Shocking news of 6 students and their teacher died after encountered 'flash flood' during a outdoor activities few days ago in North island of New Zealand.
My good friend Mr. Fung also heard about it. Since his son is working in Hamilton hospital of New Zealand the news reach our group much faster than other social group.
Prevention is better than cure ( talking is easy ???). The flash blood is related to unusual rainfall for few days. Just quote an example of friends cancelling their trip to China during the January touring period thus avoided the deadly snow storm. It is interesting to check the average rainfall for 6 months and check the prediction ( forcast) too.
The fact is, it is definately possible to check the future rainfall and plan for creative activities.
It is justify to spend time to plan ahead. Everybody feel bad to see such accident as happened to the 6 students and their brave teacher.
See longpaddock and click world prediction to get an understanding of long term planning. Worth while to discuss this matter. It is going to lead to future happiness.