Wednesday, July 02, 2008

be steady my friends, $ is only a tool for healthy, happy life

How bad is the inflation, then deflation, then recession ?
How to react...

We may compare this world is sick like a 30 years old mature person. Still got potential to recover and be in good health again.

Similar to natural hazard...Artificial hazard caused by 'a group of people' is not healthy to all of us.
We can focus positively to rearrange our priority. Our activities can include finding minor things and include major measure of major investment and long term health planning..for total health...which is all rounded good health physically, mentally, socially,'financially',emotionally....start with a smile..

ok, quoted financial information as .....
Speculation... is increasingly affecting the price," he said. "The price has this parabolic shape which is characteristic of bubbles," he said. ( refer to oil price)
  • 'We face the most serious recession of our lifetime'
  • The comments are significant, not only because Mr Soros is the world's most prominent hedge fund investor but........

    ( ok...think positively...we can read, think, prepare for careful buying useful items yet still protect our environment( appropriate use and no wastage)..

    Wishing you a good day....from Dr. Chong


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