Thursday, January 26, 2006

pros and cons of GM crops

Opponents say GM foods have not been adequately tested and could pose unknown risks to human health. But producers like Kilian say they hold many pluses, particularly in a region that regularly suffers from food shortages.

"About 20 percent of my maize crop is GM," says Kilian.

"They help to increase your yields and reduce your input costs. If you have a crop that is resistant to being eaten by pests you don't have to spend money on spraying with insecticide."

Work Stress Leads To Heart Disease And Diabetes

Researchers examined the association between work stress and the metabolic syndrome (a cluster of factors that increases the risk of heart disease

A dose-response relation was found between exposure to job stress and the metabolic syndrome, even after adjusting for other risk factors. For example, men with chronic work stress were nearly twice as likely to develop the syndrome than those with no exposure to work stress


英国医学杂志《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)在网上发表的专家报告指出,没有证据显示,达菲能制止H5N1禽流感病毒,而且,一旦病毒变异成引发大流行病的形式,达菲恐怕功效有限。





  以罗马组织“科克拉内疫苗场”(Cochrane Vaccines Field)的杰弗逊为首的报告作者们,评估了达菲、瑞乐砂和另外两种药物金刚烷胺(amantadine)和金刚乙胺(rimantadine),在对付季节性流感病毒的整体效用和安全性。








Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New facility for a diabetes cure?

A state-of-the-art Human Islet Isolation Facility was officially opened in Oxford today, making it the leading centre in the UK and one of the very best in Europe.

One of the major challenges facing the new facility will be improving the extraction of the insulin-producing islet cells from donor pancreases.

Friday, January 20, 2006

2 years later

same group, 3 sisters in a family, same birthday ( not twin ! only) Posted by Picasa

natural triplets

wonders of sarawak: fresh air, clean water and fertile land Posted by Picasa

Spring festival approaching

there are 385 days for the new chinese new year Posted by Picasa

information about chronic cough with sputum

Especially to Mr. C Ang *****

conitnuous cough can be a caused by many things and the Doctor can
run some tests to see what's causing it...You didn't mention much about the cough.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi causing excessive mucous production and swelling of the bronchial walls. Many people suffer a brief attack of acute bronchitis with fever, coughing and spitting when they have a severe cold. Chronic bronchitis, however, is the term applied when this coughing and spitting continue for months and even for years.

Spring is round the corner

Pink, orange, new green leaves...

mist and cool bleeze...and warm twilight sunshine Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Marriage Brings Wealth, Divorce Steals It

A new study confirms what any divorced person probably suspected: Scrapping a marriage robs you of wealth.

But the misfortune is more severe than merely divvying up the goods.

The study of about 9,000 people found divorce reduces a person's wealth by 77 percent compared to that of a single person.

Likewise, getting married makes people richer by more than just adding their assets together. Each married person, on average, sees his or her wealth nearly double. Married people increased their wealth about 4 percent per year just as a result of being married

( US figure may be applicable to some other countries, but not to countries where housing, cars and other expenses is high )

Vein Finder Would Reduce Errant Needle Pricks

In the adding-insult-to-injury department, being pricked multiple times with a needle while a nurse tries in vain to find a vein ranks pretty high. The problem can be acute with infants and the obese.

Jim Larsen, a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology, was in the hospital once and required several blood tests. All the poking caused swelling and inflammation in his arms, which made it increasingly difficult for nurses to find his veins.

"It often took seven or eight tries," Larsen recalls. "It wasn't long before I felt like a pin cushion."

The vein finder works by using the Doppler effect, a well-known phenomenon also employed to detect rainfall and even find extrasolar planets. The Doppler effect is what makes an ambulance siren change pitch when it passes you. Sound waves are compressed when the ambulance is coming at you, and they are stretched when it drives away, changing the sound's pitch.

By applying a narrowly focused beam of ultrasonic energy at a certain angle, the vein finder uses the Doppler effect to detect moving blood and determines the direction of flow. Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry it back.

Like a stud finder used by contractors, the vein finder beeps when it detects a target. A nurse would then activate an attached needle

researchers envision the thing ultimately being the size of a fat fountain pen that could be used by ambulance services and the military. But it would be welcome in any hospital or nursing home.

Finding veins is especially difficult in dehydrated patients because their blood vessels lack normal volume

eye damage in men

patients with a history of myocardial infarction (heart attack), a strong link between the use of Viagra and/or Cialis and an increased risk of non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION) was observed. NAION is the most common cause of acute optic nerve disease in people over 50 years old. It can cause permanent loss of vision in one or both eyes.







Italy's Industry Minister Claudio Scajola has called a crisis meeting with energy firms to discuss the issue.

The announcement by ENI came after news agencies reported that Russia's state-owned Gazprom had cut supplies by 20% to parts of Europe because of cold weather.

Europe import 40% of their gas. Important energy source for heating especially during winter

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Making Proteins To Fight Cancer

The universal mechanism which regulates genes' activity is DNA methylation, where a methyl group is joined to a certain section of a molecule. Special methyl-DNA binding proteins come into action, bound with a section of the methylated DNA and this suppresses gene activity. The researchers are interested in one of such proteins named Kaiso. They assume that this protein plays an important role in the intestine cancer development, and it can be used for diagnostics and treatment.








Monday, January 16, 2006









 虽然有长远规划,但短期内中国对石油的需求仍然甚大,石油企业因此会继续对外进行收购。中国海洋石油昨天(1月9日)就宣布以22亿6000万美元收购 了尼日利亚海上石油开采许可证所持有的四成五权益,开拓更稳定的石油新来源。  石油企业“走出去”找寻适合的收购目标,对急需大量石油供应的中国来说是 自然不过的事,但由于中海油试图收购总部位于加州的石油企业优尼科遭美国中途阻截成功,令内地石油企业对外收购变质成为政治问题。事实上,收购优尼科虽然 失败,但余波未了

Emergency angioplasty better than clot-busting drugs

cardiologists reports that patients are less likely to die during their hospital stay, and will receive faster treatment, if they have their emergency angioplasty at hospitals where it is the "default" treatment, used on the vast majority of heart attack patients.

By contrast, the in-hospital death risk and risk of delayed treatment were both higher for angioplasty patients treated at hospitals where emergency angioplasty was used in a minority of heart-attack patients. On the whole, they were significantly more likely to die before leaving the hospital, and waited an average of 20 minutes longer for treatment, than those treated at hospitals where most heart attack patients received angioplasty. Many waited far longer than the 90 minute "window" during which emergency angioplasty is thought to have an edge over clot-busting drugs.










Sunday, January 15, 2006





Noise pollution a growing menace

bringing the volume of amplified music down to a more acceptable level (i.e. so that it is not disturbing others in the area) and secondly, limiting the times at which such heavily amplified music might be played (in many holiday resorts and in residential areas around the world, it is deemed unreasonable to play loud music after midnight)

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia could have a 90 pcnt cure rate in future

improvements in ALL treatment are also helping to reduce the long-term toxic side effects of therapy by enabling clinicians to reduce or avoid the use of certain drugs or radiation that can damage major organs or cause secondary cancers.


网络公司或是文书处理者,还有儿童沉迷于玩计算机游戏中,因为一般计算机桌非专为儿童设计,屏幕较高,一旦沉迷于计算机游戏而不知节制,就更容易造成近视加深。   因长时间紧盯屏幕,用眼过度而造成了这些视觉症候群,偶尔还会头痛及肩膀僵硬等症状,尤其是喜欢熬夜上网的网络迷,对眼睛更是一大伤害。






  ★ 使用电脑时,应多眨眼,每1—2小时要休息15分钟;

  ★ 荧光屏应在视线之下;

  ★ 为了避免反光和不清晰,电脑不应放置在窗户的对面或背面;

  ★ 不要在黑暗中看电脑,因为黑白反差对眼睛有损害。

Saturday, January 14, 2006

CDC: Flu virus resistant to two drugs

the drugs rimantadine and amantadine during the current flu season.

The two drugs have been used for years to combat the type-A, or most common, strain of influenza.

丙戌年长达385天 2000多年第一次







Friday, January 13, 2006

More countries planting GM crops

Worldwide herbicide-tolerant soybeans were still the biggest crop on the GM front (with 60% of global plantings) followed by maize (24%) cotton (11%) and canola (5%). Last year Iran became the first country to plant genetically modified rice.

About 90% of the 8,5-million farmers planting genetically modified crops are poor people from developing countries, says the ISAAA. The crops boosted farmers’ income and helped curb poverty.

International travellers face burden of tropical disease

  • The travel industry to inform customers of the health risks they may face.
  • Doctors to publicize the benefits of pretravel medical care.
  • Health-care systems to provide care specific to travellers visiting their countries of birth.
  • Physicians to be educated in assessing the health risks of travel.

Travellers may need to take drugs and vaccines that fight malaria before, during and after trips.


研究上,发现取自活体骨髓的干细胞,同样有助于治疗人类的心血管疾病。该公司计划于2006年下半年,进一步开展该项 研究的第一期和第二期临床试验,试验将从患有心脏病的病人体内,提取源自CD133+细胞的活体骨髓,研究这种自体同源的活性骨髓对心血管疾病的具体治疗 作用。





Wednesday, January 11, 2006




Pressure mounts on defiant Iran

Iran's resumption of nuclear research will probably result in referral to the UN Security Council.

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said European ministers meeting on Thursday would decide how to proceed, but taking the matter to the UN looks "likely".

A US State Department spokesman agreed it was now "more likely than ever".

Methane research key to climate change

scientist says new research into methane emissions could have a profound effect on the global battle against greenhouse gases and climate change.

The research, conducted by a group of Dutch scientists, is published in Nature magazine. It claims plants produce vast amounts of methane, a gas which contributes to global warming.

Monday, January 09, 2006

greetings for spring festival Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 08, 2006



  由于月球、地球、太阳三者之间的相对运动并非一成不变,因此“朔望月周期”有长有 短,农历一年中就出现了大月30天、小月29天的分法。同时,为了保证农历每月的初一必须是朔日,所以大小月的安排也不是固定的,这需要通过观测和科学推 算加以确定。今年农历腊月的“朔”(初一)到正月的“朔”(初一)恰逢小月,因此年三十就被省略了。

Green issues: It's not the end of the world

60 per cent of articles about climate change in national newspapers were negative and failed to mention possible solutions. Only a quarter included any mention of what could be, or is being, done to fight climate change.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Cancer Detection: Spinning Biological Trash Into Diagnostic Gold

small proteins and peptides present in human blood serum in the hope that these molecules might reflect biological events associated with disease and consequently be useful as diagnostic disease markers.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

children swimming in blue transparent pool Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

to Richard, william, Henry, Kim & friends

please view

the wonderful view of clean natural environment

of the lost horizon

really good for health...for ever

China confirms new bird flu outbreak in southwest

More than 1,800 poultry were found dead on December 22 on a farm in Sichuan's Dazhu county and Agriculture Ministry officials sent to the area confirmed the birds had the H5N1 strain of the virus.

Since then, 12,900 poultry in the region had been culled to try to contain the virus, which is found mostly in birds but which scientists fear could mutate into a form that can pass easily between people, leading to a pandemic.

In response to the latest outbreak, Hong Kong's government said it had stopped processing requests to import live poultry and poultry meat from Sichuan.

Scientists are worried because the virus, although hard for humans to catch, has killed more than half the people reported to have been infected.



  轻度高血脂患者通常没有任何不舒服的感觉,致使很多人错过了最佳的治疗时间。所以,有下述情况的人需要定期检查血脂。比如,有高血脂家族史者, 肥胖、高血压或已有冠心病、脑中风,糖尿病、肾脏疾病、中老年、绝经后妇女、长期高糖饮食,习惯于静坐的人而生活无规律、情绪易激动、精神处于紧张状态 者。据了解,一般来说,普通人每2年检查一次血脂;40岁以上的人每一年检查1次血脂;高危人群和高血脂患者在医生指导下定期复查。

  高血脂可以分成原发性与继发性,前者目前认为主要与遗传因素有关,而后者则与其它疾病及生活饮食结构改变有关联。无论是遗传还是其它疾病引起的 高血脂,都需要注意平时生活起居饮食的调节。为了防患于未然,人们应减少食用红色肉类和奶制食品,多食蔬菜、水果、豆类和鱼类。此外,注意控制体重仍然是 非常重要的。


Blue sky. blue lagoon, green trees and nice mountain view. take a deep breath and put on music... Posted by Picasa

Ozone is harmful at high altitude. mountain around one thousand metres with good vegetation is nice for mountain climbing and hiking. Fresh air Posted by Picasa

fresh air treatment at Sentosa 10th mile public garden Posted by Picasa