Saturday, March 12, 2005

Happy Doctors !

Why the topic...Happy Doctors
Few friends wish that they could see happy doctors in government hospitals. the recommendations are:
1. Happy doctors are from happy family where they learned to be courteous since childhood.
2. Happy docotrs are people who pratice empathy, really try to care about your problems.
3. Happy doctors are keen to learn and keen to share the best knowledge with patient friends.
4. Happy doctors are people who know the history of medicine, which is human culture
5. Happy docotrs know culture, 'living' of people from various area, and background.
6. Happy doctors care about you like taking care of his or her own babies.

( Initially they mentioned that they were scolded rudely by governement hospital staffs. I ask them to think of a positive way to promote eduction to ensure there are more happy and deligent doctors)


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