In one of the best Herb Encycloepaedia of Herb in China, rice is classcified as a useful herb. Of course Chinese tea or just common tea from India, Malaysia, sarawak, any brand such as Mayang tea.
Never try to consume one type of herb in excessive amount. If overloaded with starchy rice, then our body may not be able to function properly and soon Diabetes Mellitus sickness attach us.
Mind you the tea from some area where pepper farming was carried out, then the DDT in the soil will get inside the tea and we will suffer after DDT accumulate in our body.
Try small amount. for a longer period of time to ensure safety. Invariably, all good scientists will agree that excessive amount of any herb is harmful. Even excessive water within a short period of time( for example, drinking 5 litres of pure clean water within one hour kill majority of strong man) casued hyponatremia and cerebral, brain, oedema. The brain just swell like sponge. Unconsciousness.....then death.
OK, back to the topic of herbs. The first herb I tried during my childhood time is Basil (Ocimum Basilicum). My mum fried eggs with small pieces of Basil leaves added to the fried egg. It is really good. try it.
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