Friday, March 31, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Reduce pollution, increase profit
German and Austrian experts are telling the industrialists how to reduce the use of raw material, energy and many other techniques thereby reducing the cost of production and also minimizing environmental impacts.
那些每天通过奶制品摄入钙超过600mg的男性,与那些每天摄入不到150mg的男性相比,患前列腺癌的危险要高32%。每天摄入钙额外增加500mg, 相应的患前列腺癌的危险也会增加16%。每天大量的钙摄入(尤其是通过奶制品得到的)可以抑制血液内维生素D的水平。维生素D除了作为一种重要的营养素, 还是一种能防止前列腺肿瘤细胞增殖的激素,从来起到预防前列腺肿瘤的作用。
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
New technologies, ideas can help in bid counter global warming
development of renewable sources of energy in including, new propulsion systems for vehicles, carbon sequestration, nuclear energy, biomass and the environment.
太极拳 有助提升免疫力
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Bird flu, what is next ?
Dr Barbara Bannister, director of the high security infectious diseases unit, at Coppetts Wood Hospital, Coppetts Road, Muswell Hill, believes people are now healthier and that scientists have made great progress since the previous three flu pandemics in 1918, 1957 and 1968-9.
"I would like to see the Government develop a vaccine for humans. If they vaccinate enough people, no-one should die."