) will screw everyone up, no matter where you are," he said at the start of the four-day conference of 2,000 demographers, economists, geographers and sociologists from 110 countries.
Scientists predict global warming, caused mainly by increasing carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of coal, oil and petrol in motor vehicles and power stations, will increase the frequency and severity of droughts, flooding and storms, threatening global agricultural production.
The world scientific authority on global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), predicted in its 2001 report that rising levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide will increase temperatures by between 1.4 degrees and 5.8 degrees Celsius (35 and 42 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century and sea levels by between 9 and 88 centimeters (3.5 and 35 inches).
The IPCC, set to produce its next report in 2007, is likely to "increase its temperature estimates by 0.2 degrees (Celsius) at both the low and high end," Tim Dyson told the conference in this central French city.
He said that if per capita CO2 emissions remained at their 2000 levels, which he said was unikely, population increases would raise world emissions by 27 percent to 29.6 billion tons over the next 50 years.
World population is expected to reach nine billion in the next fifty years from 6.5 billion today.
Even a 40 percent reduction in per capita emissions in the developed world would be outweighed solely by the effects of demographic growth elsewhere in the world, Dyson said.
At the top end scenario, where emissions in the developing world double but remain constant in the industrialised countries, the increase in CO2 emissions would be 90 percent above 2000 levels by 2050.
Developed countries have so far been unable to reduce emissions, even in Europe where population is expected to fall in the next fifty years.
The United States, responsible for 25 percent of the world's CO2 emissions, has refused to ratify the only international agreement to cut greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, the Kyoto protocol, which came into force this year and commits industrialized nations to cut emissions to 5 percent below 1990 levels by 2012.
Even those countries which have ratified the Kyoto protocol appear unlikely to meet its modest goals, Dyson said. Between 1990 and 2002 Canadas CO2 emissions rose by 22 percent and Japan by 13 percent while those of the EU emissions have risen by 3.4 percent.
The world's poor response so far to global warming was similar to that for other long-term threats such as HIV/ AIDS with the early development of a scientific consensus followed by "avoidance, denial and recrimination" with little behavioural change, said Dyson.
Immigration to rich countries is also likely to a "significant role" in CO2 emissions growth.
The United States and Canada currently have the worlds highest average per capita CO2 emissions at 19.9 tons per year, 20 times more than for sub-Saharan Africa
Earth science resources,” da Silva said. “Using existing data assimilation technology from NCEP, the finite-volume Community Atmosphere Model, or fvCAM, was able to ingest conventional and satellite observations, a capability that could open the door to using the fvCAM for weather as well as climate prediction.” The fvCAM, which includes land surface capabilities, was developed by NCAR, with key components from GSFC.
The second experiment combines NCEP’s data assimilation technology with the Aries atmosphere model originally developed by the NASA Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project. Aries is typically coupled with an ocean model to run experimental forecasts of phenomena such as El Niño and its effects on precipitation. Among additional advantages, the two field tests enable the intercomparison of systems for satellite data assimilation.
The coupled experiments have many other potential applications. The third experiment, combining a GFDL atmosphere-land-ice model with an MIT ocean-sea ice model (known as MITgcm), may ultimately bring new insights into ocean uptake of carbon dioxide and other important atmospheric gases and how this process affects the climate.
据了解,芬太尼透皮贴剂在中国的药品名为“多瑞吉止痛贴”,是一种通过皮肤吸收发挥止痛作用的新型强效麻醉镇痛药,其主要药物成分为芬太尼(英 文fen-tanyl)。由于其药性相当于普通吗啡的100倍,所以能够缓解剧烈疼痛,但过量使用可导致呼吸困难、极度嗜睡、失去正常思考、说话或走路的 能力,并可能造成缺氧而死。
A father's love runs deep and far,
饭后,血液循环量增加,尼古丁迅速地被吸收到血液,使人处于兴奋状态,脑袋飘飘然,就如同“烟民”们描述“神仙”一样的感觉。实际上,饭后吸一支烟,比平 常吸十支的毒害还大。因为饭后人体热量大增,这时吸烟会使蛋白质和重碳酸盐的基础分泌受到抑制,妨碍食物消化,影响营养吸收。同时还给胃及十二指肠造成直 接损害,使胃肠功能紊乱,胆汁分泌增加,容易引起腹部疼痛等症状。而且身体在对食物积极消化、吸收的同时,对香烟烟雾的吸收能力也增强,吸进的有害物质也 增加。所以,可以这样说:饭后吸烟,祸害无边。
眼睛过敏发生率在不断上升,除了环境、眼部化妆品等因素之外,隐形眼镜是个很重要的原因。尤其是滤泡性结膜炎,几乎有60%的人都配戴过隐形眼镜。 眼科专家介绍,有严重屈光参差(相差300度以上)的病人无法配戴合适的框架眼镜,而隐形眼镜的诞生就很好的解决了这个问题,然而随时间推移, 美观大方的隐形眼镜深受时尚MM的喜爱,配戴的人也越来越多,出现的问题也越来越多。由于它覆盖在角膜表面,会影响角膜的直接呼吸作用,而且配戴隐形眼镜 造成眼睛分泌物增加,也会引起眼睛的不适。所以不能长时间配戴
As human beings, we're the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves. As part of modern living, we create a wide variety of chemical toxins that go into the ecosystem through rivers and streams, the air, the soil and so on. Not only that, we actually synthesize toxic chemicals and then inject them directly into the food supply -- knowing full well that they are poisonous and are major contributors to the epidemic rates of chronic disease we are experiencing today.
Non-stick cookware material Teflon has once again landed in the spotlight after a US independent review board said they believe a chemical used in making it poses more of a cancer risk than previously indicated.
in the South Pole in the last 10 years, 12 chunks of ice the size of Rhode Island have broken off," Clinton told the volunteers with City Year South Africa, a youth service organization he helped inspire.
LONDON - Five generations of a family in Dallas,Texas have helped scientists discover a genetic mutation thatcauses a common birth defect and contributes to heart diseasein adults.
Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern MedicalCenter in Dallas studied DNA from 11 members of the family,including children and adults, who suffered from aortic heartdisease.
They found that all of them had a mutation on a gene calledNOTCH1.
"Mutations in NOTCH1 cause an early developmental defect inthe aortic valve," said Dr Vidu Garg, an assistant professor ofpediatrics and molecular biology.
Researchers found a second mutation on the same gene inmembers of a smaller family in San Diego which they saidconfirmed their finding.
The aortic valve is normally composed of three flaps oftissue that open and close to enable blood to flow in onedirection.
But about one or two percent of the population are bornwith valves with only two flaps which make them susceptible toaortic valve stenosis. The condition, which narrows the passagethrough which blood exits the heart, can require surgery atbirth.
In severe cases the heart does not develop properly in thefetus and the child is born with an illness called hypoplasticleft heart syndrome -- a leading cause of heart disease deathspossible person-to-person transmission of the H5N1 virus.
If the cases are confirmed to be avian flu, they will mark the first symptomatic human cases and first deaths in Indonesia. The island nation has had intermittent poultry outbreaks and one asymptomatic human case, reported last month. H5N1 infections in pigs have also been reported there.
The victims were a 38-year-old man and his daughters, aged 1 and 9 years, according to an Associated Press (AP) report today. They lived in a suburb of Jakarta and had had no known contact with poultry, Indonesian Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari told reporters.
"These are suspected bird flu cases," Supari was quoted as saying at a news conference. "We have sent specimens to Hong Kong to confirm the [test] results, which will take seven to 10 days."
The three victims died within the past week and a half. Supari said one daughter died first and was not tested for avian flu. The father, named Iwan Siswara Rifei, died Jul 12, and the second daughter died Jul 14, according to an Agence France-Presse (AFP) report. Both were tested for avian flu, a Reuters report said.
Earlier this week, Indonesian officials had denied that the deaths were linked to avian flu. Supari blamed the first two deaths on acute bacterial pneumonia in a statement reported Jul 13 by the Chinese news service Xinhua.
"The first test showed negative for the H5N1 virus, then we conducted a second test, which showed signs of the H5N1 virus," Reuters quoted Supari as saying today. But she said there was some doubt about the results, prompting the decision to send samples to Hong Kong for confirmation.
Supari said there was concern about possible human-to-human transmission because there was no evidence the victims had contact with poultry, Reuters reported.
Rifei's widow, their son, and the family's two maids have shown no signs of illness, the AP reported. Authorities were testing blood samples taken from 315 people who had contact with the family, reports said.
The AP quoted a World Health Organization (WHO) official, Dr. Georg Petersen, as saying that further investigation could reveal that the victims did have contact with poultry. "In other countries, this is often the case," he said.
The virus has not yet shown any consistent ability to spread from person to person. Experts concluded that the virus probably passed directly from a 11-year-old Thai girl to her mother and an aunt in September 2004, and some family clusters in Vietnam this year raised suspicions of person-to-person spread.
14 July 2005
cerebral cortex of humans and other mammals, rapid synapse formation during early postnatal life is followed by a substantial loss of synapses through adolescence and into adulthood. The mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon are unknown. It is generally believed that experience leads to an increase in the number of synapses and that's certainly true in early postnatal life but a study in young adolescent mice paints a very different picture. Long-term sensory deprivation increased dendritic spine numbers (hence synaptic links) by reducing the rate of spine elimination. At distinct stages of life it seems that the more experience one has, the more synapses will be lost in the brain.
July 12 (HealthDay News) -- Vaccinating children, especially young ones, can dramatically decrease the incidence of hepatitis A infections.
Two new studies -- one from Israel, the other from the United States -- found that childhood vaccination programs could reduce the incidence of disease by as much as 98 percent.
"Hepatitis A disease can be rapidly controlled by vaccination," said Dr. Ron Dagan, one of the Israeli study's authors and director of the pediatric infectious disease unit at Soroka Medical Center at Ben Gurion University in Beer-Sheva, Israel.
"By vaccinating kids, we've dropped the incidence from 10 per 100,000 to two per 100,000, which is a remarkable achievement男性身体机能的衰老虽然不像女性绝经那样有一个明显的生理变化过程,但是从中年起就会发生一些几乎难以逆转的衰老变化。
a child who stops breathing when falling asleep – and has to be reminded to visit the bathroom after drinking a Big Gulp. That’s the dilemma faced by parents of children born with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS). Afflicting about 250 children in the United States, the genetic disease wreaks havoc in areas of the brain that control involuntary actions such as breathing, fluid regulation and heart function.
乙脑的全称就是流行性乙型脑炎,是由乙脑病毒引起的嗜神经系统急性传染病,因蚊虫是传播本病的主要媒介,所以乙脑流行有明显的季节性,尤其集中于7、8、 9三个月,这与夏秋季的气温、湿度适宜蚊虫滋生,又有利于乙脑病毒在蚊虫体内繁殖有关。
乙脑的易感人群是3岁至6岁的小儿,近些年由于疾控部门给小儿普种“乙脑疫苗”,发病率大减,但未接种的无免疫力的幼儿、成年人尤其是老年人也 能得病。人被带有“乙脑”病毒的蚊子叮咬后,大多数人仅产生隐性感染,不出现神经系统症状,绝大多数成年人因此而获得免疫力。少数人经这种蚊虫叮咬约10 天至15天后发病,症状轻重不一,一般起病急,突然发烧、恶心、呕吐、嗜睡、头痛,两三天后病情明显加重,常出现昏迷、躁动不安、抽搐、说胡话、呼吸不规 则、颈项发硬等表现。极重的病例可因高烧抽搐不止、脑水肿、呼吸或循环衰竭而死亡。也有一部分病孩症状很轻,只有头痛和低烧,几天内就完全恢复正常。大多 数病人在7天至10天内热度渐退,其他症状也随之消失。少数严重病人可因惊厥、昏迷持续较久,恢复后常留有时间长短不一的精神不正常、智力减退、失语、手 脚僵直不能活动等后遗症。
得了乙脑,关键在于早期诊治。在“乙脑”流行季节,遇有发病急,有高烧、头痛、嗜睡的病人,没有或只有较轻的咳嗽、咽痛、流涕等症状,就应当怀 疑“乙脑”。尤其是第一、二天除了发烧外,还会出现一些轻微的精神症状,如嗜睡、呕吐、烦躁、惊跳、双眼凝视或精神异常的病人,要及时送医院诊断。对于 “乙脑”的治疗,目前虽然暂无特效办法,但只要及早作出正确诊断,及时采取中西医相结合的办法,如降体温、止痉挛等对症治疗,就可以大大提高治愈率,避免 后遗症。
乙脑是可以预防的,灭蚊、防蚊,是预防“乙脑”的重要措施,住房安设纱窗纱门,睡觉挂蚊帐,特别是儿童、老人,一定要睡在有蚊帐的床上。很多家禽家畜能寄存“乙脑”病毒,故而应做好禽舍畜圈的卫生和灭蚊工作。注射“乙脑”疫苗有良好的防“乙脑”的效果1000多只斑头雁接连死亡,原本平静的鸟岛顿时成为“候鸟疫区”——这就是今年5至6月发生的青海湖禽流感事件。到底谁是“真凶”?中国科学家携手攻 关,终于在短时间里迅速“破案”——一种经过重组的新H5N1型病毒“杀死”了候鸟。
上周出版的《科学》杂志,发表了中科院微生物研究所动物研究所、基因组研究所以及中国农业大学、军事医学科学院等的这一报告。据悉,在此次青海 湖疫情中,科学家从死鸟的咽喉、泄殖腔分泌物中分离出了病毒,并对4个病毒分离样本进行了全基因组检测。结果发现,它们与已知的H5N1型病毒类型都不完 全相同。也就是说,病毒的基因组可能经过了重排。
中科院微生物研究所所长高福研究员等人对鸡和鼠注射了分离病毒。结果发现,8只接受注射的鸡都在20小时内死亡;8只实验鼠中,有7只在3天内 死亡,剩下的1只在第4天死亡。“这一结果表明,这种新H5N1型病毒危害极大,其毒力远远超过了早先在中国北方发现的同类型水禽禽流感病毒。July 7 (HealthDay News) -- Oral cancer patients may have increased levels of certain bacteria in their saliva, new research has found, and detecting those bacteria may help diagnose the disease in its earlier and more curable stages.
"Many researchers are working on a saliva test for oral cancer," said Donna Mager, an assistant professor at the Forsyth Institute in Boston and lead author of the study, published online Wednesday in the Journal of Translational Medicine. She said her team's efforts are unique in that they are focusing on "bacteria that grow in the mouth as possible markers for oral cancer."
The research is already proving fruitful: Mager's group was able to predict with 80 percent accuracy which patients had oral cancer by examining three specific species of bacteria.
Other researchers, she said, "are looking at protein and genetic material that indicate that certain cancer-causing genes have been turned on. Or they are looking at inflammatory mediators or signs of inflammation that may indicate there is cancer present."
To detect specific bacteria, Mager's team first collected saliva samples from 45 people diagnosed with oral squamous cell cancer, and compared those samples to samples from 45 healthy individuals matched for age, gender and smoking status -- a risk factor for oral cancer.
new hope, new economy, new health?
自1980年成为特区以来,珠海一直以环境优美、人口密度低、生活环境舒适而闻名全国。Global warming aggravate poles and glacier ice melting.
On the site of a former hat factory in Danbury, Conn., a stand of genetically altered cottonwood trees sucks mercury from the contaminated soil.
analysing the comet's interior and the cloud of dust and ice thrown out by the explosion, scientists hope to answer fundamental questions about the formation of the solar system.
But hitting a target less than four miles wide from a distance of 537,000 miles at speeds of 23,000mph is extremely tricky.
Climate change predictions for Otago reinforce importance of Kyoto Protocol for Otago
Predictions of a two to fourfold increase in the frequency of severe drought for inland and coastal Otago underline the need for the Kyoto protocol, Otago MP David Parker said today.
“This prediction is not at the extreme of climate change projections. It is based on middle-of-the-road assumptions,” said Mr Parker.
A recent report by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) states that drought risk is expected to increase dramatically in already drought prone regions, including the Maniototo and North Otago.
The report, titled Changes in drought risk with climate change, predicts that between now and 2080, the frequency severe of droughts will occur increase between two and four times in Central Otago and eastern parts of North Otago.
Mr Parker said the report warns that what is presently considered a one in 20 year drought will occur every 5 to 10 years. When droughts occur, they will be drier and more severe than is normally the case now.
“The effects on river flows will be significant. Rivers which that have their catchments in Central and Eastern Otago will have less water in them. The only two rivers on the east coast likely to maintain their flow are the Clutha and Waitaki Rivers, which receive most of their water in the Southern Alps from the west coast weather patterns. Except for these two rivers, there will be less water for irrigation and less water for town supplies.
“We in Otago will be more affected by climate change than most other parts of New Zealand. The efforts this Government and of the international community under the Kyoto protocol are especially important to us.
“The 1997-99 Canterbury drought cost $230 million at the farm gate alone and around a billion dollars nationally. The Australian drought of 2002/03 resulted in a 30% reduction in agricultural output, a net effect of 1.6 per cent drop in GDP and 70,000 jobs. This is the scale of the threat climate change can pose to New Zealand and the agricultural sector in particular.
After the first discovery of mad cow in the United States in 2003, some 700 head of cattle were killed as a precaution.(USA)
Whooping cough cases trigger health warning
Health News, Health officials are advising parents to ensure children are vaccinated against whooping cough after five cases of the deadly disease were detected in south-east NSW.
The Greater Southern Area Health Service's director of public health, Tony Kolbe, says babies and young children are the most vulnerable, although the disease is increasingly being found in young adults aged 16 to 25.
He says the problem is likely to be bigger than first thought.
Beware of La nina after 2 years back to back El nino. To search and find out more about possible weather changes.
基因的启动子是DNA链上不编码蛋白质的碱基对序列,它对基因有开关一般的控制功 能。此前科学界对一些基因启动子已有所了解,但没有精确绘制出一类细胞基因组中启动子的全图。加州大学圣迭戈分校的中国籍助理教授任兵等人,通过对人类纤 维原细胞基因的分析,在这一领域迈出了第一步。他们的成果发表在新一期《自然》杂志电子版上。
基因的启动子好比开关,它通过控制转录过程来使一个基因表达或“沉默”。在解释它 的功能时,任兵对记者说:“到目前为止我们知道人类基因组大约有2.5万个,在各类分化的细胞中,这些基因组信息尽管保留下来,却不会完全表达。比如脑细 胞或心肌细胞都只表达了7000到8000个基因。这就是说,在不同的细胞中启动子‘关闭’了大部分基因而只‘开启’一部分。”
任兵等人通过实验确定了人类纤维原细胞中大约1.05万个有效启动子的位置。他们 发现,这些启动子对应了6763个已知基因和至少1196个目前尚不了解的转录过程,许多基因需要一个以上的启动子来控制表达。此外,这些启动子在基因组 上的位置大都聚集在一起。研究人员还根据启动子控制转录的方式,将启动子大致分成了四类。