protect forest in this world, see Aceh case
Fund warns of Aceh deforestation threat
05:58 AEST Wed Apr 27 2005
Some of the world's largest remaining forest reserves could be permanently scarred if all the timber needed to rebuild Aceh had to be sourced locally, the conservation organisation WWF has warned.
This would lead to further floods and landslides and the potential for further tragedy for the Indonesian people.
"It would also threaten Indonesia's beleaguered wildlife, which includes iconic species such as the Sumatran tiger, rhino and elephant, and the region's populations of orang-utans."
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...the primary or priority step is reduce destruction or reduce abuse, reduce over-use.....We need to have strong enforcement to stop bad activities then enforce education to promote long term awareness and care....are we greedy, are we selfish? are we planning a good future for our children and grnad childre ?.....sit down and think.
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