Saturday, April 30, 2005



we need clean air to keep our children healthy

In some of our largest cities such as Tokyo, London, New York, New Delhi, the levels of toxicity of air and dust pollutants have increased to dangerous levels.

The three stable isotopes of oxygen (16O constitutes 99.763% of total oxygen;17O, 0.0375%; and 18O, ... Nevertheless, the oxygen isotopic composition ofsulfate produced by oxidative weathering is notably different

3 major types of Oxygen...all good for us..except....find out which group is harmful to our health Posted by Hello

The clean and cool water is from mountain stream. Try to keep fish in this type of water to find out indirectly that the Oxygen supply is ok Posted by Hello

Oxygen supply and our health

Commission on Environment and Development) (1970) have reported that oxygen has remained stable in the earth's atmosphere because green plants recycle it in molecular form through photosynthetic process. For 70% of the free oxygen produced each year is thought to have came from planktonic plants in the ocean, and the remaining 30% from terrestrial vegetation of forests and grasslands.

if we should seriously pollute the sea and ocean as is already happening in coastal areas, and if we should excessively denude the forest and grasslands of the earth these we shall be in danger of upsetting the oxygen balance in the atmosphere. In other words, we must look upon the oceans, forests and grasslands as the world's oxygen tank, and we must insure their continued healthy ecological function in future.

Another important atmospheric problem of long-term concern is the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Between 1860 to 1980 the combustion of fuel increased the CO2 contents of the air by 14% of its formerly stable level (UNEP, 1985).

the atmospheric problem may also become acute in terms of various toxic elements released into surface of air and water; carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead from automobile exhaust, hydrocarbons from industrial operations and numerous other products of modern technological societies. For example, 500 million pounds of lead are discharged into the atmosphere of the United States each year from automobile exhausts alone, (WHO, 1982)

We need balance Oxygen ( not too much, and not too little) and of course, we want less pollutant in our air and water.

Oxygen source. The main source is from the sea. There are Billions of living thing in ht esea that produce Oxygen through photosynthesis. The sea breeze definately carry lots of Oxygen for us Posted by Hello

cool water for hot weather. Clean and cool water is a precious resources of our mother earth. Please plant more trees and protect good vegetations Posted by Hello

Balance air for all of us

Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide What Makes Water Healthy?If you’ve ever played on a see saw, you know that it’s important to have the two sides equally balanced. In a lake, a good balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is just as important.
Underwater plants and algae also contribute oxygen during the process of photosynthesis.

An indiect way to check the Oxygen production in an area can be conducted by checking the water Oxygen content or dissolved Oxygen.
Dissolved oxygen, also called DO, is vital to the health of aquatic habitats. Plants and animals need oxygen to survive. A low level of oxygen in the water is a sign that the habitat is stressed or polluted.Where does oxygen come from? Oxygen from the air is mixed into water with the help of rain, wind, waves and currents. Fast-moving water contains more DO than still water because it has more contact with the air, allowing more oxygen to mix into the water. Underwater plants and algae also contribute oxygen during the process of photosynthesis.

Friday, April 29, 2005

ideal place on earth to have trees and less global warming. Day time temperature 50 degrees C is not good for all of us. We all prefer a cool place with fresh air and clean water Posted by Hello

plant more trees and flowers to absorb CO 2


The energy from the sun should be utilized and kept at balance level. Plant is the cheapest media to reduce the effect of excess Carbon Dioxide from Hydro Carbon fuel, coal and petroleum.


what do think of this mite...want to sleep with this mite? Posted by Hello

this one is pink in colour...most of them cause allergy reaction Posted by Hello

mite attack our skin. Some mite is relatively small and live inside our skin Posted by Hello

A Dental doctor mentioned a great way to good health

We are lucky to have tooth implantation service in Malaysia.

Method 1 :
The grafting or inserting of an appliance designed to fit over the surface of the mandible or the maxilla, beneath the specialized connective tissue that covers the bone (periosteum).

Method 2 :
Insertion of an implant into the bone of the mandible or maxilla. The implant has an exposed head which protrudes through the mucosa and is a prosthodontic abutment.

We can choose the best way to ensure a new set of teeth. Definately, dental health is very very important.

mite prevention



plan of action for cold and flu


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

look at our suffering with poor public health

SOME 300 new typhoid cases have been registered in Kelantan in the past 24 hours

What is typhoid fever?
Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection of the intestinal tract and occasionally the bloodstream. It is an uncommon disease with only 30-50 cases occurring in New York each year. Most of the cases are acquired during foreign travel to underdeveloped countries. The germ that causes typhoid is a unique human strain of salmonella called Salmonella typhi. Outbreaks are rare.

Who gets typhoid fever?
Anyone can get typhoid fever but the greatest risk exists to travelers visiting countries where the disease is common. Occasionally, local cases can be traced to exposure to a person who is a chronic carrier.
How is the germ spread?
Typhoid germs are passed in the feces and, to some extent, the urine of infected people. The germs are spread by eating or drinking water or foods contaminated by feces from the infected individual.

Beyond these trees is the area of Indonesia. A place where original forest once used to exist. We will benefit if forest preservation coul be enforced Posted by Hello

protect forest in this world, see Aceh case

Fund warns of Aceh deforestation threat
05:58 AEST Wed Apr 27 2005

Some of the world's largest remaining forest reserves could be permanently scarred if all the timber needed to rebuild Aceh had to be sourced locally, the conservation organisation WWF has warned.
This would lead to further floods and landslides and the potential for further tragedy for the Indonesian people.
"It would also threaten Indonesia's beleaguered wildlife, which includes iconic species such as the Sumatran tiger, rhino and elephant, and the region's populations of orang-utans."
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...the primary or priority step is reduce destruction or reduce abuse, reduce over-use.....We need to have strong enforcement to stop bad activities then enforce education to promote long term awareness and care....are we greedy, are we selfish? are we planning a good future for our children and grnad childre ?.....sit down and think.

Malaysia need caring people, and kind in heart

A group of land owners at Behrang are surprised and upset at the ease with which the Perak Government converted part of a permanent forest reserve into orchards for senior government servants.

The 162ha area, owned by the State Agricultural Development Corporation, is in the process of being developed into 0.4ha plots for sale at RM35,000 each to state civil servants.Already the area behind some of the homes, once lush with vegetation, has been cleared. Those who bought land and developed homes at the Diamond Creek Country Retreat said the felling of trees and shrubs had affected the environment."We are seeing small animals, including huge lizards, coming into our homes," said a retired government servant who only wanted to be known as Siva.He said one of the reasons that he and others had bought property there had been the greenery.Siva said the rich diversity of flora and fauna had been affected as the hornbills, deer, migratory birds, porcupine and wild boar had been disturbed by the development.

prevent eyes infection

More eyes infection cases in tropical countries. Plan to protect our family:


prevent back and shoulder pain

Find a suitable shoes is good for health:

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

sweet like honey, fresh with morning breeze...take a deep breath( breath in 5 seconds continously and out out breath out for 5 seconds) feel fresh and relax ? Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005

computer harmful if exposure is excessive

Plan for resting period regularly and try not to use continously for a long period of time. Plan for period of rest, improve typing speed ( send children and ourself to typing school to improve typing ability)...wishing you healthy.


ok..friends plan to go to Yunnan of China..this is an imaginary view of high mountains..The preventive works include training to get use to high altitude, that is, take iron tablet to build up 'more blood'in our body. exercise everyday to keep fit, bring along waterproof jacket, bring good food including chocolates which contain high kilojoules, bring along Dexamethasone tablet incase any high altitude sickness, don't be shy to bring along Viagra tablet which is good for high altitude sickness and..... Posted by Hello

knowledge is for the benefit of all people..who is this? Posted by Hello

in such case..masks is not enough to prevent SARS...lots of other virus are tiny, so small that it can get throguh the porous mask...but it reduce the air flow and thus help a little bit..( better than nothing) Posted by Hello

SARS...This is the Corona virus...looks beautiful ? be careful, it the preventive method for new 'possible' Bird Flu Posted by Hello

all human must prevent such kind of suffering in the future. There are lots of tragic events during second world should not happen again Posted by Hello

be prepared to see flowers at night..Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Posted by Hello

it is healthy to monkey business( try to visit Malacca, Malaysia) Posted by Hello

Music is good for everybody. Really no prejudice, peaceful and sure to ensure future health.....and music is the best language...since there is no misunderstanding Posted by Hello

Typhoid Fever today

1986 I have seen a ward occupied by 28 Typhoid patients. All 28 of them suffered high fever and other complications. Almost all of them contact a common dirty water source adn use it for washing plates, spoons, cups. They boiled their drinking water but not the water used for bath, face washing, an other washing where is the source ?of serious Typhoid....

How can you avoid typhoid fever? Two basic actions can protect you from typhoid fever: 1. Avoid risky foods and drinks. 2. Get vaccinated against typhoid fever. It may surprise you, but watching what you eat and drink when you travel is as important as being vaccinated.

"Boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it"
If you drink water, buy it bottled or bring it to a rolling boil for 1 minute before you drink it. Bottled carbonated water is safer than uncarbonated water.
Ask for drinks without ice unless the ice is made from bottled or boiled water. Avoid popsicles and flavored ices that may have been made with contaminated water.
Eat foods that have been thoroughly cooked and that are still hot and steaming.
Avoid raw vegetables and fruits that cannot be peeled. Vegetables like lettuce are easily contaminated and are very hard to wash well.
When you eat raw fruit or vegetables that can be peeled, peel them yourself. (Wash your hands with soap first.) Do not eat the peelings.
Avoid foods and beverages from street vendors. It is difficult for food to be kept clean on the street, and many travelers get sick from food bought from street vendors.

cat has nine lives, please use the nine rules


Friday, April 22, 2005

Handphone, how to prevent sickness ?

拨号时辐射特别大 尽量离身体远一点

World Health Organization guideline for a healthy man


This young gentleman enjoyed the morning cool breeze. He put on handsome jacket and showing the special candy. He is going to get the benefit of morning sunlight. Immune system starts to function nicely from the morning...More healthy and sickness free Posted by Hello

artist's design and wonderful son wakes up early in the morning to join the serch for beautiful natural view. A friend asked,'How to wake up my children?' Well, ' increase their basal body temperature early in the morning at 6 am..How? Come to see me, and I will tell you how Posted by Hello

our energy source is from the sun. yes, this is not moon light. I have taken this picture at 10 am.....try to make full use of sunlight Posted by Hello

Hepatitis carrier

It is very sad to see our friend suffer from Hepatitis B
The first step before marriage should be thorough health check up. In fact before any sexual relationship or intercourse, full check up including Hepatitis checking is very very important.
This is going to be a major preventive work.
Prevention is always the priority....just wish you healthy, happy and save money.


ok. blue sky at the upper coner of the photograph since we climbed up to a certian height. the pollutant enveloped the whole area, so the high rise buildings are not seen in this photo Posted by Hello

pollution caused by factory coal burning is a real problem in China. We hope to see blue sky in the future. Beware of lung damage, allergy reaction of eyes, skin, etc. Even our clothing damaged by acid rain due tot he air pollution Posted by Hello

High pitch sound or noise as in this indoor theme park, is going to casue hearing loss. Be careful. Even ear phones, walkman caused certain degree of hearing loss Posted by Hello

when one is healthy, one is a star. This medical student cannot smile later due to impact wisdom tooth pain Posted by Hello