Friday, March 11, 2005

good question

A friend asked a good question. He asked" Can Hypertension be cured ?? "

If you have a good car with trouble, do you think you can send your car to be fixed and run smoothly again? the answer is affirmative ... YES !

Find the causes of Hypertension. There are many causes that can be treated and hypertension heal and many cases do not have to take medication anymore.
quoted are the various type of Hypertension:
1. Conn's syndrome( a type of tumour, hypertension cure after removal of hyperaldosteronism)
2. Cushing's syndrome ( if steroid level controlled to normal, then cure)
3. Prgnancy with Toxaemia ( with good treatment, 90 % healed, especially after childbirth)
4. Nephritis ( Kidney infection) majority, 80 % of children case cured
5. Arterioslerosis ( if treated properly, blood vessels can improved )
6. Coartation of aorta ( treatment avilable. surgeon may operate and cure)
7. Renal artery stenosis ( such asfibromuscular narrowing of artery, can cure)
8. Renal Artery stenosis due to atheromatous plaque

These are only some of the examples of casues of Hypertension that can be treated. then one can live a normal life. Do you consider this a cure ?
so, if you have sent your car for repair and now you can drive at maximum speed without black exhaust fume. do you think your car is 'cured'. You might have trouble again in the future. so, just take care and you will have a wonderful service for many years.


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