Friday, August 04, 2006

when to screen and how frequent

A recent analysis of HINTS 2005 data found that 57 percent of American women are unaware that they should receive mammograms to screen for breast cancer beginning at age 40. The survey also revealed more positive results: three-quarters of women reported that their health care providers had recommended mammograms, and 74 percent reported having received a mammogram within the recommended timeframe.

A larger majority of women are unaware that they did not need a Pap test every year to screen for cervical cancer; current general guidelines advise women to get Pap tests at least once every three years. A large proportion of women -- 87 percent of those who had ever received a Pap test -- said they did so as part of an annual exam. Another finding was that 61 percent of women surveyed had never heard of human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes most cases of cervical cancer.

While there are several different tests available to screen for colorectal cancer, including fecal occult blood tests (FOBT), sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy, 40 percent of HINTS respondents could not name one when asked. Additionally, 54 percent did know that screening for colorectal cancer is recommended for men and women age 50 or older, according to general recommendations. Knowledge of different screening options is important; research shows that being offered a choice may improve the chance that people get screened and that they continue to get screened as recommended.


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