Sunday, July 06, 2008

Cheap energy make us happy and healthy

what is responsible for the record escalation on oil prices?

We have tried to stay in office during lunch time to save fuel.( How about those who need to see children and wife/husband?)
We have checked the pump metre before leaving the petrol station, for example, the pump stopped automatically indicating 49 $ even we paid 50, yet many people left without noticing Tabuan Jaya Petronas station is very very very good with manual work must be done by ourself...yes..take theinitiative to do some home work and actual work.ok...
back to the main topic...wishing for cheap oil and a happy healthy life...why ?why?

what is responsible for the record escalation on oil prices?
1. of course we have to pick the...
Speculators, to blame
the credit crisis and a weaker dollar. means weak US dollars. why? Sarawak people earn Ringgit dollar and we earn only 10 % of Average Singaporean earned. Sarawak got a lot of kind hearted people, and we spend average 30% of our income for our tansport...oil)
Financial markets are today playing an increasingly important role in price formation

responding to, accentuating, and exaggerating supply and demand, geopolitics and other trends
my friend, are we talking a topic too difficult for us to digest? oh...we have to be health , so we must do our home work...not only children do home work..we, you and me...have to home friend.
markets have helped fuel a "shortage psychology" that the world is "running out of oil."( yes..our servant politicians said some thing...are we people master of our land??? are we ok to learn and take responsibility to improve our own living, and save our children???yes...oil sure last for 100 years
yes...oil last for many years 100 years and many other form of energy..)

We are treated like kindergarten kids...heh heh..many are.....( use our imagination and tell your love one to ...improve ...)

As prices go up, this psychology becomes self-reinforcing - at least until the market turns ( some how we are cheated.. rich becomes richer)

2007 may well have been the top, the peak, in terms of U.S. gasoline demand ( NOW...YES 2008 )
Why say there is increase demand?? Cheat , the whole world is using more efficient cars etc.

8. quote the truth:
use of renewable energy sources and newly-discovered oil supplies - such as the discoveries in off-shore Brazil - as well as greater fuel efficiency
Alternatives and renewables have and should have an important role to play in our energy economy, and their role will grow ( glow)

10. **** USA angry people represent the whole world angry peole???

Lawmakers, who are facing voter anger over high gas prices, have introduced nine different bills on speculation. Several of those measures have bipartisan support. Several hearings have been held this week with more scheduled.

11. hedging fuel and therefore avoiding today's skyrocketing prices

is that true???? ok conservation means we use less oil from todays onwards. and the simple thing oil producing countries can do is produce 10 percent more crude oil daily and we sure see the oil price drop to 80 per barrel.
true. then everybody will be happy..

Will that means our honourable ministers( and the head with many titles given by the people...true??by the people? servant of our beloved peole? do you think we are a different type of slaves??)


Free at day you can say about your friend...and me?
$$$$$ 5 stars ***** smile, let us think


Blogger Chiau Hui said...

Hahaha, couldn't agree with you more.
This bold type blog suits me best!

3:22 AM

Blogger 張醫生 said...

good morning

trying nice fond for enjoyable reading

2:09 PM


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