Wednesday, November 30, 2005

confirm new bird flu death

Jakarta, Indonesia — Laboratory tests confirmed that a 25-year-old woman who died in the Indonesian capital overnight had bird flu, officials said Wednesday as they investigated the possibility that several members of a family in West Java were infected by the virus. Health experts are closely watching possible "clusters" of cases within families or neighborhoods for signs of human-to-human transmission

The H5N1 bird flu virus has been ravaging poultry stocks across Asia since 2003 and has jumped to humans, killing at least 68, most in Vietnam and Thailand.

On Wednesday, China reported its 25th outbreak of bird flu in poultry since Oct. 19. China has confirmed three human cases of bird flu, including two fatalities.(1-Dec 2005)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005




  那么,正常人每天喝多少水量才算是适当的呢?科学研究发现,一般而言,人体每天从尿液、流汗或皮肤蒸发等流失的水分,大约是1800- 2000cc,因此多年来人们一直在说,健康成年人每天需要补充2000cc左右的水分。但这2000cc水分不一定都由喝水获得,而应该把食物里的水分 一并算进去,这才是正确的保健方法。

  其实,我们每天吃的各种食物內含很多水分。例如,大部分蔬菜、水果90%以上是水,而像鸡蛋、鱼类中也有大约75%的水分。粗略估计,我们吃一 餐饭,至少可以由食物或汤里摄取到300-400cc的水。因此,扣除三餐中由食物摄取的1000-1200cc水分,我们每天只要再喝1000- 1200cc开水,平均上午2杯、下午2杯,也就足够了。但是,我们也应该知道,水的需求量必须视每个人所处环境(温度、湿度)、运动量、身体健康情況及 食物摄取量等而定,没有一个确定的标准值。




  这位工程师说,一些手机厂商为了在信号较差的地方仍能获得较好的通话质量,在手机设计时,往往会加大手机的电磁波发射强度。当信号只有一格时, 手机信号的发射强度要比手机信号满格时大1000倍。现在一些厂商为了把手机做得美观,将天线做得较短甚至隐藏起来,这也会使手机信号受影响。







电脑工作人员因长时间精力集中于屏幕,而电脑屏幕亮度长时间不变,字迹密集,加上室内光线不合适等因素,很容易引起视觉疲劳。如果工作过程中不注意调节视 力,就会造成眼睛疲劳以及视力下降。同时,电脑操作人员长时间从事数据输入、键盘打印,反复单一的动作幅度变化小,需要相当大的静态支持力,这就使部分神 经肌肉组织呈紧张状态,时间长久就引起手、腕、臂甚至肩部的肌腱发炎、疼痛,有时可累及腱鞘和肌肉组织。


正确的睡觉姿势应该是向右侧卧,微曲双腿。这样,心脏处于高位,不受压迫;肝脏处于低位,供血较好,有利新陈代谢;胃内食物借重力作用,朝十二指肠 推进,可促进消化吸收。同时,全身处于放松状态,呼吸匀和,心跳减慢,大脑、心、肺、胃肠、肌肉、骨骼得到充分的休息和氧气供给。   当然,对于一个健康人来说,大可不必过分拘泥自己的睡眠姿势,因为一夜之间,人往往不能保持一个固定的姿势睡到天明,绝大多数的人是在不断变换着睡觉的姿势,这样更有利于解除疲劳

Fibrates turn off a process inside cells that causes serious complications of diabetes

For the first time, we have evidence that fibrate-like compounds shut off the aldose reductase enzyme

Selling Chickens in Bird Flu Country

At a market in south Jakarta, one enterprising butcher has placed a handwritten “Free of Bird Flu” sign on top of a pile of dead chickens, with mixed results. Rusadi (like many Indonesians, he has only one name) made the cardboard sign because he was tired of being asked about the health of his merchandise. "I've been selling chicken for years and never had to do this," he says. Despite the reassuring signage, business is slow


El Nino occurs when the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific Ocean is disrupted.

There is a fear next year's season could bring much of the same as 2005.

"If we are truly in a cycle, next year we probably will have between 15 and 20 cycles.

Monday, November 28, 2005


Now, the advice is the same for all ages _ 30 compressions _ and you don't have to stop to check for improvement. What's important is to keep the blood flowing.

Studies have shown that blood circulation increases with each chest compression and it must be built back up after an interruption.

"When you're doing 30 of those compressions, then you're giving more circulation throughout the body and the brain,"

Heart Assoc. Offers New CPR Guidelines

Putting the emphasis on chest compressions instead of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, the American Heart Association now urges people to give 30 compressions _ instead of 15 _ for every two rescue breaths.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Avian Flu, Other Viruses Linked to Increased CO2 in Atmosphere?

This may be very important, as CO2 is an acid gas and viruses prefer more acid conditions. This has been confirmed recently about the Foot and Mouth Virus, is well documented for the Influenza Virus, and may well also apply to the AIDS, EBOLA and SARS Viruses. This form of "life" passes through many "generations" in a short time scale, and is therefore much more likely to "mutate" under the stimulus of more "benign" (acid) conditions than Mankind, or any other air breathing species, with much longer "breeding cycles".

Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere might cause changes in breathing rates [it is used in resuscitation apparatus as a breathing stimulant], and blood stream pH by lowering this, making it "more acid". The latter would in theory encourage viral activity, especially in warmer conditions. However, as far as can be determined, the foregoing was not a subject at the 1998 International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases at Atlanta, USA. HIV and Climate Change were subjects for discussion. A number of individuals and organisations listed in the programme and abstracts would be worth consulting.

And concern have been expressed at the Exeter UK conference recently on the increased acidification of the Oceans, with harmful effects to Marine Life. If this is real, then all other systems in contact with the atmosphere are being "acidified", including all Viruses which prefer more acid conditions to flourish.

It is suggested therefore that the biological plague of Mankind has both a physical and a physiological problem with rising CO2 levels. Given that Nature made mammalian life possible by using leguminous life to reduce the CO2 content of the atmosphere, followed by "burying" it. The reverse could now be starting with that "locked up" Carbon being released by the life form its reduction made possible, following an old saying that plagues contain the seeds of their own destruction.

Friday, November 25, 2005



City Faces Major Eco-Disaster

the city of Harbin in northeast China is facing Friday a major ecological situation caused by the spilling of 100 tons of benzene into the Songhua River

Monday, November 21, 2005

Evidence for global warming mounts

polar ice contracted to its smallest size in at least a century, according to measurements by space agency NASA and the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre.

Around Harstad, less bone-chilling winters have helped some pests to thrive, like beetles and worms that destroy Arctic forests. In northern Russia, frogs have been spotted more often on the tundra and some birds are not even bothering to migrate.

The idea that humans are to blame is growing: a survey this year by scientists at the US Scripps Institution of Oceanography showing a warming of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans over recent decades has been among the strongest evidence that human activities are responsible.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

水温升高威胁鱼类生存 人类未来可能将吃不到鱼

总部设在瑞士的动物保护动物团体“格兰德”(Gland)认为:全球气候变暖造成了河流、湖泊和海洋温度的上升, 如果冬天的水温不降到一定的水平,鲑鱼、鲶鱼和鲟鱼等一些温带鱼将根本无法产卵。






Friday, November 18, 2005

Human Genome's arthritis drug is effective

trial of LymphoStat-B in patients with rheumatoid arthritis showing the efficacy of the treatment in this patient group.A total of 283 patients participated in the phase II study designed to evaluate the safety, optimal dosing and efficacy of LymphoStat-B (belimuma) in patients with active moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis who had failed prior treatment(s).














Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Treatment Benefits Rheumatoid Arthritis

majority of subjects who failed on multiple DMARDs responded to combination methotrexate and infliximab therapy.

In the second set of findings, the investigators looked at whether patients' self-assessed outcomes for pain, disease activity (prevalence and severity of symptoms) and performance correlated with a rapid clinical improvement with combination therapy.




Wednesday, November 02, 2005




  今年中五、就读中华基督教会谭李丽芬纪念中学的陈易希,是一个发明狂,每日只睡5小 时,但是却用了8小时作发明研究。他在过去数年已凭不少发明品获奖无数,去年更凭“智能保安机械人”在“第55届Intel国际科学与工程大奖赛(工程项 目)”夺得个人组别二等奖,成为首位香港学生获此佳绩