Tuesday, October 31, 2006

new treatment virus

new treatment virus that’s been tested on mice is able to hunt down elusive cancer cells that have spread from the mother tumour while sparing surrounding healthy cells

Doctor J Chong strongly recommend preventive measures to prevent cancers.

Trigger factors such as promoters and inducers is very harmful to our health and cause cancer. To put it like a story pattern.....it is similar to poisonous words that poison mind which is similar to brain washing. It is also similar to people who are cruel in nature and may have sweet talks.
Cancers kill. There are many factors. Let us view from various perspective. differenet angles of view and time will tell ( only the wise person or people cna understand thoroughly and get the pure benefit).

There are people who behave like animals. Some curable.
There are rich people who are very very poor in character
There are people who known to have handicap years ago and yet still willing to emit light and love to the young and lovable( innocent and hopeful future generation)
The one elder one(s) should have learned and wise enough to behave...or go to hell with own mischieves.............Loving parent(s) always try to help unconditionally.
My mum lived to 97 years old inspite of Diabetes, Hypertension for many years. She trust me and know my kind nature. She was always smiling. She told me that this owrld, this type of society, it is nice to be happy and kind yet man/ father need to be firm...true..very true

Back tot he topic of cancer...are you thinking of treatment, and also prevention?


空气污染指数达到不健康水平,尤其是指数超过100时,要特别注意,尽量不要外出,若是有眼睛疼痛、发红的症状出现,可以先在双眼滴入人造泪水。人造泪水 是一种润滑液,可以减少眼睛的干涸及刺激感,由于此类眼药一般不含药性,可以较放心使用。

Saturday, October 14, 2006




趁小喝奶补钙 可防中年骨松


骨质疏松症是可预防的,方法包括注意饮食均衡,多补充钙质含量丰富的日常食品,包括乳制品如奶粉、鲜奶、乳酪等。 另外,鱼虾、豆制品、绿色蔬菜、胡萝卜、水果与干果类等,也有丰富的钙质。

Urges People With Asthma To Know Their Asthma Score

Asthma Control Test(TM) (ACT). The ACT is an asthma assessment tool, available in Spanish and English, which can help doctors assess the patient's level of symptom control.

Mary Joe has asthma, but refuses to let it slow her down. She wants other people with asthma to know that they can live a full and active life with an effective asthma management plan. Throughout her childhood and her teenage years, Mary Joe suffered from what she thought was chronic bronchitis. It wasn't until she was 20 years old, at the height of her tennis career, that a doctor correctly diagnosed her as having asthma.

"For a long time, I lived with undiagnosed and uncontrolled asthma, which left me vulnerable to frequent symptoms and attacks," says Mary Joe. "Looking back, that was a very frightening time. Now, I have an asthma management plan that works for me and I visit my doctor regularly to ensure my asthma stays under control."


The ACT is a five-item questionnaire, available in both English and Spanish, which gives physicians and patients a simple yet highly predictive tool they can use to help assess asthma control. Answers to the ACT provide asthma patients a score that may help them and their doctor determine if their current treatment plan is working. The total ACT score is based on a range of 5 to 25. A score of 19 or less may be an indication that asthma symptoms are not under control. If a patient scores 19 or less, they should make an appointment with their doctor to discuss their ACT results and ensure they are properly controlling their asthma symptoms. Even if patients score a 20 or more they should talk with their doctor about their results to help improve their asthma dialogue.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

News News

'Smart Gene Therapy' Protects Against Damage from Heart Attack

The therapy combines a therapeutic gene with a genetic "sensor" that recognizes and responds to the oxygen deprivation that follows the reduced blood flow, or ischemia, from coronary artery disease and heart attack.
As soon as the oxygen declines, the sensor turns on the therapeutic gene, thereby protecting the heart. In addition to its potential for patients with heart disease, the strategy might also prove useful for any condition in which tissues are susceptible to loss of blood supply, including stroke, shock, trauma and sepsis, the researchers said.
The finding marks the first time a therapeutic gene complete with a built-in sensor that allows the gene to respond immediately to the condition it treats has been shown to work

While drugs that can protect heart muscle are available, most patients barely make it to the hospital in time to take advantage of them

The team developed a "therapeutic gene construct" that contains both DNA sequences that can detect oxygen deficiency and a therapeutic human gene -- heme-oxygenase 1 -- that has been shown to protect cells. They then inserted the gene construct into a harmless virus known as adeno-associated virus, whose job was to transport the therapeutic gene into the genetic material
create a physiological on-off switch that will automatically turn on the therapeutic gene when ischemia causes dangerous levels of oxygen deprivation

Monday, October 09, 2006



  上个月,微软花费6300万美元(约1亿零17万新元)在费城设立第一所“未来学校”。在这全球第一所全面结合先进科技和新教学法的学 校里,学生们使用笔记本电脑学习,课程内容也以网上资料和互动软件内容为主。另外,学生也可通过电脑提交课业,家长也可以通过互联网随时了解孩子的学习情 况。

Asia economy VS Gobal warming

Oct 9, 2006 (AP)— Hotter temperatures and higher sea levels could devastate Asian economies, displace millions of people and put millions more at risk from infectious disease, according to a climate change report released Monday.

Global temperatures will rise by up to 4 degrees by 2030, particularly in the arid regions of northern Pakistan, India and China

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Nobel Prize In Medicine

Respectable scientists:

Andrew Fire And Craig Mello

US scientists, Andrew Fire, Stanford University School of Medicine, and Craig Mello, University of Massachusetts Medical School, won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their research that discovered the fundamental mechanism that regulates the movement of genetic data in humans, animals and plants.
RNA interference is currently used extensively in basic science as a method to study gene function - this research should lead to new future therapies.
RNA interference is crucial for the regulation of gene expression. It participates in the defence against viral infections