Saturday, September 27, 2008

Melamine !

More harm to have other chemicals in addition to Melamine contamination.

chemical substance called melamine.

releasing nitrogen when burned or charred.. Melamine is one of the major components in Pigment Yellow 150, a colorant in inks and plastics. The use of melamine as fertilizer for crops has been envisaged during the '50 and '60 years because of its high nitrogen content (~66.5% N. However, the hydrolysis reactions of melamine leading to the nitrogen mineralisation in soils are very slow, precluding a broad use of melamine as fertilizing agent.
Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food products in order to increase the apparent protein content.
A toxicology study conducted after recalls of contaminated pet food concluded that the combination of melamine and cyanuric acid in diet does lead to acute renal failure in cats
In March 2007, the US reported finding white granular melamine in the pet food, in samples of white granular.
the New York Times reported that, despite the widely reported ban on melamine use in vegetable proteins in mainland China, at least some chemical manufacturers continued to report selling it for use in animal feed and in products for human consumption. Li Xiuping, a manager at Henan Xinxiang Huaxing Chemical in Henan Province, stated, "Our chemical products are mostly used for additives, not for animal feed. Melamine is mainly used in the chemical industry, but it can also be used in making cakes.
In September 2008, several companies were implicated in a scandal involving milkBy 22 September, nearly 53,000 illnesses, over 12,800 hospitalisations, and four infant deaths had been reported, caused by kidney stones and other....
Melamine may have been added to fool government quality tests after water was added to fraudulently increase the milk's volume, since melamine will cause a false increase in the measurement of protein by increasing the nitrogen levels in the milk.
Melamine was first synthesized by the German chemist in 1834.
Between 2002 and 2007, while the global melamine price remained stable, a steep increase in the price of urea (feedstock for melamine) has reduced the profitability of melamine manufacturing. Currently, China is the world's largest exporter of melamine, while its domestic consumption still grows by 10% per year. However, reduced profit has already caused other joint melamine ventures to be postponed there.( note that it is available throughout the whole world).

c3 file Dr. chong J. Mendu, Kuching for friends

Longivity, cities in ......

Curiosities and sincere crave to search for happy places pay off. Try to search a place you like, a country for example. Then the result.
Also nice to search for the food and drink not contaminated by Melamine. There is hope. Just search, then take action.
Best wishes from James

Friday, September 26, 2008

Save our children, our friends, family, and our world

Melamine has been made into powder form since many years ago( quoted

Taipei Times - archives

Melamine, a substance used in fertilizer in Asia, but not rat poison, ... continues to uphold the high standards for which it has been known since 1971. ...)see....example of long history

. It is not easy to recycle Melamine product. This is a factor that this nitrogen rich product( 60 % by mass)

is used to 'meet the requirement' or fool the detecting machine and claimed high Nitrogen in fertilizer, then claimed to be ' Nitrogen protein -like ???"

Any way, Lovely pets not growing, agricultural fish farm not thriving partly due to 'not true Nitrogen rich'.

Then the particles could be so fine that it circulate in our body( of course in our horticulture, pets, agriculture products, and our babies...

When the problem reached a large scale..kidneys stones, dying babies. Oh yes...bladder cancers...many internal organs affected.

It is an extensive problem...let us work together to prevent more sickness...Lets meet at Jalan Mendu for pure health promotion.

Melamine is around us...where ??? Be realistic....let us fight and win

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

history, reference and education for better future

发表于 2008-09-19

历史上的琉球国,位于中国大陆东方(台湾岛的东北方)、日本九州岛西南方的大海中,为一群岛。同古代日本一样,关于其国的最早的文字记载见于中国古史。《隋书》中即有《琉求传》。据1650年成书的该国用汉语自撰的第一部国史《中山世鉴》称:"盖我朝开辟,天神阿摩美久筑之。""当初,未〔有〕琉球之名。数万年后,隋炀帝令羽骑尉朱宽访求异俗,始至此国地界。万涛间远而望之,蟠旋蜿延,若虬浮水中,故因以名琉虬也。" 这就是说,中国隋朝时(581~617),该国始被称为琉虬。查中国典籍,虬是龙的一种。东汉·王逸《楚辞章句》曰:"有角曰龙,无角曰虬。"而唐·李善《文选注》引《说文》则曰:"虯,龙无角者。"以琉球群岛散布在大洋中的状态而言,谓之琉虬,实在非常形象。然而可能因为古代中国都将龙作为华夏帝王的象征,史官写史多有忌讳,所以《隋书》就将它改为同音的"琉求"了吧。此后,《元史》又写作"瑠求",有的书中又称"留仇",总之都是谐音。
到明代洪武五年(1372),明太祖朱元璋派使臣杨载携带诏书出使琉球,诏书中称其为琉球。从此乃成为正式名称。可见,连琉球国的国名也是中国取的。据《殊域周咨录》载,该诏书说:"朕为臣民推戴,即位皇帝,定有天下之号曰大明,建元洪武。是用遣使外夷,播告朕意,使者所至,蛮夷酋长称臣入贡。惟尔琉球,在中国东南,远据海外,未及报知。兹特遣使往谕,尔其知之。"这份诏书除了以华夏自居中央,使用了中国历代皇帝习用的"蛮夷"之类词以外,毫无威胁恐吓的意思,是一种和平外交。因此,琉球国中山王察度首先领诏,并立刻派遣王弟泰期,与杨载一同来中国,奉表称臣。"由是,琉球始通中国,以开人文维新之基。" (见1725年琉球国用汉语自撰的第二部正史《中山世谱》)继中山王后,琉球山南王承察度和山北王怕尼芝,也相继于翌年向中国皇帝称臣入贡。当时琉球"三山分立",相互征战。明太祖知悉后,又去诏云:"使者自海中归,言琉球三王互争,废弃农业,伤残人命。朕闻之不堪悯怜。"因此要求他们"能体朕意,息兵养民,以绵国祚"。后三王果然罢战息兵。足见此时中国皇帝在琉球享有高度政治权威,当时的琉球实是中国的属国。

据琉球国史及各种史料记载,自洪武十六年(1383)起,历代琉球王都向中国皇帝请求册封,正式确定君臣关系。这种关系延续了整整五个世纪,即使是日本庆长十四年(1609)发生日本萨摩藩(今鹿儿岛县)岛津氏入侵琉球,琉球国在受到萨摩制约的情况下,也始终未变。洪武二十五年(1392),朱元璋 "更赐闽人三十六姓"入琉。这批中国移民主要是向琉球传授中国先进的生产技术和文化。琉球王国也曾主动请求赐人,如1606年,尚宁王受册封时,便请赐明人归化。如从中国去的蔡氏为蔡襄的后人,林氏为林和靖家族的后人。与此同时,琉球王还经常选派子弟到中国留学。



然而,日本明治维新后,迅速走上对外侵略扩张的军国主义道路。原来萨摩对琉球的侵略掠夺,还只是日本西南某个岛藩的强盗行为;现在,日本则要进行整个帝国主义国家的侵略扩张了。明治初年的"征韩论"中,就提到了要侵占琉球。明治五年(1872),日本借琉球使者到访日本之际,突然强制"册封"琉球国王为藩王,并列入所谓"华族"。这是维新政府强行改变日琉关系的第一步。而这些行径,当时都是暗中进行,对中国隐瞒的。从此,琉球便成为了所谓"日清两属 "。而后,日本政府不断施加政治、军事压力,进一步胁迫琉球断绝与中国的宗属关系,但每次均遭拒绝。如1875年8月5日琉球王尚泰答复日方的信中,便说不能"忘却中国累世之厚恩,失却信义"。还提到所谓"两属"之事,"以往对中国隐匿,恳请对中国说明,采取明确处置",并表示"愿对两国奉公,永久勤勉 "。但日本还是不肯罢休。

面对日本政府的百般逼迫,琉球国在不断向日本"请愿"要求保持中琉关系、不变琉球国体政体的同时,还向西方各国公使发出外交求援信。日本恼羞成怒,1879年1月10日日本《朝野新闻》竟称"琉奴蔑视XXX本帝国甚哉"!于是,日本决定不顾国际公法,不顾琉球国臣民的意愿,加快吞并琉球。1879年3月,日本向琉球秘密派出军警人员,采取突然行动,在首里城向琉球王代理今归仁王子命令交出政权。4月4日,日本悍然宣布 "废琉置县",即将琉球国改为冲绳县。随即大肆抢掠中琉往来的文书、文物和宝印,以及琉球国的政府档案,企图销毁和隐匿历史见证。并强迫尚泰王等前去日本。





时至今日,令人感到不解的是,这么一段历史,在现在中国和日本的课堂上,都是不讲的?(quoted for reading pleasure. aim for peaceful future)


Melamine resin is known as a thermoset plastic, because the plastic is fixed after molding. If exposed to enough heat, melamine will melt. For this reason, melamine dishware should not be exposed to high temperatures like those in the oven and microwave. However, the plastic is able to withstand higher temperatures than other plastics. Because it is a thermoset plastic, melamine resin is difficult to recycle.

Melamine can be made into a foam product. Melamine foam has a distinctive structure composed of stacked bubble shapes, which are extremely hard and therefore can easily clean a wide variety of substances. Melamine foam is marketed under a variety of commercial names including Magic Eraser, a cleaning tool well known for removing scuffs and dirt from a wide range of surfaces.

Melamine resin is used in Formica and similar construction products made from composite materials. Formica is made using melamine resin, which is used to coat the fibers in the upper layer of the construction product. The melamine resin makes the end result heat resistant, so that hot objects can be set on the counter without concern. The surface of the material is designed to be easily wiped and cleaned, creating a long lived household product.

Sanlu Milk ? with Melamine

Use Glass or good Bone China kitchen wares instead of plastic.

Melamine is not safe for Microwave or high temperature cooking situation.

Use Special strength glass or relatively ok...use stainless tools

Wishing you good health

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Asthma may be trigger by Paracetamol( example..Panadol)

use of paracetamol for fever in the first year of life was associated with an increased risk of asthma symptoms when aged 6–7 years

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stress ? to the whole world

When no suitors line up to buy a bank or broker-dealer whose stock falls by 95%, it usually reflects a lack of faith in how positions are marked, rather than a comment on future business prospects. There are signals of price confusion everywhere (a). One solution to this impasse is a more violent form of price discovery that takes place when entities fail, and assets are sold en masse to willing buyers. With visibility on what large blocks trade for, investors in smaller size would finally get a better sense of the clearing price. The de-leveraging virus claimed its first victim in June 2007 with a mortgage hedge fund that was leveraged 25 to 1. It spread to other entities, whose leverage is noted in parentheses: structured investment vehicles (11 to 1), stat arb hedge funds (10 to 1), monoline insurance companies like AMBAC (100 to 1), Swiss banks (65 to 1), publicly traded stocks mimicking mortgage hedge fund strategies (32 to 1), entire brokerage firms (30 to 1), and then more recently, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (75 to 1). Leverage in insurance company financial products subsidiaries is sometimes unknowable; one firm with close to a half a trillion in exposure was leveraged over 200 to 1 right before the credit markets turned in June of 2007.

The Fed does not have the inclination nor the ammunition to prevent such entities from falling short of capital. So, what lies ahead may be more business failures, and more selling pressure across equity and credit markets from today's levels, perhaps more than we anticipated a couple of months ago. I don't know how long it will take for over-leveraged assets to find a new home, and a new price. Sovereign wealth fund injections appear to have been premature, and serve as a cautionary tale for bottom-fishing too soon. But the wall of cash is indisputably rising on many fronts

quoted 16th Sep 08

concentration traiining







Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Bipolar link found to older fathers

Children born to older fathers face a greater chance of developing bipolar disorder, according to one of the largest studies linking mental illness with advanced paternal age.

Researchers analysed Swedish national registry data from more than 80,000 people, including 13,428 with bipolar disorder, who were born between 1932 and 1991.

The risks started increasing around age 40 but were strongest among those 55 and older. Children born to these fathers were 37 per cent more likely to develop bipolar disorder than those born to men in their 20s.







如何适当地 做心脏检测?

心脏猝死病因在35岁以上患者几乎90%是由冠心病引起。死因是由于冠状动脉粥样斑块的破裂,以及随即发生的血栓形成造成急性心肌梗死和严重心律失 常而导致。这些病患者可以在临床上无先兆,或只有血管轻中度狭窄病变(狭窄度低于75%)中发生。这些引发冠状动脉闭塞并导致死亡的不稳定斑块,我们医学 称之为“易损斑块”。   从临床角度来看,要测出哪些病人是否有血管狭窄病变,甚至于是否有“易损斑块”,至今还是个莫大的挑战。目前冠心病测试法种类繁多, 其中包括传统的X光平面、平板运动负荷测试、超声心动图负荷测试、核素心肌灌注,还有最新的64排断层扫描(MSCT)、磁共振血管扫描(MRI),甚至 有侵入性的血管内超声成像(intravascular ultrosound)、光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography)等来探测“易损斑块”

plan for Travelling

Happy to travel to Kuala Lumpur, then Auckland New Zealand.
All trips well taken care by children who also put up a theme to observe new renewable energy plants and sites including Geo Thermal energy, Wind farm for electricity. is cold winter in the southern hemisphere and my children have arranged nice hot spring spa and resort hotel with warm indoor bath, and natural ' cpecial cool' winter snowy mountain and near moon cake festival moon light scenery.

Thanks for the moon cake...Nice to have the right mood.