In some of our largest cities such as Tokyo, London, New York, New Delhi, the levels of toxicity of air and dust pollutants have increased to dangerous levels.
Commission on Environment and Development) (1970) have reported that oxygen has remained stable in the earth's atmosphere because green plants recycle it in molecular form through photosynthetic process. For 70% of the free oxygen produced each year is thought to have came from planktonic plants in the ocean, and the remaining 30% from terrestrial vegetation of forests and grasslands.
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide What Makes Water Healthy?If you’ve ever played on a see saw, you know that it’s important to have the two sides equally balanced. In a lake, a good balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is just as important.
We are lucky to have tooth implantation service in Malaysia.
SOME 300 new typhoid cases have been registered in Kelantan in the past 24 hours
Fund warns of Aceh deforestation threat
A group of land owners at Behrang are surprised and upset at the ease with which the Perak Government converted part of a permanent forest reserve into orchards for senior government servants.
More eyes infection cases in tropical countries. Plan to protect our family:
Find a suitable shoes is good for health:
Plan for resting period regularly and try not to use continously for a long period of time. Plan for period of rest, improve typing speed ( send children and ourself to typing school to improve typing ability)...wishing you healthy.
1986 I have seen a ward occupied by 28 Typhoid patients. All 28 of them suffered high fever and other complications. Almost all of them contact a common dirty water source adn use it for washing plates, spoons, cups. They boiled their drinking water but not the water used for bath, face washing, an other washing where is the source ?of serious Typhoid....
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It is very sad to see our friend suffer from Hepatitis B