My friend said takin gherb is like taking vegaetable !?
Serious *****
We must learn how to protect ourselves. Taking herb should be supervised by good physicians. The famous scholar Paracelsus' classic saying that'all substances are poisonous and nothing is without a poison effect, that only the dosage determines whether what we take is poisonous or not', holds true for medicinal plants and their extracts, and also vegetables, fruits.
Lots of modern medicines are from herbs. Originally Digitalis is from Foxglove plant, which is avilable in every backyard in northern England ( I have searched for the plants in UK). Most of such medicines are from modern factory nowsaday. manufactured in Pharmaceutical production line with advance chemistry method. Thus it is accurate in dosage and can be used for treatment safely and effectively.
Any examples of side-effects of herbs, plants.???
Fox Glove( digitalis), for example, for treating heart diseases, leads to accumulation in the heart muscle and caused heart block and death. Long term use of Juniper has an adverse effect on the kidneys. Uninterrupted continuous drinking of mint tea has an adverse effect on the blood count. Allergic reactions and skin damage are also known in the case of Rue, Bishhop's weed, which furthermore carries with it the danger of liver adn kidney damage.
Too much vitamin a is poisonous ?? yes
A simple way is to take natural food such as carrot. Please cook it and before cooking, cut into cube, slices which you think is convenient for you( chewing and also look nice). Do try to overdose by making large quantity of juice. If one prefer to take a little bit of uncooked carrot, then take a piece of carrot about the size of your thumb each day. If you take raw carrot alternate day, it is relatively safe to take a piece as big as your ( ) know the answer.
How about taking carrot once in a year. Can I take 365 X 10 grams ? ( your answer ? )
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