Friday, April 01, 2005


Why the topic of detergents? cleaning liquid, soap like material? why this is related to preventive medicine?

If you see there are some thing wrong in your fish pond with more female fish, you may wonder why. If you see there are more development problem among your relatives or children( grand children), then, are you going to wonder and worry?

My friend noticed that there are more boys acting like girls. He asked this question,''will there be more gays ?''. He is starting to worry since he realised recently that his boy act like a girl.

Ok. This is very important ***** Detergents using chemical Alkyl Phenols is dangerous in the longrun. accumulation in the body occured after we consumed fish, meat, vegetables, beans contaminated by water with Alkyl Phenols. Thus causing estrogen like effect..

What is the big deal about estrogen in the environment??? Yes. it is serious..*****

cancer, intimately associated with development, is acommon occurrence in bodily systems like the breast and the prostatewhich are controlled by hormones.Metabolism, immune protection, brain and sexual development - all aredependent on minute concentrations of hormones and their accompanyingactivating receptor molecules. These are substances in concentrationsequivalent to one drop of vermouth in many thousands of rail tankersof gin.A wide range of industrially produced chemicals also bind to thesereceptor molecules and become biologically active. They are known asendocrine (hormone) disruptors.The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been gathering evidencefor six years about the handful of dioxins and PCB endocrinedisruptors that bind to the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) hormone receptor inliving organisms. The EPA is studying only the variety of effects thatdepends on this binding to occur.Very tiny concentrations of hormones are normally required to eliciteffects. These are typically in the low parts per trillion, just a fewthousand hormone-receptor pairs in a developing embryo. For example,in male humans, testosterone is produced by a genetic command tochange our (always female) developing sex organs to male ones in thethird month after conception.
***** Do something...not just worrying...


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